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Lesson Plan

Date: June 4, 2021

Grade/Class: 5/6
Time: 30 minutes
Topic: Movement
Unit: Ultimate Frisbee
Teacher: Kathy Rowan

Lesson Outcomes / Purpose

Essential Understandings Curricular Outcomes/Achievement Indicators
The students will know: The student will be able to:
Students will utilize their understanding of Identify examples of fair play and good teamwork
gameplay, teamwork, individual skills, and Spirit of by others (e.g., showing respect for all players,
the Game (SOTG) to play a game of Ultimate Frisbee. making encouraging remarks to other players...) in
different physical activities.

Essential Questions K.1.6.C.3

Why is spirit of the game essential to ensure all Identify simple offensive and defensive
participants enjoy the game? strategies (e.g., "give and go", marking an opponent,
formations...) employed in lead-up games of
different sports.

Cross-Curricular/Real World Connections

- Ability to resolve problems with others.

- Math: counting score
- Options to play unorganized sports with
others without officials.

Materials (ICT considered) Differentiation Strategies

handouts, ICT equipment, etc. Consider cultural diversity, variations, and groupings
Include exemplars / samples
- Teams were predetermined by teacher to
- 12 cones ensure equality, and the students will keep
- Discs (1 per every 2 students) their same team.
- 2 gator balls - Students may choose their own partner for
- Phone for music the warm-up throwing and catching practice.
- Speaker - If it is obvious that more practice of disc
throwing and catching is needed to keep the
game moving along,
switch out the disc for a gator ball.
References/Sources for Lesson Key Words/Vocabulary

- SOTG: spirit of the game- using excellent sportsmanship. Players themselves are
edia/vYECTIR3cp/o/the-ultimate-frisbee-experience- responsible for fair and honourable play.
complete-lesson-plans-for-teachers-2.pdf - Backhand throw: easiest throw to learn.
- Pancake catch: easy and effective catch.
- Turnover: when the opposite team gains
possession of the disc.
- Foul: when a player initiates contact on
another player.
- Endzone: the ends of the field where a point
is scored.

Assessment Evidence
Assessment FOR learning Assessment AS learning Assessment OF learning

Students will be assessed based on Students will self-assess based on Students will be assessed based
observations of executing fair play comprehension of gameplay and on ability to incorporate and
and ability to perform a backhand skills, as well as SOTG throughout execute SOTG model while
throw and pancake catch the lesson. playing an organized game
effectively. without a referee.

Learning Plan
Considerations for the Learning Plan: What strategies / activities will I use? How
will I encourage active thinking? What questions will I pose to foster student Time
critical thinking?

Activate Have students run one lap around the track for a warm-up. 8 mins
Students will grab a disk and will proceed to practice the backhand throw and
pancake catch with a partner.
(While the students are warming up, the cones will be placed in a large rectangular
form, similar to a football or soccer field. 2 fields will be needed.)

Hook Get students to gather in a group and explain to them that today is the day that
they will utilize the skills and knowledge they have attained and developed over 2 mins
the past few days.
Acquire How to play. Knowledge.
Review the Backhand Throw:
• Swing your throwing arm forward, keeping the disc parallel to the ground. 4 mins
• As you release the disc, flick your wrist. This gives the disc spin. Spin makes the
disc fly straighter and further.
• Upon release, your hand should be pointing at your target.

Review the Pancake Catch:

• Keep your eyes on the disc. Position your body square to the disc.
• Use 2 hands to catch the disc.

Review SOTG:
• You as a player are responsible for honesty and fairness on the field.
• Playing with Spirit means you should admit when you are wrong.
• Retaliation is never an option. If you feel you are being mistreated on the field,
talk to your teacher or coach.

Teacher will explain the rules to the students.

The basic rules can be explained in less than a minute:
• You cannot run with the disc. Establish a pivot foot before throwing.
• The disc can be passed in any direction.
• Any time a pass is incomplete, intercepted, or lands out-of-bounds, a turnover
occurs and the other team takes possession.
• A point is scored when you catch the disc in the end zone.
• Physical contact results in a foul and the disc is returned to the thrower.

Apply - Teacher will divide the students into their existing teams and assign them 15 mins
to a field against an opposing team.
- Games will be played in 5-minute time frames. Each team will play each of
the other 3 teams.
First 5 minutes: team 1 vs team 4, team 2 vs team 3
Next 5 minutes: team 1 vs team 2, team 3 vs team 4
Last 5 minutes: team 1 vs team 3, team 2 vs team 4

Closure Why are we doing this? Debriefing 1 min

Teacher will remind students that Ultimate stresses sportsmanship and fair play.
Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between
players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play. Learning sportsmanship
and fair play skills will promote unorganized games with others.

Reflections about the lesson:

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