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The Black cat

a man of good character, he married young, with a willing woman, and they both loved
animals, so they had birds, fish, dogs and a black cat, which was his favorite. However, cats
often harbor the spirits of witches.
Gradually, the man changes his character and becomes more and more violent, gets drunk
and beats his wife and animals. One night, jaded, he gouges out his cat's eye in a fit of rage.
And shortly after, he decides to hang him from a tree near the house. He is scared, but
rationally assumes that someone had to throw the cat into the house to warn of the fire and
the animal was buried there and therefore left its mark.
The man continues his life with his wife and, one night, in a tavern he finds another cat, the
same as the previous one, but with a white spot on its back as the only difference. He takes
it home in a huff and once there, he realizes that he is missing an eye, just like the previous
one. This reminds her of the other cat and makes her loathe it. The man, mad with rage,
plunges the ax into his wife's head, ending her life.
After the murder he decides to hide the body by sandwiching it in a basement wall. He hides
it in the wall and strives to do a good job to make the perfect wall. The police soon arrive at
the house and question him, they inspect the entire house but find nothing to incriminate
him. They come back another day and go down to the basement in the company of the
narrator and murderer, they don't see anything strange, but, when they were leaving, and the
murderer was saying that the walls of the house were very strong. Moans are heard, like the
sobbing of a baby. The police begin to hit the wall until it is knocked down and there was the
corpse and next to the corpse, the cat, which he had sandwiched inside without realizing it.

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