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How I got my name

Sharmakay Hyde

Dept of English, Ed.

ENC0001, Basic English

Prof. Mark

September 30,2021
How did I get my name? My name is actually a mixture of my mother's name Charmaine and her

first niece Annakay. My Aunt Violet decided on the name after my mom told her that she was

going to name me Catherine after my grandmother. Charma-Kay was how it was spelt at first

but my mother said it looked too flat so she changed the C to a S. She then took out the hyphen

after her friend came to visit her and told her to add an E to the end Sharmakaye. She eventually

got rid of the E and it was just Sharmakay. My mom wanted to name me Catherine after my

grandmother but my aunt told her that it was an old lady’s name. My dad wanted to name me

Ashley after his friend daughter but mommy said it was a white child’s name. My aunt violet

wanted to name me Viola after her my mom said she didn’t like it because it sounded like an old

lady’s name.I’m glad my mom did not choose Viola as I think the name sounds like a crayola

crayon color.I like my name though it is unique. Growing up in Jamaica I never know anyone

with my name except one person but hers is spelt with the C. Most people name is Shaunakay

not Sharmakay. Growing up my name got miss pronounced a lot. It used to bother me but not

anymore. I just tell people to call me Kay saves me a lot of time instead of trying to tell them

how to pronounce my name.

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