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Spanish: Topic 06 - Numbers 1 - 10

2. Completa las operaciones Name:

► Instructions: Complete these sums by writing the correct number word in Spanish. Add up you score and write the
Spanish word for that number in 'Total' box below.

For 1 point:

1. uno + cinco = __________________________

2. diez - dos =____________________________

3. tres + tres= ___________________________

4. cuatro + seis = _________________________

5. ocho - siete = __________________________

6. nueve - cuatro= _______________________

For 2 points:

7. tres x tres= ___________________________

8. ocho ÷ dos = __________________________

For 3 points:

9. (tres x tres) - ocho = ____________________

10. (dos x cinco) - (nueve ÷ tres) = ___________


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