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1. Keep two copies of the word as instance variables: one with the
word itself (named word), and one with the copy of the word the user
sees (with *’s in place of letters they haven’t guessed yet) (named

2. If you do the above, you can use this code to store a correct copy of
the blank word:
if(isInWord(word,guess)) {
correctGuesses += guess;
blankWord =
word.replaceAll("[^"+correctGuesses+"]", "*");

In this code, correctGuesses stores a String containing all letters that

the user has guessed correctly so far. This code updates blankWord to
store something like: *a**ma* if, for example, the user had correctly
guessed a and m in the word “hangman”.

3. Following this pattern, I need 4 instance variables:

String word; // stores the chosen word

String blankWord; // stores the word the user sees
String correctGuesses; // stores all the correct guesses so far
int inc; // stores number of incorrect guesses so far

correctGuesses might contain something like: “api” if a, p, and i are

all letters in the word that the user has guessed so far.

4. Detecting when the user has won can then be done by checking if
blankWord equals word.

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