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Comprehensive OPHTHALMOLOGY Grade Angle width Configuration Chances of closure Structures visible on gonioscopy if 20-35° Open angle Ni SL, TM, SS D 20 Moderately narrow Possible su TM G Very narrow High SL only ° ° Closed Closed None of the angle structures wsble SL = Schwalbe’ tine, TM = Trabecular meshwork, SS = Scleral spur, CBB = Ciliary body band Wij Y/ ‘Aqueous outflow system Itincludes the trabecular meshwork, Schlemm's canal, collector channels, aqueous veins and the episeleral veins (Fig. 9.3A 1. Trabecular meshwork.It isa sieve-like structure through which aqueous humour leaves the eye. It consists of three portions i Uveal meshwork It is the innermost part of trabecular meshwork and extends from the iris root and ciliary body to the Schwalbe's line, The arrangement of uveal trabecular bands cre ‘openings of about 25 m to 75 m, 1 form middle portion which extends from the scleral ii, Corneoscleral_ meshwork the larger spur to the lateral wall of the scleral suleus. It consists of she of trabecitlae that are perforated by elliptical openings which are smaller than those in the uveal meshwork (5 4-50 ( I forms the outermost portion of meshwork and consists of a layer of connective tissue lin et = = = fanaa ein omen either side by endothelium, This narrow part of trabeculum connects the comeoscleral meshwork with Schlemm’s canal, Infact the outer endothelial layer of juxtacanalicular meshwork comprises the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal, This part of trabecular meshwork mainly offers the normal resistance to aqueous outflow

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