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Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan

History of the establishment of the Lamongan Muhammadiyah Hospital RS Muhammadiyah Lamongan,

Kabupaten Lamongan is located in Jl. Attorney General Suprapto 76 Lamongan, Lamongan Regency.
Home Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital started from a Health Post The flood disaster in Lamongan
became the Islamic Health Center (BAKIS) Muhammadiyah Regional Lamongan was founded in August of
the year 1968, at first as an Islamic Medicine Center with a rent buildings on Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan
No.7 Lamongan up to 1978. Furthermore with real effort and earnest without pamrih of the founders
and administrators (Regional Leaders Muhammadiyah Lamongan), after receiving a grant from Mr. H.
Usman Dimyati (owner of the land and buildings that are rented) then functions only medical services
are enhanced with additional services BKIA / family planning clinic which was later developed into a
house Maternity with a capacity of 6 (six) beds.In line with developments, currently the Hospital
Muhammadiyah Lamongan government, a new building on an area of ?? 21,953 sqm on Jalan Jaksa
Agung Suprapto, Lamongan. Laying stones first the construction was carried out by the Governor of East
Java, Bapak Basofi Soedirman on 17 October 1994 and the inauguration was held by the Coordinating
Minister for People's Welfare, Mr. Azwar Anas on July 5, 1997. With more modern medical services in a
beautiful environment nuanced Islamic, Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan continues to strive for
realizing the vision, mission and objectives of the Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan. 75

Name of Health Service: Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan

Land area: 21,953 M2

Building area: 3,680 M2 (has reached ± 75%of the master plan)

Owner: Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders Lamongan

President Director's name: dr. H. Muwardi, SP.B., M.Kes

Operational Permit and MOH RI: YM.

Accreditation Status MOH RI: 16 Services (YM.01.10 / III / 1051 / 2010 ended February 24, 2013)

Complete Address: Jl. Attorney General Suprapto 76 Lamongan 62215

Tel. 0322-322834 (Hunting)

Fax. 0322-314048

Data Coordinates: E 1120 24,231 '

(Latitude / Lattitude & Longitude / Longitude): S 070 06,548 '

' Vision: To make Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital As the Embodiment of Faith and Worship Allah
SWT and Means of Charity Soleh Mission: To make Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital As an Islamic
charity for health care efforts, Professional and Quality Making Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital As a
means of preaching Amal Ma'ruf Nahi Mungkar as well as as a means to create society and a Healthy
and Prosperous Family Purpose: Realizing the optimal degree of health for all levels of society in order to
make it happen the main society is just and prosperous who are blessed by Allah SWT, through a
nurturing approach health (promotive), disease prevention (preventiv), healing of disease (curative), and
recovery health (rehabilitative) is carried out thorough

. Muhammadiyah Hospital Service Facilities and Infrastructure Lamongan Muhammadiyah Hospital

Lamongan outpatient services, The current Lamongan Regency is as follows:

1. General Polyclinic

2. Internal Medicine Polyclinic

3. Children's Polyclinic

4. Midwifery Polyclinic

5. Surgical Polyclinic

6. Cardiac Polyclinic

7. Neurology Polyclinic

8. Dental Polyclinic

9. Lung Polyclinic

10. Eye Polyclinic

11. ENT Polyclinic

12. Alternative Polyclinic

13. Rehabilitation of Medical Polyclinic

14 General Medical Examination

15. Emergency Room 24 hours

In addition, there are also Sub Specialist Polyclinic services,


1. Sub Surgeon Polyclinic Urology

2. Sub Surgeon Orthopedic Polyclinic

3. Sub Specialist Neurosurgery Polyclinic

4. Sub Surgeon Polyclinic Head Neck

Other support services in the form of Health Services

The community, among others:

A. Home care

b. School Health Business (UKS)

c. Hospital Public Health Education (PKMRS)

d. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Club

e. Healthy Talk (Radio Media)

f. Social Service Routinely (Per Semester)

Medical support services consist of:

1. Clinical Laboratory

2. Radiology Unit, including:

a. X-Ray (X-Ray)

b. CT Scan

c. Ultrasound

3.ECG (Electro Cardio Graphical)

4.EEG (Electro Enchepalo Graphy)

5. Operating Room

6. Medicine Room

7. Ambulance Installation

8. Pemulasaran corpse

9. Installation of Maintenance Facilities

10.Installation Nutrition

General support services consist of:

1. Library
2. Water Reservoir Storage

3. Incenerator

4. Laundry

5. Sterilization Central

6. Inst. Wastewater Treatment

7. R. General Meeting (Auditorium)

8.R. Medical Committee

9. Mini Market

10. Hot Spot (Wifi Area)

11. Integrated Service Post for Traffic Accidents (Traffic Accident

Central (TAC) 78

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