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As a 1st African American MLB player, Jackie Robinson was

successful in major league baseball, I also think it is by

Friends, and family. After Jackie Robinson retired from
baseball he became vice president for chock full O’nuts.
After that, he also opened up a bank of freedom. Jackie
got support from baseball and his wife Rachel. There were
many factors to jackies success but it was support from
Family, friends, and fans.
Jackie would not be him without Rachel Robinson.
Jackie chose Rachel because she was equal to him. Having
an equal partner means being respectful to one another,
thinking about the right thing to do. “Together we fought
off and despair.’’ Jackie was successful because he got
support from Rachel Robinson.
Another reason I think it is Friends and families is that
pee wee Reese were really good friends ever since Jackie
started playing baseball. People did not like seeing a white
man and a black man playing together. On page 41 it says
“ some of the fans started yelling at the dodger captain
pee wee Reese, telling him that, playing ball with a black
man”. But pee wee Reese did not care what other people
said about them playing together although he just kept
playing with Jackie Robinson.
Now you know how Jackie was successful and how he
got support from family and friends. I also think this
because Rachel Robinson went to Jackie Robinson’s games
and how she felt but that did not let her down because she
was still happy she got to see her husband play baseball!
Although the fans were yelling at Jackie Pee Wee Reese
saw so he made Jackie brush the fans off his shoulder. This
also made Pee-wee Reese play with him.

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