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“Disclaimer: All elements on this story are fictional, any similarity with the real world is merely a


Danilo Bello CI27696963 English Oral Expression.

There was once a war, silent, but effective like no other. Where the weapons are words and the
opinion, a war where mankind doesn´t know its being slain, their thoughts and their free will
decimated without no hesitation. Where the difference between poverty and whealth is even
more notorious because is known that being rich is evil and being ignorant is fashion.

A man sitting on his throne snaps his fingers and suddenly two women appear from the shadows
of that room and they speak:

“Master, have you called us?” says one of the women dressed on a tuxedo lowering her head as a

“Yes, I have, I need information of the situation in the North” says that man standig from his
throne and looking at the exterior from a window located to the left of his throne.

“The North has almost being conquered by the Revolution, their ideology is reaching all the middle
class of that country, demanding for better salaries and nationalization of all the public services”
says the other girl standing with a fist next to where his heart would be as a sign of respect to their

“Little do they know that those request will decimate even more their freedom, keeping them
from reaching their independence .” Says the Lord waving his black cape to the side revealing his
dark armor stretch to his body, made from a material that is not known anywhere else or found
anywhere else in the world, and between the edges around the sides of his back a green light
glows from the inside keeping his powerful energy from escaping to the outside.

This man is Dan Bello, better known as Lord Zero or Zero if you met him a few years back, the only
lord and conqueror of Venizza, a country that was once in disgrace, hunger and inequality, the
begining of this war starts there, in the middle of an era of success and growth on Venizza, but it
was not all happiness and success, that era was formed throughout decades of hard work from a
middle class that saw how the politicians were even more rich and how they, as opposites grew
even more por, that people wanted change, but they didn´t know that, the change they always
wanted to be true would be the cause of its own destruction, a few years later, a former general of
the army ran for president and won with his attractive proposals to better salaries and most
importantly to end poverty by sharing the nation´s federal reserves to all its citizens by equal.

A few years of happiness came by and the people enjoyed the illusion of being rich from bonuses
handed by the same government. But on the shadows that charismatic and extremely maquiavelic
man was plotting to take over the country, year by year harrassing workers from many companies
forcing them to quit so they could hire their own people, friends and family slowly but surely
destroying more and more the country that millions of good Venizzans built with effort, all that
without showing the smallest of regrets. When money started to scarce it was already late. This
man´s will was spread all over the institutions of this country, the assembly, the supreme court
and even the electoral power all of them ran by one this man´s lackeys. Twenty years of hunger
and sadness came for those Venizzans who didn´t listen and left the country when they could but
instead supported this man who was once a hero, that man´s name was Hector Viales, who rapidly
became the villain he always swore to destroy.

But when they thought the victory was theirs, a boy named Dan was born in a lab, with his
parents, both scientists who formerly worked for the Department of Defense, are now being
chased for desertion. The door was shaking as the army was looking for them and rapidly his
father took his son and wife to the library across the hall and into a secret passage.

“You and our son must survive at all cost” said the father, with tears on his eyes shutting the door
to prevent his wife from running towards him in tears, the wife took the suit case that was
standing next to them and with tears running along her cheeks threw a kiss to his husband in the
air and ran away from danger.

“When the day comes, you, will be a hero”. The mother said to her child in arms. That child was

14 years went by and the people tired from not being paid enough started to protest that people
was slained by the military, and suddenly they realized the monster Hector really was, a Wolf
hiding on sheep´s costume. One day Dan comes home from school and finds his house made a
mess, Windows broken, the door had been destroyed and all over the walls there were bullet
holes, in tears he found the tv turned on, and the voice of Hector was surronding the air.

Standing on his podium, Hector as confident as he usually was started talking:

“Fellow comrades, today we have taken another step to the future, accepting and officially
founding our revolution. Today we have incarcerated a traitor” said Hector and the people
surrounding him started screaming his name in joy. “We are going to decide her fate today, for
treason, the consequence is death, there is only one rule you should never break here and that
is…” on this moment the crowd started to chant.

“Loyalty to Hector, Kill the traitor” once and again they shouted and with a movement of his hands
a women was brought to the stage chained on hands and feet and finally Hector spoke again.

“This witch tried to create a weapon to kill me many years back, today we have discovered where
she was hiding, and you as our people have decided her fate”, said with a perverted expression on
his face and then the cameras focused the women. That was Dan´s mother, kidnapped and
mistreated, but before he could react the crowd was shouting to see her dead.
And in a fraction of a second a gunshot was heard, and next to that the crowd cheered in joy, but
Dan fell on his knees with tears on his eyes, his mother was all he ever had and now she was taken
from him. The little boy was now broken, and alone in this world.

In days the boy barely slept and drank water, just enough to be alive, when he woke up in the
middle of the night, next to his mother´s bed, his eyes were swollen and red, stood up but on his
way he stumbled upon the library making many books to fall but one opened a secret door, to a
room he had never seen. Curious he entered and found a letter from his parents next to a suitcase.

After reading the letter he understood, on the suitcase next to him there was the weapon Hector
had feared all this time, a weapon so dangerous the program which his parent worked in had to be
vanished as well as their lab but they never found the weapon, and his son was the only one who
could use it, they were chased, to be killed by a fearful dictator afraid he had his throne stolen
from a boy.

A note on the top of the suitcase said “The time has come for you to spread justice and bring this
country hope, we will always love you. Mom and Dan”

The boy full of tears opened the suitcase, and placed the device similar to a chip on his neck like he
had always known how it will work, and suddenly a green light whirled around him, this was the
Infinite Eris, the new source of energy this world would soon discover and the government worked
so hard to keep hidden.

And on that day, with a wish of justice and vengeance that boy would become the greatest hero
in history.

There was no weapon, no bullet or missile that could harm him. He could fly and had super
strenght as well as the ability to teleport by moving even faster than light. That boy faced the
army, missiles and tanks were brought to face him but nothing could stop him making his way to
the bunker were Hector was hiding by sacrificing all his lackeys.

Dan appeared inside the bunker as a green flash of light, his eyes were glowing green on a sign of
his powers being activated, and Hector asked for mercy.

“Did you show mercy on any of those who killed in the name of God and Justice?” said the boy
with a dark and deep voice. Hector gulped as he walked back bieng prey of fear as Zero walked
towards him. He found a gun and started shooting until the cartridge was empty, but none of the
bullets arrived at their target but instead vanished in the air turning into dust.

“A coward up until the very end, there is no surprise, you had my parents killed just because you
were scared that they would take the throne from you” said sarcastically Zero ”But tell me now,
how does it feel to have your nightmares come true?”

And before he could answer, Zero´s eyes shaped a beam that went right through Hector´s head,
the same way he had Dan´s mother killed. After that incident, Dan became Lord Zero, by ruling
Venizza into his former glory and even more. But the ideal from Hector, the Revolution, had
already spread throughout the world. And now it was Zero´s task to erradicate any trace of Hector
in this world.

This is the story of Zero.

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