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ALGIERS – EAST * DAR EL-BEIDA * 2021- 2022

English Language Examination

The conception of the BEM guide is meant for the middle school teachers and examiners ( all key
stages). It should take into consideration the following criteria .

The main parts :

*Part One
*Part Two

 Here are some criteria to ensure readability of instruction.

1) Use of short and simple sentences

2) Don’t use rare words
3) Use the imperative: Order your instruction to the learners.
4) Avoid instructions using complex sentences.
5) When there is a process, put each element putting numbers or letters: a, b, ..
6) When the task is complex, exemplify.
7) When there are several possible answers, put the numbers.

a. Eg: Pick up the regular verbs

8) The scoring scale should appear for each part, each section and each activity.

9) The letter size (police) should be 12 New Romans (computer).

10) The text and the reading comprehension (section 01) activities should appear in the same page.

11) The instruction should be readable -written in bold type and underlined.

12) The exam paper should be aerated ( appropriate space and interline)

About the text :

1) It should be submitted for the 1st time.

2) It should be authentic or adapted. And convey National and Universal values
3) It should be limited from 12 to 15 lines .
4) The topic of the text must be in conformity to the official curriculum ( the Exit profile ).
5) It should be related to the learners’ age ; interests and background and the activities should
reflect the understanding of the text ( skim, scan and reading for detailed understanding)
6) The source should be mentioned at the end of the text .( the author, the publisher , the year of
publication , page….°
7) It should be mistake-free.
8) An illustration or a picture can be added .

9) It should be communicative and meaningful.

10) In section A (Reading Comprehension), the activities should reflect the candidates
understanding of the text (skim, scan and reading for detailed understanding).
11) General truth questions should be avoided (“Does the sun rise from the East ?” / “ Does water boil
at 100°” ? ).
12) The questions should cover the whole text.
ALGIERS – EAST * DAR EL-BEIDA * 2021- 2022

13) The questions should be given in the order the answers appear in the text.
14) WH Questions are back.

 Part One ( 14 pts)

Section A: Reading comprehension ( 7 pts)

Section B : Mastery of Language (7 pts)

In both sections the activities should be well balanced and graded ( from easy to
difficult) .

A ) -Reading Comprehension:

I / Reading Comprehension Activities

 Two activities related to text comprehension ( 3 pts/ 2 pts)

 One activity related to Lexis (2 pts)

Types of activities : related to Comprehension

1- Matching:
 Match each heading / title / idea with the corresponding paragraph.
 Match the dates with the corresponding events.
 Match the answers in Column B with the corresponding questions in column A.
2- Information Transfer :
 Complete the table / diagram/ chart/ plan / form … with information from the text.
 Complete the table with the events that correspond to the dates .
3- Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQ) :
 Choose ( a, b, c or d) to complete the following sentences
 Which sentence best summarizes the text ( provide four sentences)
 Choose the most appropriate title ( provide four titles)
 The text is about : a)-…. b)-…..c)-….. d)-…….
4- Auxilliary Questions :
 Answer the following questions ( Yes/ No questions=Closed questions
5- Open Ended Questions :
 Answer the following questions ( inference questions)
- 6 True / False / Not mentioned :
 Read the following statements and write “True” / “False” or “Not mentioned “.
7- Listing :
 Find in the text four similarities / differences ( people , places ..)
8- Identification :
 What do the underlined in the text refer to ?
 In which paragraph is it mentioned that ….?
- Activities related to Lexis
- 1- Matching :
ALGIERS – EAST * DAR EL-BEIDA * 2021- 2022

 Match each word with its appropriate definition/ meaning .

 Match the words in column A with their equivalents / opposites in column B.
 Match each verb with its appropriate definition .

Note: Accept the answer if the learners match numbers with letters
2- MCQ: - What do these words mean?

 Choose the right word ( provide four meanings /synonyms for each word

Eg: Clever: a)- stupid b)- ignorant c)- intelligent d)- Witty

3- -Finding:
 Find in the text words / expressions that have the following definitions / meanings.
 Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following.
 Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following.

B ) Mastery of Language ( 7 pts)

The THREE activities should be contextualized.

Mechanics or morphology (2pts)
Syntax (3pts)
Pronunciation ( 2 pts)

1) The activities should be contextualized.

2) Activity 2 : Avoid using isolated sentences.
3) Start with the situation of integration when devising a test.
4) The situation of integration should be prepared first as mentioned above because the content of
all the activities should help the candidates to reinvest them in the written expression.
5) The items of the different activities could be reinvested in the situation of integration.
6) No instruction saying « Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets »
7) Rewrite the following passage/ sentences using the suitable tense and Complete the conversation
with the right answers are NEW.
8) No instruction saying « Pick out from the text four words to complete the table;
9) No silent letters and consonant clusters.
1- Transformation:
 Rewrite the following passage or sentences using the suitable tense.
 Turn the following sentences / passage into negative / passive/ active plural /singular/.
 Make a noun /verb/adjective /adverb from each of the following words.
 Choose the correct prefix to form the opposite adjective .
 Write the noun forms of the following words.
2- Editing:
 Spot the mistakes and write the corrected sentences ( or passage) on your answer sheet .
 Correct the underlined mistakes
 Supply the punctuation and capitalization where necessary .
3- Completion:
 Fill in the gaps with the suitable words . They can either be provided or not .
ALGIERS – EAST * DAR EL-BEIDA * 2021- 2022

 Complete the following conversation with the right answer.

 Complete the following sentences with the correct relative pronoun ( in context).
 Complete the following sentences using the comparative form/ superlative form of the adjective
in brackets ( in context).
4- Combining:
 Combine the following phrases (or sentences) using connectors , linking words .

5 - Sound Recognition:

 In each list , pick out the word with a different vowel sound (4 words in each list )
 Note: Give 4 words containing Eg
the: same
mat- among
lane which one has a different vowel sound
 Write the following words in the right box according to their consonant sound.
 Write the words that have the same rhyme.

 Part Two : Situation of Integration (6 pts)

 It should involve:
1) A context: Real life situation
2) A task
3) Three opportunities of expressions (independent) must be included.
4) N.B: AVOID providing the learners with an ID card or a fact file … to encourage autonomy
and creativity. 
5) The instructions must absolutely contain a communication situation.
6) Do not limit the number of words for the report.

7) If the situation of integration is an e-mail, the text should have been an e-mail too; For
instance, the text should have been the friend’s e-mail.

 Start with the situation of integration when devising a test / exam.

 The items of the different activities could be reinvested in the situation of integration.
 The situation of integration should thematically be related to the topic of the text .
 **The instructions of the situation of integration should include three main sections :


It should bear the following characteristics:

- A problem solving situation

- Significant to learners
- Challenging and motivating
- Complex ( integration of different resources) .
ALGIERS – EAST * DAR EL-BEIDA * 2021- 2022

- Communicative and contextualized .

• Relevance (2 pts)

2.(Format and Topic)

• Coherence (1,5 pts)

• Correct Use of Language (1,5 pts)


(creativity and originality) (1 pt)

5.If the candidate is OUT OF TOPIC: we take into consideration the other criteria, only topic is not
It’s not communicative.It’s too controlled


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