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Name: B7 John Emmanuel A.

Date: September 9, 2021

Activity #1

Direction: Based on your research in asynchronous class about 10 Principle Of

Catholic Social Teaching. Explain the 10 principle of Catholic Social Teaching in a
simpler way to a transferee in Grade 7. Use the format below as you explain each

We are all the children of God; we all take part in
his Kingdom. We must take part and think for
the common good of our community. Solidarity.
Common Good
Life and Dignity of the Human Person One of God's greatest commandments is to
Solidarity came the French word "Solidaire"
We are all created in the likeness and image of which means sturdy, firm, and undivided. We
love our neighbors. We must bear witness to
God, we are a representation of our God. To must take action and be one with our
God's will and show concern for the well-being
respect and show our love for the Father, we community, so that unity can be achieved. We,
of our brethren in our society. We must serve
must show respect to our brethren and take note as a community, are stronger when we are
others without expecting anything in return; we
of their dignity as well. Disrespecting others can united.
should serve because we love our God and our
signify disrespect to our God.

Preferential Option for the Poor

Peace Every one of us is equal to the eyes of God. God
Peace is not merely the absence of war, the doesn't bat an eye to our riches, material
possessions, and state in life. As brethren, we

10 Principle
balance of power, nor is it silence in our
must extend our hand to the needy in our
society. A peaceful society is a just society, society, we must be the voice of the oppressed,
where equality and charity reign. It gives us and we should focus on the well-being of others,
the right to have a good relationship with

of Catholic
for our, God loves the weak and the needy, and
God. those who are rich in His Spirit.

Economic Justice
Social Stewardship of Creation
We are given the responsibility of taking care of
The economy is made to serve the people, not

the other way round. Every one of us has a right all of creation. Everything that God created has
to work, to have fair wages, and to work in safe its value. We must take action and give love to
working conditions. Work is a form of continuing our ecology, we must preserve our Earth's
participation in God’s creation. beauty, for the future of generations to come,
because Earth is our Home. Laudato Si

Subsidiarity & the Role of

Rights & Responsibilities Participation
We are responsible for how we utilize our rights. We are created to fill the Earth and interact with Government
We are also responsible to ensure the rights of each other. We are all entitled to work with each The promotion of Human Dignity, Human
our brethren. A well-ordered human society other and take part in the society that we live in. Rights, and the development of the common
requires that people recognize and observe their Without the participation of our society, many of good are rooted in our government. It is the
mutual rights and duties. Order in our society the branches that make up our society, like the government's task to recognize what is best for
will be fulfilled if we respect each other's rights. government, will come into disarray. the welfare of our society, and their decisions
can drastically affect the society itself. For the
government to do its job, society must also
show its support and participation.

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