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Architectural Design 3 Yarmouk University

(AE- 321) Course Syllabus Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology

Dr. Marwa Al Khalidi Department of Architectural Engineering
Sun. &Tue. (11:00-15:00)

Case Study Checklist

− Site Level:
• Location: macro scale- micro scale
• Size of the site and building ratio
• Orientation of the building
• Surrounding Landmarks
• Major access to site- Entry and Exist
• Topography
• Surrounding context: neighborhood, views, any sensitive aspect
• Barrier of free environment or element of outside to block visual and sound noise
• Views

Building level:

− Vertical zoning and elements: circulation, elevators, mechanical shafts if it has certain influence
over the general design (size and area)
− Horizontal zoning: locations of entrances, main corridors, bridges, vehicle or pedestrian
walkways. (size and area)
− Program of the case: locations of different activities within the plan, details of areas, dimensional
properties, Floor area, and dimensions.
− Typology of spaces- theme- list of activities: recreational, cultural, outdoor, supportive services
− Hierarchy of spaces: public spaces, private spaces, semi-public, semi-private.
− Sense of orientation in relation to special spaces
− Spatial order/ organization/ form (decision behind the form)
− Sense of scale- proportion
− Structure
− Balance
− Space and void relations

Aesthetic Evaluation

− Relationship between the site, building, landscape element and main axes of access to the site (in
terms of area, location and view).
− Approaches to the site
− Interaction with the surrounding site
− Special features (museum, heritage)
− Used materials on the elevations, interior design
Architectural Design 3 Yarmouk University
(AE- 321) Course Syllabus Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology
Dr. Marwa Al Khalidi Department of Architectural Engineering
Sun. &Tue. (11:00-15:00)
Site Analysis Criteria
− Location: where it is located within the city, neighborhood, surrounding context
• Geological maps (topography), distance and travel times between the site and other
locations of importance, existing car parking, major roads (width, traffic conjuctions).
− Neighborhood context:
• immediate surrounding of the site describing surrounding zones, buildings, and other
significant possible impacts on the project
• if there are any exterior spaces (how people are using them), any dominant activities.
• Immediate vernacular context: materials, architectural features
• Any nearby historical buildings
− Zoning and consideration: dimensional considerations, such as the boundaries of the site, built-
up area, accessibility, site area, site restrictions like traffic conjunctions.
− Legal information: restriction, building code, setbacks, height restrictions, future urban
development plans, surrounding land use.
− Natural physical features, such as actual feature in relation to trees, rocks, topography, natural
reserve, natural drainage pattern
− Man-made feature: existing building, surrounding vernacular, hazards, sensitive functions
− Circulation: vehicle and pedestrian movements towards the site, and within the site, duration of
heavier patterns, future development of surrounding the site location, public transportation near to
the site, locations of best accesses for pedestrian and vehicles.
− Climate: all climate information that might influence the design decision for instance rain
flooding during winter, sun glaring during sometime of the day
− Sensory including visual sensory such as surrounding views, noise, audible aspects. Sensory also
includes any positive or negative factors can attribute to the general condition of the site and the
design process (positive and negative views).
− Human and cultural conditions: this might include cultural, psychological, behavioral, and
sociological aspects from the surrounding neighborhood. Other human and cultural factors can
include ethnic patterns, density, employment, etc.

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