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Captain . James Cook JOURNAL. “gl Du just OUCE Ade others 5 “ Lyf H. can't des wd you will. mee alfention to tfeir Dyys Ss ) pein ae Se ge Gee ee Wikrit ne © some n0CEe Hello 945, im Captain James Cock, bm native British. Tis journal is all abou ny experiences avd journey. ( was born on Octeber £1, (228 in Marton, England. My family was a farmer bat ( felt the lure of the seaso when | was IB | took an apprenticeship as a verchant searnan. However later ( decided. to enlist in the Royal Navy at the start of the Seven Years War. During the Seven Years War | had a hance to make a lot of maps and vary say that ( was master at it because tt was accurate At age 29 | was promoted to ships master or HIM Bark Endemour so that ( also hove a chance to survey and. navigate too, using the Vip called. HIB Endeoueur Since [268 ( have seiled to rary places lke New Zealand. avd. Avstralia and. now (mn on way thi. voyage. The goal of this Journey was to find a northwest passage across North America to Asia. ( will do way best and. wont let you down. The Age of discoveration happens around. the 400s. lt was 300 years before ( was torn. Most of the explorers | kyovs came from Europe. ( have heard thet the reason that these cautries decided. to start exploring wes because they wart to find faster trade routes, ein more territory spread. their religion and. gain wrere resources. Nex can rememaber tt as 3G god, gold and. glory. The thing that allowed. them to explore the worl was a huge Onprocement in their vavigation ils and. technology. The ship that ( use for my exploration now is much better than the one in the past. for me the reason | started. sailing was becouse it was a mission from the British government. ( Actually it was a ‘ secret, so pleace dont tell anyone. ) ( also like to be with the sea tao. They warted me to find. new land and prove that there was a seuthern continent or vet. Mefirt Voge Bape Friday August 26, (768 This is my first jaurvey ever (n this voyage the rain goal is to cbserve the planet Vous as it passed between the Earth avd. the Sun. ( hope that this will help astronorvers to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Ther is also a seeret nrission trom the goverunnert to search for vew land. in the sasthern continent avd. record vatural Vistory bed. by 25 year old Joseph Barks. The government warts to gain mare territory and irerease their wealth, The ship | use on this jaurney is HMIS Endemew actually i is used. to carry coal. (t isnt very fast bu it can carry a lot of supply. (n this journey | brat about (OD crews with me. | have taught of some rules to keep vay crews healthy and. keep the ship clean All of my crews have to bathe wery day and. the bedding to be aired. twice a week, | also brought alot of fresh fruits for vay vmons. (hope it will keep them Iitly teoughart te journey | Friday January 6, [769 4 Te weather got colder ad. colle (que each cea marnber a arnault ard a pir of trucers, His was the first time (heard. my men complain about the colt. Jackets were made of thick woolen and. preuided. by the government. ( also put on a flannel jacket and. waistcoat and. thick trousers. ( hope everyone will be fine. Sie Wedvestay Jovay I, 1769 ee saw te land of Tern del Figo. There were sees nates mokng sree in sera places ( disk it was a 4 signal because when we passed. they didnt comtinue it. Some of my wew wert ashore and. met the watives. ( east on nny own that perbaps they were a miserable set of Pople as are tis day upon Earth, There was bad news, L of my men have died. of exposure in the snow and. cold. ( will stay here for a couple days then | Mer finnish cbserving Vous. ( then sale toon island and. ( decided to ware tt "Society (slrds' to honor the Royal Society whe sponsored. the trp. wall leave Tierra del Fuego Endeweur reund. Cape Horn and. coll ito the Feafic Ocean i Friday October 6, [169 ay (hase arrived in New Zealand it cnt Z lrg islands, There was a fight betwen me andl. nny wen with the Maori C the earliest inhabitants of New Zealand.) The Maori warriors in News Zealand. wore tattoos on their faces, tied. thir heir up on the crown of their heads in a kyot and. in a curieus rranver. Some of them wear an ormanrental comb, feathers tn a top-lvet, Teésday Apr ||, [769 ——— Frvally (arrived. at Titi fter ( wert to Braall and. wort aru Cape Horn. ( think ( have to stay bere for a _—rnonth to ebserve the transit of Vous across the Sun ( think this will help astronomers to caluulate the dist fom the Earth to the Sun Te nates bere were so vice, woud be gaat (cull ty her. However ( have to sail to other places now, Bs % ur ( flrished exploring, | started to wap the island, | think ( can thet Nev’ Zealand is vot a part of a ager sahem crtvet KBE Pe s a . lesday Apr 24, (700, J —— Octeber (770 : ‘ ee gt PoP Blak Hayle ean ¥ (have arrived. in Bataria, Jam ofter saling threugh the strat betwiean Australia and. New Guinea. ( bave bad. news — teat 30 of my ren are deed bevse of vaalaria. (tis sad ret have to rove on and concentrate on ry dy. ( Aer (sale nd ppc aston Aactalia ( saw a lot of new plants and. avimals. One of them was a weird : eval tet Fa a aking ey The vatives here ware diferent froma one ( hae ston They were darker is than Moor bit they alo printed their bodes A frst they lecked werd bat sav wot trast. in tag : : ab al Te ep bas hao sick on te Great Barner Ref of raster Auta soc ws damage by the cr. We stop and. repair the ship in northern Queensland, Australia. Now vay ship bas just flrished. repairs. ‘ Saturtlay July le 27S “a Uae bso En er lst 3 ys of ure. (tk (on oer i 50 re ton suze Ba ho scopy ld a hs lnk oe rude This wears that are A ee Second vovage i Vie SEP Saturday July (8, (772 ti My seccndl voyage just started. Before | started. the journey | sketched. aut the route of this voyage on the weap ae that showed. the discoveries made in the Saidhern Ocean up wrt (770. The goal of this journey is to search Le for te Sathern continent Etical continent of Terra Australia) or prove that it didnt est. Moreover to —vanke astevornial ceenaticns. Ts time | tck two ships, the Adventur and the Reoltion ices eo Apri, 173 The Resoldtion ane the Adverture The two ships met optin in New Zealand. ter it was separated. in February. | think ( was the first to cross He | Aare ere, tens to the ep of meturlits, ese darts (Fae gore blew the 7D dees ——atitade. Thor wie stopped and. explored north and cast New Zealand. again. On this second. visit ( brught two snr deep to Now Zeal fon Saath Afi a Wednesday ZZ June, 1774 (have visto an islnd avd ( decided to nance it Sung island, There were sorne coconut trees aweng the wonds The natives bere ware quite uifriendly becouse they didnt allow my crev/ ashore Sunday [? July NY ( sailed to the west and. explored an tsland wihich ( varved. “New Hebrides. The natives here are wvelanesian, not & § polynesian. They speak languages that ( vever heard. before They also have 2 wigue costume hut some of them were f raked. The testicles are quite eaposed, nt they wrap a piece of cloth or led arewd. the peris which is tied. up to ; the bdly Thursday August 4, 1774 { hove land. at Errovnargo, the rnarives bad. to open fire. when the natives tried. to stize the boat and. stat to shoot : fire. Same of vay wens got oqured. hut serveral vatives wre. wounded. and. ther leader killed. ( decided. to depart and ft the island. New Hebrides is wows brow as “Vanuatu. * Z Nowernber, [774 Chase lft New Zealand. and gone across the southern ocean avd. arrived. tn Tierra del Fiego, Saubh Areca ( spent my holiday bere ard. bought someting in the lal shops. The view and. nature ts so relaxing Weestay Jancary 12, 1775 (have arrived. et the cll avd bleak island, ( nave. it "Suth Georgia. ( tink ( will stry here for abut 3 day and. wall sail on head. cast. Sundlay July 30 (775 (landed. at Fartsmauth after traveling across the south sandwich islands, cape town and across Adantic via StHelona, Ascension island. and Azores. Friday July LoS: Fivally ( arrived. tack in England. After | have sailed from Cape Horn (the sauthernvnost point of South America) to te Cape of God. Hope (te sathermnost point of Mica). After fishing the tip ( can prove that there are no southern continents. ( Ethical contivort of Terre Australia ) (t isjust a myth. | hae visited many islands in this journey and. each of thern were so unique, (im so. proud. thet in this tp vy mon were healthy and only 4 of them died. ( hove beon presented. to the king and. become a member of the Royal Scciety as | have become a vation here. ' Me ied vevase been! -° Wednesday July Z, [776 Py Bit ry bs srt. tn eure (ve Ye Racin hp ote oak Ye Dicey, eae ; Vancouuer aud. Willarn Bligh are the offcers of this expedition. The goal of this jaurney was to find. a warthuest passage across North America to Asia. Wednesday October 8, 776 ‘ (have arrived. at Capetown, South Africa and. vest sailed. to the (wdlian Ocean. December 25, 1776 fend here covered, with Pegs archer birds avd as (need. to kill them to wioke oll for our lamps aod other wees. Tare wis a fetal so Ujcined thorn. called ticle "Deslaticn’ eld. Australia a (ndian Ocean rq ' af Good. hope Aiea 7 ae ‘ we saled frown the Sandwich islands across the north Faafic to the Oregan coast of North Arnerica ; The weather wes quite bad rt | founda se barber on Vancouver Island, Cavade. There were some bauses along — the shore. Some of these buildings were raised. on the side of a bank hi Daowbr £5, (1777 Aer tee de, (Fa lode on on ld. Thon ( verve it Chitiras (lds, Not ita «ater ok ware it Sandesh (nd | waved ter the Earl of Sonduich, ce of my patos. | ht crc or 0 Nite Fag Ald, iad 2 sre Sanna ( have wet son the island. and. | spent time exploring the isl ge reached Norton Saud, Alaa {sive only one nies fay wear the wads, ony a ron, bis wie nh atop in the Bering Sea The votives bere. were Chikcla. They did come farvaing anc ba dope too. Monday October 4 [780 : (6 was George Vanccuwer ater Captain Jarnes Cock was dead. ( was incharge insteed of hiv. {nol apeodal a ig ee tg 0 Lap Jes Cat hs ae ls lial f oe ee ee Notes. As (have mentioned, the Age of Exploration is the period. of exploring around. the world to search for new routes, new lands and find wore supplies. As (have been thrasgh mary jourvals exploring the world, ( hve seen a lot of new cultures and. different peoples habits. Each place has unique culture, geography and. resources, The Age of Exploration also shows the latest stiertific wethods and. teclwigues at that time, which help explorers to explore their best. Moreover, the mistoles that occur give huge lessons to develop their technology ( ako hope that my exploration and. maps that hove marked. could influence and help people in the next generations to have were krowdedkge and. information chat aur world. Tis is sivilar to haw the earlier explorers hax. helped. me to sail easier. In addition, (have fowrd vews loud. that bos fresh and. abundant resources that can be used. in ny country, My discoveries have impressed. the government because ( have achieved. their goal of tnereasing their wealth and. econamny in a better way From vay peirt of view the Aye of Exploration bas sore negative consequences. ( have realized. it after ( have troveled, several times. The colonization lads to a trading of human beings witich | totally stand. against becouse ( hae talked and stayed with a lot of natives. At first they raight be scared. of us because we are the ones who inde them first, so ( understand. their point of worry abort us. They hoe their ovm cultures, religions and. beliefs that shouldnt be disparage. Some of the explorers also judge them by their appearance and. oppressive them just because they were differert Moreouer the explorers that visit the new places can be the carrier of several diseases that can lead to aluge vumber of peeples death At first ( thought thet the people who lived. witha teclnology or good. supplies were so peor hut actually they ust lved. an ordinary happy lif. bn just _ concerned. that the exploration will put down their happiness and. thar humanity will be gone. pe Goods (& tab Refercscs (n this jaurney the main geal is to explore for news land. not for trading, so ( hwent baught much Inttps Iluawweducksters.comalticgraphy/esplrers| cap tain_jarves_cack: php things with me to trade. ( brought some metal and. nails to trade with some natives. Actually these things were provided. to flx the tip. On my second. visit to Mew Zealand. ( bought some Inttp cene|thernes| sheep ram Saath Mra for thom, ( think it mgt provide them some raoney in the te. ates yt txt EL USDA tar %L Oansel Dan VL OBews ol Oa, UL CVLOU MLC LO Canns%oL0%LEML0 1. https If wtb ukl the-wwyages-of- “ captain-javves cook articles the second -voyage-of = Jammes~coek Att|tivveline|wyage rtm { Inttps [lvawaényna. govaulesabitions|endecve.ur—voyagelcceks journal Te pistel is the main weapon Inttps [lvawawdula.goceu dgital-classreorn| serior| Cock! (ndigenous—Response|Endeaaur= : ( tock with me everywhere ( Jaurval © only use it when it is necessary tele ae vate tks [ biography Jarnes-Cack b ot with me for protection. Most | re of te waties ( have visited se — ee vwesl nsv/govrau| stories| captain-ceoks— ie ‘ Pa the ol weapons like crossbows ee oF ae Cee See discovery i ; . or swords. a a E ee https [exploration marinersmnuseum ory|subject jasves—ceck| 4 ~ “en. ‘ igh) k yy a

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