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1. What is a Family Life Cycle? What is needed throughout a Family Life Cycle?
a. Various stages of life
b. Nutrition requirements change
c. Level of activity and state of health
d. Changes in your food selections

2. Family Life Cycle Stages

a. Children (12 months to 11 years)
b. Adolescence (12 to 21)
c. Adult (22 to 60)
d. Elderly (60+)

3. Basic Nutritional Needs for Everyone

a. MyPyramid and the Dietary Guidelines
b. Exercise
c. Proper nutrition helps the body:
i. Resist disease
ii. Recuperate
iii. To have energy
d. Fiber

4. Nutritional Needs for Children

a. Recommended servings
b. Nutrient dense foods
c. Variety and small amounts
d. Introducing new foods
e. Taste buds
f. Avoid sweet foods
g. Make foods interesting
5. Nutritional Needs for Adolescents
a. Recommended servings
b. Great activity and rapid growth
c. Variety of nutritious foods
d. Snack foods
e. Caffeine and carbonated drinks

6. Nutritional Needs for Teen Athletes

a. Energy producing nutrients
b. Exercise builds muscle
c. High energy output
d. Meals should be eaten 3-5 hours before an athletic event.
e. Water is essential
f. Potassium replacement
g. Need more food
h. More protein?

7. Nutritional Needs for Adults

a. Metabolism slows down
b. Reduce food intake
c. Exercise
d. Sedentary lifestyle

8. Nutritional Needs for Aging/Elderly

a. Nutrient dense foods
b. Taste and smell
c. Low sodium and low-fat diets
d. Physical and mental challenges
e. Malnutrition
f. Eating habits and food choices
g. Food assistance programs

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