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Jackie robinson the first african american in the major league

baseball is a part of history, he was mostly good at everything

mostly sports like football, basketball, track, the sport he was
most known for was baseball and he was also in the war. But he
was most known for breaking the color barrier.

My first reason for Jackie's succses is Pee Wee Reese,on page 41

in the book promises to keep it says “ Fans started yelling at
dodgers captain Pee wee reese saying as a southern he shouldn't
be playing with a black man, Pee wee heard the shouting and
refused to even glance in the direction of the stands”

My second reason is Rachel robinson. For example in the book it

says ‘After games I talk about how hard it felt to sit in the
stands hear fans yell at my husband jack talked about how
hard it felt to control his anger, but together we
fought pessimism and despair”
And that is why I think the factor to Jackie's success
in breaking the color barrier is support from others,
friends, and family

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