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wo 15 Texto Power Needs Clear Eyes* A great power knows it is dangerous to be seen to flinch, because its assorted enemies around the Wodd take new heat and is friends’ knees knock. A great power also knows that if ‘ets out on an adventure without seeing precisely what needs o, and how to doit it can get into bad trouble. n Grenada, Pres ‘deft Reagan this week rejected the Minch and moved in to achie- ve a clearly dented, and achievable, objective. In much more Tebanon, he is sil berween the rock and the hard pla ‘ce. The bombings in Beut which killed about 300 American and French soldiers on Sunday morning make i plain that the United Sates went into Lebanon last year With fine general intentions but without, after the fist few weeks, either a clear plan of action of ‘he miarystenggh needed o carryout one possible clear plan of “The relatively easy business in Grenada, ike Britain's difcat business in the Falklands last year, hac a staightforward objective the defeat and removal ofa fatly small number of men who had shot their way into local power. The operation in Lebaron has no such simpli. The fourcounty force, of which the Americ’. marines are the core, was originally intended to be a cordon be- tween the Israck army on the Usk of Beirut and the shambles ‘thin the city. But then the Israels pulled back from the edge of Beirut and the marines, having salled away and hurriedly saled buck again, found themselves superasing a mishmash of very di ferent purposes Part of the new job, admirably done by the talians, was 10 protect the surviving Palestinians in the refugee camps of southern 7 Fe Betmomts, 29 deocute de 183 eins The rest of the mulkinatonal force sli, inexorably, into politics. The French were there to demonstrate that Lebanon was 30 Silla French imerest ‘The tiny Brssh unit was there to hold an ‘American litle finger. The American contingent last month used ‘naval gunfce to save the Maronite Christan sala andthe Leba ‘nese any from defeat by the Druzes in the hills above Bett. But the Americans have also been tying co persuade the minoiy 35 _-Marontes to give up some of the majonty of Lebanese political power they have held since 1943. I is sometimes necessary 2 protect a man with one arm while removing is wousers with de Other buc itis not easy to explain wo the people watching on tele ‘sion: of the man hime 0 ‘The phrases used by the spokesmen to jusify the Amercan presence in Lebanon "restoring peace’ and ‘recreating the Lebanese state are bland words for commendable objectives, Butea ough ad realy, despon of the complet they conceal The Americans need to lean back, remember what thee 45 interests in the Middle East are, and then apply these interests to the problem they fice in Lebanon, Promunuscananasss Intencion: Establecer los objetivos y complejidades de la politica es- tadounidense en Libano, y contrastarios con los objetivos de Sina. Tipo de texto: Informativ. ector: Lector inglés culto con unos conocimientos generales buenos sobre el tema, ‘Marco: Revista Con grandes intereses politices y econ6micos. Lenguaje: Culto, informal, con gran variedad de metaforas y colo- uialismos, La prosa es buena y el tono cordial, clido. JIntencién del traductor. Traducir el texto con exactitud y economia ‘para un lector espaol culto de una revista similar, o para un lente, No hay problemas de transferencia de cultura. ‘Método: Comunicativo, con la mirada puesta en el lector. Aucunos moots RNCLLANES Titulo: Alusivo. Cimbienlo por un titulo descriptive. Qué tal, por Gjemplo, "FE UU en Libano’? (En el caso de quedar ast cpor qué). ‘Sintaes: Oraciones bastante largas. Pasiblestranspesiciones gramaticales: to be sen to finch (1); bas mo ‘such simplicity (18-19); The bombings...illed (9); fourcountry force (19); In much more important Lebanon (7-8). 310 Términos geogrifices:Falllands; Grenada. Metaforas 1. Muertas: core (20); moved in (6); pulled back (22); sailed amvay 2) 2, Bitereotipadas flinch (1); kmees knock (3); get into bad; trouble (Gy; shambles (21; shot their way into (18); cordon (20); lean back 49). 3. Originals: slide into politics (28-29), protect with one arm while ‘removing bis trousers with the otber 37-38) 4. Oscuras: between the rock and the hard place (8); (metiora americana); tiny unit to bold a ttle finger 30-3). Léxico: Assorted (2); fine (11), business (16); straighyforward (6y; ‘marines (20); inexorably (28); militia (32), bland (82). Goloquialismos: shambles 21), mishmash 24), Recreaciones: rejected the flinch (6). Repeticién: clear plan of action (12). Concuusiox Qué grado de (1) exactitud y @) economia es probable que tenga la traducci6n? {Qué cantidad de significado se perders al traducir las ‘numerosas metiforas, los pocos cologuialismos y los verbos frasales Informales? Deberfa el waductor ahadis mas informacion sobre Gre- ‘nada, Falklands, o sobre alguna otra cosa? Nota: Las dificultades (significado y waducci6n) de todos los pro bblemas se deben aiscutin no basta con dar listas, como que assorted significa "diferente", “variado", etc. Se traduciré por uno, o por das 0 tues adjetivos? 31

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