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The Bombay is an easy-going, yet energetic cat.

She does well in quiet apartments

where she’s the center of attention as well as in lively homes with children and
other pets. She’ll talk to you in a distinct voice, and you’re likely to find her
in the warmest spot in your home, whether that’s in the sunlight from a window or
curled up under the covers in bed with you.

Bombays are smart and learn tricks quickly, so keep them entertained by teaching
them new tricks and providing them interactive toys to play with.

12 to 16 years

Bombays have a dramatic and deep black coat. The black coat is dominant, but
occasionally a litter produces a sable-colored kitten, and some associations permit
these kittens to be registered as Burmese. Bombay eye color ranges from gold to

Aside from her black coat, the Bombay resembles the Burmese. She has a larger and
longer body, however, and longer legs. Her rounded head is topped with straight,
wide-set, medium-sized ears and she has a medium-length tail.

Nikki Horner, a breeder from Louisville, KY, began developing the breed in the
1950s by crossing a sable Burmese with a black American Shorthair. The Cat Fanciers
Association (CFA) recognized the Bombay in 1978 and it’s recognized by all cat
associations today. Although outcrossing to black American Shorthairs and sable
Burmese is still permitted, it’s done infrequently due to the breeds’ differences
in body type.

The Bombay was bred to resemble the black leopard found in India. Horner named
the breed for the exotic port city where this wild feline is found.
Many Bombays are entirely black, including their paw pads, which isn’t a common
trait in other black cats.


The tight-knit coat of Bombay cats means they shed very little. Regular petting and
semi-weekly brushing removes loose hair and maintains the coat’s shine.

One genetic disease Bombay cats carry a risk for is a craniofacial defect sometimes
seen in newborn kittens. Responsible breeders do their best to avoid breeding cats
who carry the gene for this fatal defect, however. Bombays may also be more prone
to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, excessive tearing of the eyes and respiratory
issues due to their flat facial structure.
Choosing the Best Food for Bombay Cats

Your Bombay has a denser build than most cats, and her black satin coat hides
weight gain well, so it’s crucial to monitor her food intake. To help your Bombay
kitty maintain a healthy weight, consider a weight management cat food formula such
as Purina Cat Chow Adult Healthy Weight or Purina ONE Healthy Metabolism.
Choosing the Best Food for Bombay Kittens

Bombay cats develop more slowly than other breeds and may not reach full maturity
until they are 2 years old. To support your kitten’s growth and development during
this time, feed her a complete and balanced kitten food like Purina Kitten Chow –
Nurture or Purina ONE Healthy Kitten.

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