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Adverb of manner explains how the action of the verb is done. These adverbs are commonly
formed by adding ly from adjective.

Adjective + ly Adverb of Manner
Slow Slowly “dengan lambat” : She is walking slowly.
Happy Happily
Calm Calmly
Quick Quickly “dengan cepat” : she is running quickly.
Polite Politely “dengan sopan” : He speaks politely.
Careful Carefully “dengan hati-hati”

Fast fast “dengan cepat’ : the car ran the red light fast’
Late late
Hard hard “dengan keras” : she works hard.
Good well “dengan baik” : she did her homework well.


1. She agreed to re-type the letter quickly. (quick)

2. She read the letter carefully.
3. She is a good person. She always does her task well. (good)

Choose the right words to make correct sentences

1. I opened the door slow/slowly.

2. Why are you angry/angrily? I haven’t done anything angrily.
3. Bill is a careful/carefully driver. He drives careful/carefully.
4. Can you please repeat that slow/slowly?
5. Come on, George! Why are you always so slowly/slow?
6. Jane is studying hard/hardly for the examination.
7. I meet them a long time ago. So, I don’t remember them very good/well.
8. Don’t eat your dinner so quick/quickly. It is not good for you.
9. Those oranges look nice/nicely. Can I have one?
10. Please be quite/quitely. I am reading.

Adverb of frequency explains how often an action is repeated. They are commonly used with
present or past tense.
Some of the more common adverbs of frequency include the following :
1. 100% of the time = always
2. 85 % of the time = almost always
3. 45% of the time = usually, generally, frequently, often
4. 35% of the time = sometimes, occasionally
5. 10% of the time = seldom, rarely, hardly, ever, almost never
6. 0% of the time = never, not ever

Answer the questions below by using adverb of frequency

1. How often do you read Al-Qur’an? I almost always read Al-Qur’an five times a day.
2. How often do you use Arabic? I always use Arabic to communicate with my lecturer.
3. How often do you learn English at home? I almost always learn English at home.

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