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Reading and writing skills

Name: Yusoph, Yesha Danes R. LRN: 131326160694

Teacher: Ma’am Mariz Salandanan Grade and Section: XI – STEM C

Quarter III – Module 4

Activity 2
Directions | Complete the T-chart

Activity 3
Directions | Cause and effect indicate casual relationships between things and events relevant to the
essay’s subject. Supply 5 causes and 5 effects of climate change.
Directions: Write an essay about, “How Divorce Affects the Children”

Divorce has become a worldwide phenomenon. Parent divorce causes many problems and affects
children negatively. It is also a behavior that has many implications for those involved. This
situation becomes more consequential when children are considered. As divorce has become more
common place in society, millions of children affected by separation of the nuclear family. For
children, it is very hard to lose a parent because they just a little children that did not known what
the situations really is. Also, a child 's life becomes more stressful because of the losses of parental
support and economic. Significantly affect the child 's welfare. Since many children do not adapt
well, their behavior is affected. In addition to the divorce's effects, the kid may experience
psychological issues. In this scenario, the divorce of parents may result in indicators of distress as a
result of hurt sentiments or the lack of parental support. A youngster may refuse to eat or have
difficulty sleeping. A child's emotional state may change. Some youngsters are anxious all of the
time, while others are angry or depressed. Youngsters with divorced parents are more likely to
exhibit tantrums than children with married parents. When their parents split, their children weep
more and are less joyful. When a youngster becomes older, this can lead to mental instability and
poor self-esteem, which can lead to negative actions.

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