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* Jackie Robinson is married to a

wonderful nurse named Rachel Robinson
then she ended up having 3 kids and the
first kid was Sharon Robinson then they
had two more And they were boys.

● My first reason is that Jackie Robinson

wants all citizens to believe in equal
rights. But Jackie robinson is the only
black player in the brooklyn Dodgers and
he is the first black player in brooklyn
dodgers that is playing baseball but one
good thing is that he showed his own
team what he was in baseball because
for first when he got in the brooklyn the
other players were looking at him
because he was a black citizen but it
doesn’t matter about the skin it matters
about the inside of JR. In the text is say’s
that one way that JR. protected himself
protested this injustice was by refusing to
play any sport for the Army.

*My second reason of factory of success

is that Jackie robinson Is also one of the
bravest players in the brooklyn dodgers
that was make fun of because of his skin
color but he didn’t really care about what
other players were doing to him but he
was the one who really won for the
brooklyns but then he started to joke
around with the team but the bad part of
this is that he throw a black cat at one of
the baseball players.

The factory of success that was most

important in my opinion is a free society. I
believe that Jackie Robinson didn’t move to the
back of the bus. And I also noticed that Jackie
Robinson also broke the color barrier.
So now you know what Jackie Robinson did to be

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