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I started Idealab with a dream to make something like a modern version

of Thomas Edison’s Lab where we could test ideas under one roof and
then spin them off into separate companies. These companies would
have their own management teams and their own equity pools, while at
the same time benefitting from shared experiences and resources.

With lots of help from so many great people, my dream became a reality.
We have come up with more than 5,000 ideas, started more than 150
companies, and had more than 50 successful IPO’s and acquisitions. We are most proud that we created
more than 10,000 jobs and thousands of new entrepreneurs.

We learned lots of lessons - some great and some painful - and it’s my honor to share them with you
here. If even one tiny bit of one of these lessons can help you be more successful, that would make me
so happy. I love entrepreneurship, and hope that our lessons can help more companies and
entrepreneurs to be successful and change the world in a positive way.

I am so grateful to all the people who helped me make the Idealab “experiment” work for these 25 years.


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