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I discover that people are plainly being duped by the world. All you have to do is look around to realize
that this community has no more conclusive answer for the wonder of life than we have as believers. I think the
main distinction between these two belief systems is directly tied to our sense of pride in our own
comprehension of life. I believe that evolution and science in general can coexist. It is simply necessary to
reiterate that common descent evolutionists want to avoid and cannot deny the facts. I think God created us, and
science is our means of comprehending the universe he created.
Science is about the repeatable aspect of reality, not something like common descent evolution, which
contradicts repeatable reality and can only be believed in, and they label reasons to believe in its proof. The film
teaches me the truth about science and evolution, however some of it is backwards and otherwise misconstrued.
After watching the video, I became more grateful for what I have now. All of this suggests that we may reject
the dread, skepticism, and distrust that frequently cause people to abandon religion. We have the freedom to
embrace religion and the Bible with wonder, assurance, and delight.

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