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Mokh. Arif Bakhtiyar

Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim


Notwithstanding some non-English speaking countries’ curriculum has changed over time, the
students’ vocabulary acquisition remains pathetic. The evidence of the plight of students’ mastery on
vocabulary can be easily and obviously found on their daily basis activity of English learning.
Teachers are encouraged to employ various approaches, methods, or strategies to meet the goal of
the improvement of pupils’ vocabulary. This article suggests an idea of how to develop it through
blended learning by employing WhatsApp. WhatsApp has now been ubiquiotous application attached
in students’ smartphone which brings through students and teachers to be connected anytime and
anywhere. The utilization of WhatsApp in language teaching is believed to prompt learners’
motivation which in the end will lead them to learn vocabulary effectively.

Keywords: blended learning, vocabulary, WhatsApp


Meskipun beberapa negara yang tidak berbicara bahasa Inggris telah merubah
kurikulumnya dari waktu ke waktu, pemerolehan kosakata siswa masih tetap menyedihkan.
Bukti keadaan memilukan dari lemahnya penguasaan kosakata siswa tersebut dapat dengan
mudah ditemukan dalam kegiatan keseharian pembelajaran bahasa Inggris mereka. Guru
didorong untuk menerapkan berbagai macam pendekatan, metode atau strategi untuk
memenuhi tujuan meningkatkan kosakata siswa. Artikel ini mengusulkan ide bagaimana
mengembangkan kosakata melalui pembelajaran campuran atau blended earning dengan
menggunakan WhatsApp. Aplikasi ini sekarang telah merajalela dan tersemat pada ponsel
pintar siswa yang mampu menghubungkan siswa dan guru kapanpun dan dimanapun.
Penggunaan WhatsApp dalam pembelajaran bahasa dipercaya mampu mendorong motivasi
siswa yang mana pada akhirnya akan membuat mereka belajar kosakata secara efektif.

Keywords: blended learning, kosakata, WhatsApp

Nidhomul Haq: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

ISSN: 2503-1481 Hal: 106-112
Introduction computer. It connects everyone either in
personal or group in the exact and real time.
Blended learning has become a
Almost all teachers or students have now
trend in education, particularly language
operated the application in their every single
teaching. It enables teachers and students
day with the very high frequency of use. It has
to learn a lesson both inside and outside of been a trend now in society that people do
classroom. It is a „multimedia technology, communication through WA. This situation
CD ROM video streaming, virtual should be deemed as a great chance to propel
classroom, voicemail, email, conference the implementation of blended learning in
call, online text animation or video- classroom.
streaming‟ which is „combined with The ability of WA to connect a teacher
traditional forms of classroom training and and a group of students everywhere and every
one-to-one coaching‟ (Thorne, 2003: 16-17). time opens possibilities for teachers and
Through blended learning, students do not students to learn English language skills
only study when they are at school including vocabulary. This article will depict

environment but also at home or the importance of learning vocabulary, the

somewhere else. presence of WA in modern days as well as its

use in language teaching. In the last section,
Vocabulary inevitably prescribes the
this article will provide some steps of how to
successful key of learning a foreign language.
use WA in vocabulary teaching.
All four language skills; listening, speaking,
reading, and writing, consist of and involve
bundle of words which make up a unity of
Vocabulary: Its Importance and How to
meaning. Anyone who possesses big storage
Teach It
of vocabularies surely outperforms the one
“If language structures make up the
who has less. Unfortunately, students of non-
skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that
English speaking country are destitute in
provides the vital organs and the flesh”
terms of vocabulary mastery. They get
(Harmer, 1991:153). This is to show how
difficulty to understand information as well as
essential the existence of vocabulary in
to deliver it. Consequently, the majority of
building a language. Besides, it can also be
them are left in taking up global chance or
said that vocabulary is the most important part
challenge since they still do struggle on
of a language. In line with Harmer, Sadenova
language matter meanwhile others have no
et al. (2017) asserted that vocabulary is one of
problem on it.
language foundations. The stronger the
WhatsApp (hereafter WA) has come
foundation, the better the language someone
into existence recently as the most used
has. It is no wonder that a student who masters
application at user‟s smartphone or personal

Mokh. Arif Bakhtiyar
Nidhomul Haq, Vol 2 No 2 Tahun 2017

thousands of word could communicate in Teacher and learner are facing real
spoken or written form very well. significance and complexity of vocabulary
learning (Elekaei et al., 2015). Thus, teaching
Many realize that second language
vocabulary should be best done through a
acquisition is closely related to vocabulary
certain method or strategy. A foreign language
acquisition. Acquiring vocabulary determines
teacher should have innovative way in doing
the success of second language use and plays
so (Hadi, 2017). The method or strategy a
vital role of forming spoken or written text
teacher uses finally determines the success of a
(Maximo, 2000; Nation, 2001; Schmit, 2000).
learner. Pupils are so motivated when they are
Many ways are available to increase the
led in various ways of learning something so
amount of memorized words. Second
that they could receive materials in
language acquirers commonly do not bring
comfortable way.
grammar books but dictionary to master a
language (Krashen, 1981). They simply tend to Research on vocabulary teaching
improve their bulk of vocabularies through recently provide a reference that teacher may
memorizing by using it. Some people speak or consider before being implemented in
read as much as they can with the purpose of classroom setting. Damhuis et al. (2016)
raising their vocabulary. investigated the the effect of adaptive word
retrieval intervention children‟s vocabulary
Rationally, the four language elements
acquisition in kindergarten level. The result
are made up of words which people call as
showed that the activity could encourage
vocabulary. In listening, the skill of catching
higher learning gains of the target words.
any words spoken by someone or played by an
Hassinger-Das et al. (2016) examined the
audible media is the successful key. However,
impact of combination of shared book reading
someone must have enough vocabulary to do
and gameplay on preschooler‟s vocabulary
so. In speaking, a student can communicate
knowledge. The finding revealed that the
with others when he has all vocabularies he
treatment could improve learner‟s vocabulary.
needs in the communication. It will be hard for
Similar research has been conducted by
anyone to speak with others when he or she
Wahyuni & Safei (2016) on the use of Action
has very little vocabulary. In reading, it is
Bingo game to elementary students. The result
obvious that vocabulary appoints one‟s
denoted that the game could increase students‟
comprehension. He may get misunderstanding
motivation and eased them to understand the
or misconception when he cannot translate the
meaning of each verb in English. Lin & Hsu
text accurately. Lastly, people may write easily
(2013) examined the effects of hierarchy
when they have many vocabularies.
vocabulary exercises on elementary students‟
For those reasons, teaching or learning
vocabulary acquisition. The finding of the
vocabulary becomes essential as to get
research revealed that the activity could
perfection in foreign language mastery.

increase vocabulary gains. Another finding one class can join in an activity. It opens a
denoted that it could also improve reading chance that a classroom activity or language
comprehension. study through WA out of school time may take
place. A teacher can easily control the activity
There are quite lot of evidences that
for he just needs to open his WA anytime and
teaching vocabulary should be practiced
anywhere. In addition, dealing with education
through a certain design involving particular
matter, WA has provided a service of sending
method or strategy. The research done by
documents in the form of word, excel, or pdf.
some scholars above bring positive result into
Thus, a teacher or student may send some
the practice. Teachers or educators are
documents required in a teaching learning
strongly encouraged to widen their knowledge
on how to teach vocabulary prior to the
practice. Research on the use of WA in
educational setting has gained popularity
recently. Güler (2017) investigated the use of
WhatsApp in Education, ELT, and WA as assessment tool in higher education.
Vocabulary Teaching The application was used as anonymous and

WhatsApp is “a cross-platform instant non-anonymous peer assessment tool. Two

messaging application for smartphones. It groups were created; anonymous and non-

enables users to send and receive location anonymous group. The anonymous group used

information, images, video, audio and text the personal messaging of WA for assessment,

messages in real-time to individuals and while in doing so the non-anonymous group

groups of friends at no cost” (Church & de used the group chat of WA. It was confirmed

Oliveira, 2013:352). People just need internet that WA was a valid peer assessment tool for

connection to operate it. The user of WA gains such assessment required the anonymity of a

increasing from time to time. The advent of method. Aljaad (2017) investigated the use of

WA ouotpeforms Short Message Service WA for educational usage particularly female

(SMS) as the king of messaging service. This students in Saudi Arabia. As many 122 female

is due to the extraordinary features that WA students of a certain university were given

has particularly for its real-time speed. questionnaire. The result denoted that the most
useful values of WA for female students were
As indicataded before, WA has
curriculum development, students‟ club
capability to send message, picture, audio, and
activation, and scientific research use. Nitza &
video from one person to another or group.
Roman (2016:255) examined the use of WA
This feature enables some users to be in one
messaging in academia. The study found that
group where they may share everything.
WA served “for communicating with students,
Through this feature as well a teacher and a
nurturing a social atmosphere in the
group of students which is usually consisted of

Mokh. Arif Bakhtiyar
Nidhomul Haq, Vol 2 No 2 Tahun 2017

classroom, forming dialogue and method. Similar studies have been conducted
collaborations between students and as a by Hassan Taj et al. (2017), Jafari & Chalak
means of learning”. The research further (2016), and Ashiyan & Salehi (2016). All of
investigated whether the use of WA could them found that WA is effective to use in
improve students‟ writing of seminar paper. vocabulary teaching.
The finding revealed that WA has strong effect
on students‟ achievements in writing paper of
WhatsApp in the Teaching of Vocabulary
In English language teaching (ELT),
research on the use of WA has also been The background of theories and
conducted by some scholars lately. Zayed research based evidence of WA as well as its
(2016) designed some activities that possible use in the teaching of vocabulary open a
to use in ELT such as writing the names of possibility of employing it in the venture of
given emoticons and smileys, reading a given teaching vocabulary. As indicated before, this
topic or situation then discussing it in a group, article is going to provide an idea of how to
giving equivalent proverbs in students‟ native use WA in the teaching of English vocabulary.
language from a given proverbs in English, Prior to the implementation, a teacher
and still many more. Fattah (2015) examined should create a WA chat group consisting of
the effectiveness of WA in improving him or her and students from the same class.
students‟ writing skill. Experimental and The teacher then may follow the following
control group were created. The experimental steps:
group used WA to develop their skill of
 Make a list of words in which latter
writing while the control group used
students will learn three words each day.
prescribed book. The result showed that the
The words created are better in the form of
experimental group outperformed the control
various parts of speech, i.e. verb, adjective,
one after a post-test.
noun, etc.
In the teaching of vocabulary, some
 When students are not at school
scholars used WA as a tool to conduct the
environment anymore, upload the three
activity. Shahbaz & Khan (2017) examined the
words to the WA group.
effectiveness of the use of mobile application,
 Ask the students to make three sentences
particularly WA, to teach 40 phrases of
based on the words.
English. They divided students into
 Get the students to discuss peers‟ sentences
experimental and control group. The result
if any mistakes are made.
revealed that students who received treatment
using WA got significant higher score than The role of the teacher in this activity

those who learned through conventional is mainly to do supervision and assessment.

Supervision is absolutely required in this Prior to the implementation of the
activity since the program might not run well activity, teacher should prepare all required
when there is no supervision from the teacher. stuffs well. During the treatment, supervision
Assessment is also needed since students and assessment should be done for it
would be so motivated when they know that determines the success of the activity. The
what they are doing is assessed. Both teachers‟ activity should not run only for one or two
roles are believed to keep the program run months, but as long as the teacher teaches in
effectively. the classroom where the certain students are
Giving time limitation to make the
words into some sentences in WA chat group This article opens a possibility for any
is strongly encouraged so that when there is a researcher to do further investigation
student who does not upload yet till the given particularly on the effectiveness of the
time, the teacher can remind him or her utilization of WA in vocabulary teaching. The
directly. The teacher may also remind anyone future research is suggested to examine the
who uploads anything out of the track. While advantages and disadvantages of the activity.
the assessment can be done through observing This article also suggests an investigation of
students‟ liveliness in uploading the words and the use of WA and in the teaching of grammar
also how well they make the words into or writing.
sentences. The teacher had better give
comment when students‟ comments are

Conclusion Aljaad, N.H.M. (2017). WhatsApp for
Educational Purposes for Female Students
This article is an effort to explore the at College of Education – King Saud
possibilty of the use of WA in the teaching of University. Education, 137(3), 344-366.
vocabulary. The concept of WA as well as Alnajjar, M., & Brick, B. (2017). Utilizing
their evidence in research have been presented Computer-Assisted Vocabulary Learning
Tools in English Language Teaching:
as foundation before heading to the proposed
Examining In-Service Teacher‟s
activity. Teaching vocabulary should be done Perception of the Usability of Digital
through a certain strategy for a maximum Flashcards. International Journal of
Computer-Assisted Language Learning
output. This article has provided the way how
and Teaching, 7(1), 1-18.
to teach vocabulary through the employment
Ashiyan, Z., & Salehi, H. (2016). Impact of
of WA. Teacher or educator may take
WhatsApp on Learning and Retention of
advantage of this article and implement it into Collocation Knowledge among Iranian
their real classroom activity. EFL Learners. Advances in Language and
Literary Studies, 7(5), 112-127.

Mokh. Arif Bakhtiyar
Nidhomul Haq, Vol 2 No 2 Tahun 2017

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Mokh. Arif Bakhtiyar

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