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Here I will explain some road safety measures, the first Keep your distance, keep your distance

between your car and other cars in front or beside you, because if the car in front of you stop suddenly
you can brake or anticipate your car so it doesn’t crash.

Second there are buckle up. Wear your seat balt at all times. All vehicle are required to have
seat belts. Seat belt very important for safety to keep us in the seat safely. Can reduce shocks when
passing bumpy road or crash with other car. Seat belt must be checked before driving so that you can
know the condition of your seat belt is functioning or not.

The Third Obeserve the limit, this make it easy for you stop your vehicle when needed and gives
you enough time to react to any changes on the road because the faster your car is the harder it is to
control, and don’t speed on the highway because you don’t know what will happen on the road.

Next Follow traffic signals, prepare to stop at yellow light and do a full stop at red lights, and
green light for the road continues. And don’t break traffic sign because potential for accidents. And you
will be penalized or fined from police.

And The last, Never drink and drive, Drinking alcohol will only impair your driving. Don’t operate
a vehicle when you are inebriated or unconscious because it can make you unfocused while driving and
you can endanger yourself and others.

This is the end of my presentation thank you for attention and see you

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