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Asking and Giving Personal Information (part 2)

Besides knowing your new friend's name and address, I guess many of you ask for the phone number

so that it will be easy for you to keep in touch.

Talking about phone number, there are some things you need to pay attention to:

1. Say the phone number in single digits: 237-5232 (two-three-seven, five-two-three-two),

085647654321 (oh-eight-five, six-four-seven, six-five-four, three-two-one)

2. When 0 is in a phone number, it's pronounced "oh". You may use 'zero', but it is less common: 021-

631980 (oh-two-one, six-three-one, nine-eight-oh)

3. Use 'double' and 'triple': 5677-1110 (five-six-double seven, triple one-oh)

How to ask for phone number?

Q: "What's your phone/cell phone/ mobile phone number?"

A: "It's ....." or "My phone number is ....."

Look at the following picture about phone number in English and watch the YouTube video attached.

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