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Ashwini James Tambe

R. No. 2548, M. Phule Nagar,
Mohone, Kalyan.


The HR Manager,

Subject: Application for the post of Staff Nurse.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to apply for the post of Staff Nurse in your
esteemed Hospital. I have Completed Internship of Revised General Nursing And Midwifery Diploma
from K. J. Somaiya School and Nursing college.

Kindly find attached my updated C.V. and copies of my mark sheets along with Diploma certificates.
If selected for the said post, I assure you that I will complete all my responsibilities and duties to the
of my sincere and devoted abilities.

Hope you will consider my application and intimate me if I get selected.

Thank you in advance.

Yours Sincerely,

Ashwini James Tambe


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