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I. Introduction
A. Teen Pregnancy Prevention
B. Parents acceptance on contraceptives
C. Teenage pregnancies can be prevented with the use of Contraceptives it can also
help to prevent from contracting std or sti

II. Contraceptives- in 2002-2010 teen pregnancy declined because of the use of

contraceptives. (Basel)
A. Condoms- a rubber used to prevent pregnancy and std/sti
B. Pill – taken daily to prevent pregnancy
C. IUD -small device placed in the uterus to prevent against pregnancy

III. Programs
A. BTIO (Baby Think It Over)- infant simulator
B. STI/STD Prevention Programs-condoms other than abstinence are the only way to
prevent pregnancy or std/sti
C. Care Programs-pre/post-natal care
D. Healthcare- provides medical and psychosocial care

IV. Social And Ethical

A. Dependent on Welfare-need help from the government
B. independence- wants to prove that they can do it on their own

V. Who should be blamed for teen pregnancy?

A. Parents – by not talking about sex or contraceptive
B. Lack of knowledge- young
C. Limited resources- poor

VI. Abstinence
A. 100 % Prevention
B. Effective
C. Better Mental Health

VII. Conclusion
A. While contraception can help prevent pregnancy it does not always work.
B. Abstinence is the most effective and preventable way to avoid teen pregnancy.

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