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49 - February 20 2022
+ Media items: fix loading auto-stretch markers (6.48 regression) [p=2529349]

v6.48 - February 20 2022

+ Actions window: fix issue with SWS cycle action editor on macOS/Linux (Windows
will require sws update) [p=2527059]
+ Custom actions: fix adding actions to custom action via keyboard
+ Custom menus: fix support for more than 32 submenus per menu
+ Custom menus: fix support for more than 1024 menu items per menu
+ Custom menus: in customize menus/toolbars window, leave OK button enabled even
if there have been no changes [p=2526098]
+ FX envelopes: copy/move envelopes correctly between instances of ReaSurroundPan
with different configurations [p=2526379]
+ JSFX: channel_mapper uses dropdown instead of +/- buttons to set number of
+ Knobs: improve vertical alignment of wet/dry knobs
+ macOS: disable input event throttling by default
+ macOS: fix ExecProcess() handle leakage [t=263197]
+ macOS: fix knob background drawing after switching to/from dark-mode
+ macOS: fix Metal issue where an occluded window would end up stale on M1/macOS
+ Media explorer: cancel metadata edit if file list is scrolled
+ Media explorer: prevent unnecessary scroll-to-left when browsing
+ Media item properties: update volume/pan slider on double-click [t=263028]
+ Media item ruler: always label item start and end if possible [t=262144]
+ Media items: fix possible incorrect calculation when running action to clear
and recalculate auto-stretch at project tempo changes
+ Media items: fix possible stretch marker corruption when applying auto-stretch
at tempo changes [t=257439]
+ Media items: recalculate auto-stretch markers when undoing tempo envelope edits
+ Media items: set default normalization mode to peak for new users
+ OSC: send track width when in balance pan mode [t=263359]
+ Preferences: search function also searches mouseover help text
+ ReaLimit: rename "link" control to "constant gain"
+ ReaLimit: set default threshold and ceiling both to 0dB
+ ReaScript: do not run scripts from cwd rather than reascript path [t=262921]
+ ReaScript: IDEs allow changing font name via ide_font_face= in reaper.ini
+ Render: fix persistence of preference to embed XMP markers [t=263105]
+ Render: fix rendering to mp3 when sample rate is set higher than 48k [t=263248]
+ Render: support jumping to loudest sample in project after render (including
dry run render)
+ Takes: fix theme preference to display colored bar on active take when empty,
not-displayed take lanes exist [t=262607]
+ VST: set ChannelContext channel index context correctly for track 1 [t=263201]
+ VST: fix various UI sizing quirks

v6.47 - February 11 2022

+ Actions: improve performance with large numbers of custom actions
+ Actions: increase maximum number of custom actions/reascripts
+ Actions: improve sizing behavior of actions window with langpack-adjusted
button sizes
+ CPU metering: add option (FX chain and performance meter menus) to view CPU
utilization as 1.0c = one core fully utilized
+ Envelopes: do not select following envelope point when deleting via mouse click
+ Glue: improve handling of fades that overlap with other items [p=2519694]
+ JSFX: fix Volume Adjustment plugin smoothing the first playback block
+ macOS: improve performance of bridged plug-ins
+ macOS: refresh various controls when switching to/from dark mode [p=2517137]
+ macOS: run media/anticipative FX worker threads in realtime/audio workgroup if
Time Critical priority is set (may be useful for M1 Pro CPUs)
+ macOS: fix Cmd+A in metadata edit, explorer, and track manager fields
+ Markers: fix importing markers from .csv when marker names contain quotation
marks [p=2524419]
+ Media explorer: add customizable toolbar
+ Media explorer: move "insert media", "auto-play", "start on bar" controls to
default toolbar
+ Media explorer: actions to tempo match half-speed or double-speed act as
+ Media explorer: action to show media properties will display properties for
last selected item if there is no current preview media
+ Media explorer: add action to show/hide toolbar
+ Media explorer: add optional media information box
+ Media item properties: double-click always resets take volume to unity or pan
to center
+ Media item properties: prevent normalize button from creating multiple windows
+ Media items: add action to calculate loudness of selected items not including
FX or track settings
+ Media items: don't display render window VU meters when calculating loudness of
selected items via dry run render
+ Menus/Toolbars: replace Save/Close buttons with OK/Cancel/Apply
+ Metadata: support encoding of very long/complex metadata strings in projects
+ MIDI: handle splits and edge adjustments properly when MIDI items span partial
measures [t=260847]
+ MIDI editor: move edit cursor on actions to navigate to previous/next note
+ MIDI editor: improve non-synchronized playback behavior when changing project
+ MIDI learn: revert to pre-6.37 behavior of allowing targeting non-visible FX
parameters [t=260737]
+ Notation editor: fix scrub mouse mapping [t=218135]
+ Playback: disable monitor signal fade-out on stop when preferences are
configured to play FX tails on stop
+ Project bay: fix display of shell VST3 plug-ins loaded by UID16 [t=262265]
+ Razor edits: display envelope value when editing, in addition to % change
+ Razor edits: fix inadvertently setting envelope point shape to linear on toggle
envelopes [p=2525258]
+ ReaScript: add midi_init() which allows re-initialization of single MIDI
+ ReaScript: improve GetMediaFileMetadata() support for long strings
+ ReaScript: MIDI_GetEvt/Note/CC/TextSysexEvt with negative event index now
return false
+ ReaScript: support longer input to GetSetProjectInfo_String("RENDER_METADATA")
+ Render: add checkbox to only normalize files that are too loud [t=261667]
+ Render: add menu items (under render dialog stats button) to change which
render statistics are displayed
+ Render: allow trailing spaces in directory names on macOS/Linux [t=262788]
+ Render: fix reset of normalization mode/channel count when undoing certain
actions (6.43 regression) [t=262585]
+ Render: preserve very long metadata when rendering [p=2524169]
+ Resampling: fix incorrect processing at end of item in r8brain free mode
+ Theme: improve display of 4 digit track numbers when using default theme
+ Undo: fix undo of markers edited in ripple all and various nudge actions
+ Video: add project_timeoffs variable
+ Video: fix incorrect restart of peaks building when editing project during
peaks build [t=262058]
+ Video: improve text overlay preset (can also display timecode, add fit
background to text parameter, change defaults)
+ Volume readouts: better distinguish between values very close to 0dB and 0dB
+ WALTER: add trackidx (0 is master, 1 is first track, <0 is unknown/invalid),
ntracks (<0 if invalid) for track contexts
+ Windows: fix signing of 32-bit executables and include git revision in win32
+ Windows: prevent opening multiple "set media item playback rate" dialogs
+ Windows: output usage help to stdout (if available) as well as displaying in a
popup window

v6.46 - January 19 2022

+ Automation: fix potential incorrect automation when envelopes disabled outside
of automation items [t=240584]
+ Batch converter: fix normalization (6.44 regression) [t=262025]
+ Batch converter: resolve item-related wildcards properly when converting a
media item that originated in a different project [t=261724]
+ Control surfaces: fix OSC control of FX wet/dry knob [t=261531]
+ FX: add actions to clear delta solo for all FX on selected tracks or all FX in
the project
+ Import: add cancel button to multiple media item import dialog
+ JSFX: fix set_pin_mapping() high-bit issue
+ macOS: fix arrow key keyboard navigation issues for various windows (6.43
+ macOS: fix keyboard focus after closing transport selection/bpm edit boxes
+ macOS: improve appearance of routing matrix in dark mode and default theme
+ Media items: fix adjusting media to tempo suggested by filename or metadata
when inserting via action
+ Media items: add actions to normalize items to common gain, or separately,
using most recent settings
+ Media items: show warning or error (depending on context) when some items could
not be normalized
+ Metadata: add ASWG dialogue projection level field
+ Metadata: add OGG, Opus to displayed list of render formats that support Vorbis
+ Metronome: fix count-in issue at 180bpm 3/4 [t=261495]
+ MIDI: add actions to reload track support data (bank/program files, notation,
etc) for individual MIDI items or all items in the project [t=261642]
+ MIDI editor: improve scroll behavior when adjusting zoom [t=254669]
+ MIDI editor: improve zoom to content action behavior [t=261214]
+ MIDI inline editor: improve default note view sizing
+ mp3: close .reapindex files when media is set offline [t=261537]
+ ReaScript: Lua built-in print() function output is visible using DebugView on
Windows [t=261902]
+ ReaScript: fix incorrect fuzzy matching in TrackFX_AddByName() etc [t=261799]
+ ReaScript: improve gfx_blit() documentation [t=261610]
+ RS5k: fix incorrect resampling at end of sample (most obvious with r8brain
+ Theme: fix layout actions for single-character layout names [t=234937]
+ Tracks: if tracks are removed while renaming a track in TCP/MCP, close edit
+ VST: do not allow scanning root directories on macOS/linux (revert 6.44 change)
+ WavPack: fix incorrect truncation in 16-bit mode [t=261535]
+ Windows: fix DirectX plug-in preset menu
+ Windows: fix new VST path addition on 64-bit

v6.45 - January 9 2022

+ Media items: use very fast peaks normalization if possible rather than reading
source media (6.44 regression)
+ Normalize: do not crash if normalization loudness analysis is canceled by user

v6.44 - January 6 2022

+ Actions: add "erase" as a default synonym for delete/clear/remove
+ Actions: do not warn on program startup if too many custom actions exist (only
warn when creating)
+ Control surfaces: fix CSURF_EXT_SETSENDVOLUME notifications when in write mode
and fader-scaled envelopes
+ Custom action editor: fix entering certain characters on macOS [t=249471]
+ Glue: if format supports BWF, write start offset when exploding multichannel
audio to new files [t=261219]
+ JSFX: fix memory bounds checking on aarch64/armv7l [t=261271]
+ JSFX: fix gfx_showmenu() related issues (deadlock when undo point added,
possible crash when MCP embedded) [t=261548]
+ JSFX: if REAPER has an external editor configured for .jsfx, use for open in
external editor button
+ JSFX: improve 32-bit x86 implementation (consistent rounding with other
+ JSFX: scripts can write to #dbg_desc to write debug messages visible on main
plug-in UI [t=260727]
+ JSFX: show code sections in IDE right-click menu
+ JSFX: show context information about built-in variables in IDE
+ JSFX: do not allow export_buffer_to_project() to be called from @slider
+ JSFX: allow override of refresh rate using options:gfx_hz=60 etc
+ JSFX: add options:gfx_idle to allow @gfx section to run when UI is closed
(detectable via gfx_ext_flags having 2 set)
+ JSFX: add options:gfx_idle_only to allow UI-less plug-ins to run @gfx code at
+ Keyboard: fix various cross-platform key aliasing corner cases
+ Linux: prevent closing windows via close button when a popup menu is open
+ macOS: add per-theme option to not use themed window colors when in dark-mode
(enabled by default theme)
+ macOS: improve performance of Live FX multiprocessing, especially on M1 systems
+ Media explorer: improve selection behavior after navigating with arrow keys on
+ Media items: add option to close item notes window on enter key
+ Media items: save item notes when closing item notes window via action
+ Media items: add support for various loudness measurements (LUFS, etc) when
normalizing media items
+ Media items: when normalizing multiple items to an integrated loudness value,
support either normalizing each item separately or normalizing the combined
(sequential) output of all items
+ Metadata: fix setting XMP marker metadata [p=2513125]
+ MIDI editor: add action to insert note at edit cursor without advancing
+ Pan: fix manual entry of pan values when preference is set to display pan in dB
+ Projects: improve behavior relating to project notes flags and loading projects
in REAPER 6.38 and earlier [t=261242]
+ Projects: on new project without saved project settings, set recording/render
format to 24-bit wav
+ Razor edits: do not delete/cut/copy razor edits when cursor focus is on track
control panels
+ ReaEQ: add Parallel Band Pass filter mode [t=231105]
+ ReaScript: add CalculateNormalization function
+ ReaScript: do not apply render-config changes when calling GetSetProjectInfo in
get mode on rendering configuration [t=261085]
+ ReaScript: do not defer indefinitely when calling reaper.defer() with no
parameters from Lua [t=261323]
+ ReaScript: properly support passing binary-safe strings to extension-registered
functions [t=261079]
+ ReaSurroundPan: correct 9.1.4 speaker arrangement, add 9.1.6 [t=261134]
+ ReaSynth: fix extra sine oscillator when portamento is used [t=253793]
+ ReaSynth: fix stuck note when portamento is used in certain instances
+ Render: ensure final master render peaks are displayed after normalizing
+ Render: fix files left open when normalization/limiting is interrupted
+ Render: fix render peaks display when normalizing and negative project start
time offset exists [t=261325]
+ Render: fix saving of presets with normalize enabled affecting old presets
+ Super8: fix recording glitches that could occur during looped project-
synchronized playback [t=261147]
+ Super8: support exporting media into project via MIDI CC when UI is not open
+ VST: scan %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Common\VST3 on Windows
+ Windows: fix listview drawing glitches when editing values and scrolling
+ Windows: support very long pathnames (note: for shell browsing/etc to work with
these, the LongPathsEnabled registry key must be set)
+ Windows: improve display responsiveness of progress bars

v6.43 - December 21 2021

+ Actions: warn when command ID exhaustion occurs due to too many custom actions
or ReaScripts
+ Actions: when adding/editing key bindings, put new binding at front of list
+ Actions: add "open" as a synonym for display/view/show
+ ARA: update SDK to version 2.00, with ARM support
+ Batch converter: include more types of metadata when "preserve metadata"
+ Batch converter: retain display column widths when reopening
+ Batch converter: support video normalization/limiting
+ Big Clock: improve font size for HMSF view on Linux [t=259937]
+ Big Clock: when display is too long to fit in window, left-justify
+ CAF: support reading/writing .caf (Core Audio Format) media files
+ Command line: support loading .RfxChain/.fxb/.fxp/.vstpreset files to new
+ Command line: support render normalizing and brickwall limiting from command
line interface
+ FLAC: support decoding additional sample bit depths [t=260418]
+ FX: allow dragging/pasting .fxp/.fxb/.vstpreset/.RfxChain files into chain
window, to create new FX instances or change preset of existing instances
+ FX: when dragging .RfxChain files from OS, auto-create new tracks if necessary,
replace existing FX if alt key held
+ JSFX: produce parse error on unknown number suffixes or incomplete hexadecimal
strings (also affects ReaScript and video processors)
+ JSFX: fix default focus of plug-in UIs on Linux [t=260862]
+ JSFX: fix get/set_pin_mapping() behavior on ARM systems [p=2502320]
+ JSFX: fix win32 pow() issue with older non-Intel processors [t=260251]
+ Linux: improve special-key binding mode focus behavior
+ Linux: fix moving non-native plug-in windows from docked to undocked FX chains,
+ Linux: improve handling of numeric keypad control key shortcuts (note: may
require manually re-binding non-keypad control key shortcuts, which were previously
improperly encoded)
+ LV2: fix loading of plug-ins that have duplicate rdf "seeAlso" links [t=260628]
+ macOS: now distributed in three flavors: Universal (x86_64/ARM64), x86_64
optimized for macOS 10.14 and earlier, and i386
+ macOS: dark mode appearance tweaks for render status and media item fade menus
+ macOS: fix dark mode default behavior on Monterey [p=2500400]
+ macOS: fix text label appearance after dark mode/light mode change on Catalina-
+ macOS: fix possible crash on exit when previously failed to load a VST3
+ macOS: fix video display issues when retina is disabled in preferences
+ macOS: improve special-key binding mode focus behavior
+ macOS: improve cross-OS up/down/home/end key mapping compatibility
+ macOS: improve handling of numpad enter key
+ macOS: improve keyboard behavior in nudge window
+ macOS: improve video colorspace conversion support on arm64
+ macOS: improve keyboard shortcut descriptions in menus for various keys
+ Media explorer: add action to focus search field, Ctrl+F/Cmd+F by default
+ Media explorer: add action to reset preview pitch
+ Media explorer: add configurable preview crossfade
+ Media explorer: add pitch/rate knob behavior options to options menu
+ Media explorer: always search in enabled metadata fields regardless of whether
searching a database or file folder
+ Media explorer: add option to read file metadata if not already cached when
searching file folders
+ Media explorer: display metadata for files during search, even if searching in
metadata is disabled
+ Media explorer: fix possible crash after updating peak volume metadata
+ Media explorer: force browser to refresh after completing search [t=250169]
+ Media explorer: support editing some metadata for .RPP files
+ Media explorer: support running custom actions from customized menus
+ Media explorer: when dragging media into project, respect media explorer
setting to preserve pitch when changing rate or tempo-matching
+ Media items: multiple notes windows can be open at the same time
+ Media items: action to open item notes acts on all selected media items, closes
notes windows if they are already open
+ Media items: support resizing item notes window
+ Media items: support word wrap in media item notes
+ Media items: word wrap text display within empty item if set, don't scale text
below default size
+ Menus: preserve consistent keyboard shortcut display when multiple shortcuts
assigned [p=2503236]
+ Metadata: first tab of project metadata dialog lists only elements that are
supported by multiple schemes, rather than every known element
+ Metadata: include link to official specification for various schemes on file
metadata dialog
+ Metadata: rename "Title" category to "Main"
+ Metadata: support ASWG metadata
+ Metadata: support CAF channel layout metadata
+ Metadata: support displaying and embedding BEXT version 2 metadata
+ Metadata: support renaming presets
+ Metadata: support sorting project metadata dialog by description, value, or key
+ MIDI notation and inline editor: support custom actions/reascripts in
customized context menus [p=2241827]
+ Notation editor: prevent unnecessary scrolling after some actions
+ Notation editor: snap to key when inserting note at mouse cursor [p=2442885]
+ Peak building: improve UI responsiveness while building peaks
+ Peak building: improve peak building speed using background threads
+ Peaks: fix crash when using spectral peaks/spectrogram on a media file which is
recording in another tab
+ Performance: avoid interrupting audio when removing tracks with open send
+ Project bay: fix creating folder in automation items tab [t=260389]
+ Projects: hold shift to open recent project in new project tab
+ Project save: improve validation of saved project size to prevent poor behavior
with Google Drive
+ Razor edits: add option in Preferences/Project/Media Item Defaults to overlap
and crossfade when finalizing razor edits
+ Razor edits: rename "Move envelope points with razor edits" preference to
"Razor edits affect all track envelopes"
+ Razor edits: scroll view to new cursor position after cut/copy/paste
+ Razor edits: add preference to always trim content behind razor edits to
Preferences/Project/Media Item Defaults
+ Razor edits: improve behavior of overlapping razor edits on a single track when
"razor edits affect all track envelopes" enabled
+ Razor edits: fix behavior when auto-creating new tracks during razor edit
+ Razor edits: fix fade drawing glitch when media items and razor edits are
offscreen left [p=2500861]
+ ReaPlugs: fix filter positioning on samplerate change for ReaDelay and
ReaVerbate [t=260927]
+ ReaPlugs: fix sidechain filter issue in ReaGate and ReaComp (introduced in
+ ReaScript: add bandpass type to TrackFX_SetEQParam, etc
+ ReaScript: Envelope_GetParentTrack/Take always return index/index2 in Lua
+ ReaScript: Fix GetUserFileNameForRead() when called with forward slashes on
Windows [t=260937]
+ ReaScript: GetEnvelopePointEx/GetEnvelopePoint/Envelope_Evaluate always return
all output parameters in Lua
+ ReaScript: improve ident strings for VST plug-ins (include VST2 and VST3 IDs)
+ ReaScript: Lua functions do not type-check parameters which are output-only
+ ReaScript: make output-only parameters optional in EEL2 when possible
+ ReaScript: ReaLimit supports Track/TakeFX_Get/SetNamedConfigParm for THRESHOLD,
+ ReaScript: save/load script and "P_EXT:" extension data for the master track
+ ReaScript: TimeMap_curFrameRate() always returns dropFrame in Lua
+ ReaScript: Track/TakeFX_GetPinMappings/IOSize always return all outputs in Lua
+ ReaSurroundPan: add 9.1.4 speaker setup
+ Region/marker manager: improve import of regions in H:M:S:F format [t=259999]
+ Render: add option to automatically write peak/loudness statistics into
rendered file metadata
+ Render: fix rendering video using ffmpeg with mp3 audio encoding
+ Render: handle resampler latency properly at end of file when applying dither
or using secondary render format
+ Render: optionally save render output directory with presets
+ Render: support embedding WAVFORMAT_EXTENSIBLE and CAF channel layout tags in
render metadata [t=233072]
+ Render: support normalizing/limiting video files
+ Ruler: increase tick mark resolution to prevent potential skipped gridlines
when using 1/32 triplets
+ Samplerate conversion: add r8brain free mode (courtesy Aleksey Vaneev of
+ Samplerate conversion: reorder and rename various modes
+ Samplerate conversion: improve dynamic varispeed playback quality
+ Scrub: improve ballistics
+ Scrub: improve samplerate conversion quality, other behaviors
+ Take FX: correct pin mapper help text to clarify that take FX can receive audio
from any take channel, but not track channels
+ Time: fix display of very large values in sample scale
+ Tracks: rename track playback offset setting to media playback offset
+ Video: add OpenGL display output support for Windows and Linux
+ Video: fix audio encoding with ffmpeg 4.4
+ Video: add input_match() and input_matchi() helpers for video processors
+ Video: allow setting take section/reverse in media item properties for video
files with no audio or audio disabled [t=260768]
+ Video: improve synchronization behavior with output display offset and project
varispeed [p=2503128]
+ VST: keep full VST3 GUID in reaper-vstplugins.ini and reaper-vstshells.ini
+ VST: hide and allow re-scan of shell-plugin instances which previously failed
to scan
+ WAV: display WAVFORMAT_EXTENSIBLE channel assignments in media source
+ Wildcards: support start time, tempo, time signature wildcards in filenames
when consolidating or gluing
+ Windows: catch more cases where disk writes fail at end of file due to disk
+ Windows: fix assigning key bindings for some keyboard layouts/extended keys
+ Windows: support global overrides for media keyboard keys
+ Windows: support separate key bindings for NumPad Home/End/etc (falling back to
non-NumPad bindings)
+ Windows: workaround wine bug with NM_CUSTOMDRAW on checkboxes (includes actual
+ Zoom: add preference to center vertical zoom on top of view (does not scroll),
remove preference to center on top visible track (which scrolls)

v6.42 - November 16 2021

+ Config export: encode .zip files with UTF-8 filename encoding for third party
unzippers [p=2496639]
+ Media explorer: display .RPP start tempo rather than project tempo setting
+ MusicXML export: improve encoding of .mxl with UTF-8 filenames
+ Notation editor: avoid vertical scrolling when inserting note via action
+ Project settingss: fix project notes edit box on macOS [t=259606]
+ Video: support loading FFmpeg/VLC on Windows when path contains UTF-8

v6.41 - November 11 2021

+ ARA: preserve ARA plugin state when moving tracks or items to subproject
+ Configuration export: allow export to continue when some files fail (e.g. due
to very long path names) [t=258954]
+ Envelopes: consistently describe take envelopes as "take envelopes" and not
"item envelopes" in actions, menus, and dialogs
+ JSFX: fix line clipping bug [t=217249]
+ Locking: improve behavior of toggle lock mode actions (auto-enable locking when
enabling lock mode)
+ Master meter: fix 1-pixel RMS/LUFS drawing error when using 0dB red threshold
+ Menus: when razor edits exist, don't gray out menu actions that will operate on
razor edit areas (cut, copy, delete, duplicate, etc)
+ Metronome: fix click speed multiplier when many tempo changes exist [t=259441]
+ MIDI hardware: add per-output device setting to disable MIDI reset messages
+ MIDI hardware: fix persistence of preference to reset MIDI pitch/CC on playback
+ Mouse modifiers: fix some actions to set default mouse modifiers
+ MusicXML: fix importing xml files with certain comments [t=259026]
+ Notation editor: fix beaming pattern in 8/4 and 8/8 [t=259376]
+ Opus: fix multichannel regression in opusfile update in 6.39
+ ReaScript: allow using MIDIEditor_GetSetting_str() to query event details from
the MIDI list editor
+ ReaScript: increase size of task control prompt [t=259053]
+ ReaVerb: slight performance improvement in LL mode with smaller max-FFT sizes
+ Theme: default theme image fixes resulting from volume label change
+ Theme: restore 6.38 HiDPI image margin scaling logic

v6.40 - October 30 2021

+ Metronome: avoid possible crash when adjusting metronome settings with empty
take lanes in the project

v6.39 - October 29 2021

+ Automation: fix editing automation items for FX parameters with inverted range
+ Command line: support both -template and filename arguments [t=258395]
+ FX browser: include more JSFX in Cockos category when not showing JSFX
+ JSFX: greater precision for $e and $phi
+ Linux: fix fullscreen behavior (6.37 regression) [t=258543]
+ Linux: improve main window fullscreen behavior for owned windows
+ Linux: make initial focus of various windows (e.g. performance meter) match
that of macOS/Windows
+ Media explorer: add action to rename file
+ Media explorer: display metadata for .RPP (REAPER project) files
+ Media explorer: fix restarting playback from non-zero position when changing
playback rate [p=2489305]
+ Media explorer: respect project option to preserve pitch when changing rate in
new items when importing media via action with no rate adjustment set
+ Media explorer: update display after setting/unsetting files as favorites
+ Media explorer: improve restoring focus state when navigating folders
+ Metronome: add actions to set metronome speed to 1x, 2x, 4x
+ Metronome: support 2x or 4x click speed multiplier
+ Metronome: update click source peaks display when updating metronome settings
or click source properties
+ MIDI: send all-sound-off messages in addition to all-notes-off
+ Mouse modifiers: add modifier to adjust fade-in/fade-out curve with relative
edge edit [t=258427]
+ Opus: update to opus-1.3.1, opusfile 0.12
+ Project: add title field in Project Settings/Info dialog, accessible to render,
metadata, etc wildcards as $title
+ Project notes: support optional word wrap
+ Razor edits: fix occasional incorrect group selection edge highlight when razor
+ Razor edits: add preference to always trim content behind razor edits to
Preferences/Project/Media Item Defaults
+ ReaControlMIDI: send all-sound-off messages when clicking all notes off button,
show all-sound-off messages when logging all-notes-off
+ ReaPlugs: ReaSynth/ReaSynDr/ReaVoice/RS5k respond to all-sound-off messages
+ ReaScript: add MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent() for enumerating recent MIDI input
+ ReaScript: deprecate GetSetProjectAuthor, use
GetSetProjectInfo_String(PROJECT_AUTHOR) instead
+ ReaScript: add support for GetSetProjectInfo_String(RECORD_PATH_SECONDARY)
+ ReaScript: MIDI_SetAllEvts() allows setting program change/channel pressure
with 3-byte encoding
+ ReaVerb: add Convolve mode to Channel Tool
+ ReaVerb: Channel Tool supports forcing the total channel count of impulse
+ ReaVerb: support setting channel offset directly when adding an IR file item
+ ReaVerb: support drag/drop of impulse file into plugin
+ Render: improve support for non-ascii filename characters in HTML render
statistics display
+ Routing windows: improve size/position of channel selection boxes [p=2491493]
+ Subprojects: write =START time to rendered file as BWF preferred start position
+ Theme: fix button margin issues with gen_ images and DPI scaling [p=2491894]
+ Theme: improve mixer meter positioning [t=258633]
+ Theme adjuster: fix macOS-arm64 retina drawing
+ Theme adjuster: improve usability on vertically-constrained displays [t=255162]
+ Track meters: exclude all-sound-off from MIDI activity indicators
+ Track meters: add option to measure LUFS on first two channels only
+ VST3: fix MIDI data passthrough [t=258648]
+ Web interface: improve non-Apple mobile-web-app-capable meta tags for various
+ Windows: fix drag and drop with experimental multimonitor aware v2 hidpi mode
+ Windows: ignore alt-key mouseup when using alt+mousewheel in arrange view
+ Windows: installer now always installs JSFX library

v6.38 - October 17 2021

+ Loudness Meter: add options for writing automation inverted and selecting
single output value
+ macOS: improve textfield behavior with certain key mappings in menu items
+ Media explorer: separate multichannel peaks display by one pixel
+ ReaComp/ReaGate: perform extra validation on multichannel mode configuration
+ ReaEQ: fix UI update issues when loading presets on Windows
+ ReaEQ: update graph display when resizing and analysis is disabled [t=258420]
+ ReaScript: fix potential crash when hit testing over TCP mono button [t=258528]
+ ReaScript: fix TakeFX_GetParamFromIdent [t=258477]
+ ReaScript: hit test functions now detect master.tcp.mono etc
+ ReaVerb: fix incorrect processing on very sparse non-mono signals (e.g. click
sources) [p=2488323]
+ ReaVerb: fix reverb generator crash with zero-width (6.37 regression)
+ ReaXcomp: fix UI update issues when loading presets on Windows
+ Render: localize "dry run" text
+ Theme: add mcp_fxembed scalar to WALTER [t=257691]

v6.37 - October 12 2021

+ Actions: duplicate selected items obeys item grouping, creates new groups when
originals are grouped [t=257557]
+ Actions: fix quirks with 'Expand selected track height, minimize others' action
and mouse mapping [t=257138]
+ Actions: update solo button after MIDI CC solo state action [t=247350]
+ Actions: fix some soft-takeover corner cases for midi CC actions
+ API: improve resolution and remove center-snap logic from CSurf_OnPanChange*()
and CSurf_OnWidthChange*()
+ Audio Units: preserve input audio for instrument plugins (same behavior as VST
and LV2 instrument plugins)
+ Audio Units: fix creating shortcuts to renamed plug-ins via FX browser
+ Audio Units: support IO menu in pin connector dialog
+ Automation items: fix possible hang on linux/i686 [t=257166]
+ Batch converter: add brickwall limiter option
+ Batch converter: prevent occasional incomplete normalization with very short
files [p=2486792]
+ Envelopes: add advanced project preference (default enabled) to prevent bezier
envelope segments from being affected by preceding/following non-bezier points
+ Envelopes: correct invalid envelope point shape data when loading project
(protect against buggy scripts or extensions)
+ Envelopes: fix potential odd behavior when editing FX parameter envelopes with
inverted range [t=257763]
+ FX: support delta solo (difference between dry and wet signal) for VST, LV2,
+ FX: enable delta solo via alt+click or right-click on wet/dry knob, or I/O menu
in pin connector dialog
+ FX: add action to toggle delta solo for last focused fx
+ FX: show FX shortcut actions in action list even when FX is not available
+ FX: fix "only when selected/focused/visible" preference when using controller
soft takeover [t=253787]
+ FX browser: display error when FX shortcut creation fails
+ FX browser: improve behavior adding to folders when using search
+ FX browser: scan for new LV2 plug-ins when refreshing list via F5 [t=257658]
+ FX pin connector: change track channel count via dropdown, rather than +/-
+ FX pin connector: support changing plug-in channel count, mulit-mono, multi-
stereo configuration for ReaFX that support it
+ FX pin connector: support configuring requested VST3 bus size
+ JSFX: fix loudness meter peak value display for certain channel counts
+ JSFX: improve Oscilloscope scrolling smoothness
+ JSFX: increase Oscilloscope maximum view length to 5s
+ JSFX: Loudness Meter integrated values (LUFS-I, LRA, RMS-I) only update when
playing back
+ JSFX: support regular peak (in addition to true peak) metering in Loudness
+ JSFX: update Flanger preset [t=4908]
+ Linux: allow mousewheel to scroll menus/combobox lists
+ Linux: improve appearance of menus and list/tree views [t=255743]
+ LV2: fix creating shortcuts to plug-ins via FX browser/script [t=258148]
+ LV2: improve support for localized plug-ins, use LANGUAGE environment variable
to choose language for plug-in, parameter, and preset names [t=258123]
+ LV2: notify UIs when time:beatsPerMinute or core:freeWheeling parameter changes
+ LV2: support pin connector dialog I/O menu option to zero out unmapped channels
+ macOS: fix Big Sur save dialog behavior when exporting to project types other
than .RPP [t=257839]
+ Media explorer: inform user if maximum number of user-customized metadata
columns has been added [t=258053]
+ Media explorer: localize dialog to add user metadata column
+ Media explorer: remember original playback start position when stopping (not
pausing) preview, restart playback from that position
+ Media explorer: when selecting new media, if both autoplay and show peaks for
selected media are disabled, previous playback will continue
+ MIDI: reset CC/pitch on playback stop is now enabled by default
+ MIDI: fix processing sysex messages when the terminating byte is a standalone
packet [t=257456]
+ MIDI editor: add custom note order/visiblity mode (ctrl+drag note key in named
notes view)
+ MIDI editor: do not quantize behavior of "drawing or selecting a note sets new
note length" preference [t=257819]
+ MIDI editor: import/export of note names includes custom-view ordering
information if set
+ MIDI editor: obey option for Preferences/Keyboard/alt key to main menu on
+ Pan: improve rounding behavior when adjusted via control surfaces/actions
+ Project bay: read source file attributes from cache if possible, to improve
loading time for bays that contain many retained files
+ Razor edit: allow pressing copy modifier key after mousedown, but before
initial mouse move [p=2478084]
+ Razor edits: fix envelope edits affecting automation items incorrectly
+ ReaComp: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes
+ ReaEQ: support various channel metering options
+ ReaEQ: support up to 64 channels
+ ReaEQ: update display after resizing when not processing audio
+ ReaFIR: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes
+ ReaFIR: support various channel metering options
+ ReaGate: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes
+ ReaLimit: add new program-dependent brickwall limiter plugin
+ ReaLimit: support embedded UI
+ ReaLimit: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes
+ ReaScript: add MIDIEditor_EnumTakes()
+ ReaScript: add TakeFX/TrackFX_GetParamIdent/GetParamFromIdent
+ ReaScript: ensure envelope point shape input is valid
+ ReaScript: for Lua, make final string parameter to various Get functions that
return strings optional
+ ReaScript: MIDIEditor_GetTake and MIDIEditor_EnumTakes return nil if the MIDI
editor is empty
+ ReaScript: Track/TakeFX_GetNamedConfigParm() can retrieve fx_name, fx_type,
+ ReaSurround: update I/O size immediately when changing speaker configurations
while bypassed
+ ReaVerb: add Channel Tool to allow combining multiple files by channel
+ ReaVerb: support up to 64 channel impulses
+ ReaVerb: load channel count configuration from presets
+ ReaVerb: reverse impulse modifier can apply to all channels or single channel
+ ReaXcomp: support up to 64 channels, optional multi-mono and multi-stereo modes
+ Recording: improve recording behavior with time selection autopunch and PDC
+ Render: add brickwall limiter option
+ Render: add support for renaming render presets
+ Render: display gain reduction in render peaks display when limiting
+ Render: fix peaks display with very short files
+ Render: report rendered file length, full file path in HTML render statistics
+ Theme: fix display of 200% layouts on retina displays
+ Track panels: improve behavior of FX parameter knobs for toggle parameters
+ Transport: fix issues with docked/undocked transport and screensets [t=258026]
+ Video: fix gfx_deltablit documentation [p=2479952]
+ VST: fix initializing pin connector when plugin I/O increases
+ VST: improve hard-reset behavior when used with plugins that only support soft-
+ VST: improve naming of unnamed programs
+ VST: improve program handling when loading state for plugins that support
chunks (e.g. Maize Sample Player)
+ VST: improve support for VST2 plug-ins that do not support
+ VST: run preset loading synchronously with audio processing
+ VU meters: don't show clip indicators for not-soloed tracks [p=2485497]
+ VU meters: consistent rounding and clip indicator behavior across all peak
+ VU meters: display overs if record-input signal is >= +0dB, or playback signal
is > +0dB
+ VU meters: improve appearance when using DPI-mapping [t=257953]
+ VU meters: fix RMS calculation with certain sample rates [t=257633]

v6.36 - September 3 2021

+ Actions list: improve the naming of various selection related actions
+ Actions list: add deselect,unselect to list of action name synonyms
+ Actions list: match synonyms when next to various non-alphanumeric characters
+ API: allow plug-in audio hooks to read/modify incoming MIDI messages from the
current block
+ API: add GetThingFromPoint() which can return WALTER elements
+ API: add read-only track property to read position of WALTER elements, e.g.
+ Freeze: add option in preferences/rendering to generate muted silent items from
muted source items [t=255812]
+ FX browser: add menu item to duplicate JSFX
+ FX browser: add option to always search all FX when using search field
+ Linux: safer plug-in X11 window destruction
+ macOS: improve default focus of various windows
+ MIDI: don't allow setting MIDI note-on velocity to zero in event properties
+ Peaks: label slider "display zoom" in peaks settings window to match action
+ Preferences: enable apply button when toggling 'allow space key to be used for
navigation' setting [t=256970]
+ Render: automatically filter control characters from filenames on render
targets [t=256971]
+ Tracks: option to disable track metering affects only selected tracks
+ Video: fix rendering at framerates lower than 1/video_cache_size [t=256901]
+ Video: update media item labels when loading user presets on a take-FX video
processor [t=256861]
+ VST: improve VST3 handling of 0x90-encoded note-offs [t=256283]
+ VST: detect changes to window size on Linux bridged VST2
+ VST: fix UI idle processing for bridged VST2 on Linux
+ VST: prevent calling effEditClose twice on Windows and macOS bridged VST2 plug-
ins [p=2474831]

v6.35 - August 25 2021

+ Action list: optionally match synonyms of common words when searching for
action names ("display" matches "show", etc)
+ Action list: pull list of synonyms from langpack actionlist_synonyms section
+ Actions: use correct tempo when running action to insert tempo marker without
opening tempo marker editor, and time signature is not x/4 [t=256772]
+ Automation: obey grid/snap settings when using freehand draw
+ Automation: restore 6.33 behavior when adding a single point via freehand draw
+ FX: add pin mapping dialog actions to clear or reset mappings
+ FX: correct floating window titles in various cases [t=256595]
+ General: fix logical sorting issues in region manager and elsewhere [t=256759]
+ JSFX: support linked stereo channels in channel mapper user mix mode
+ Language packs: improve behavior with dialog scaling and existing langpacks in
render window [t=256670]
+ Linux: fix issues with non-US numeric locales and plug-ins that reset locale
+ Linux: improve save-as window default extension handling [t=256824]
+ Linux: show multi-instance options in preferences [t=256744]
+ Marquee zoom: allow tracks to be sized smaller in order to fit on screen
+ Master VU: fix LUFS-S meter text readout when set to display current level
rather than max or LRA [p=2471528]
+ Media items: support entering numeric values for take volume/pan in properties
+ Media items: reset snap offset if right edge resized less than offset
+ Metadata: fix embedding CART intro/segue markers that occur at the very start
of the rendered file
+ Metadata: support embedding project markers/cues as XMP when rendering (for
Premiere, After Effects, etc)
+ Metadata: fix invalid memory access from unknown ETCO type in ID3v2 parsing
+ MIDI: encode gradual tempo changes on export as MIDI text messages that REAPER
can interpret when reimporting (other applications will ignore these messages and
import stepwise tempo changes)
+ Performance: fix potential excessive UI CPU use/hang when closing project when
edit cursor is offscreen [t=256285]
+ Project bay: fix dragging automation items into project [p=2473112]
+ Project bay: fix memory leak when running action to restore source media
+ Project bay: increase project length if needed when dragging media items from
project bay [t=254865]
+ Razor edits: fix editing envelope point that occurs at the start of an
automation item [p=2471931]
+ Razor edits: support stretch markers in media items that contain empty take
lanes, if there is at least one audio take [t=256443]
+ ReaComp: fix legacy parameter reset when using factory default preset
+ ReaComp: hide deprecated parameters if they are not being used (accessible via
compatability parameter in generic UI)
+ ReaScript: add GetSetMediaTrackInfo support for getting/setting track VU mode
+ ReaScript: add PCM_Source_BuildPeaks to allow scripts to build peaks for
+ ReaScript: prevent crash from incorrect use of PCM_Source_Destroy()
+ ReaSurround / ReaSurroundPan: allow plugin to support higher I/O channel count
than the track or media item
+ ReaSurroundPan: label an elevated speaker in the center of the room as
"overhead", other elevated speakers as "height"
+ ReaSurroundPan: when LFE channel is selected, allow changing input faders to
gain, but disable the channel text edit box
+ Render: display up to 512 vu meters, limited to the screen height
+ Render: iterate for increased precision when normalizing to LUFS-I
+ Render: master and track meters display levels after sample rate conversion, if
any [t=256570]
+ Render: more informative error message if target file cannot be created
+ Render: optimize loudness calculations
+ Render: separate render statistics header for clearer display when rendering
many files
+ Render: support dithering primary and secondary render format to different bit
depths [t=256483]
+ Render: support enabling LUFS-I/LUFS-M and LRA/LUFS-S statistics separately
+ Ripple editing: improve behavior of actions to duplicate items within razor
edit or time selection [t=256114]
+ RS5k: improve default value for minimum velocity
+ Tempo markers: support tempo basis other than 1/4 note (affects displayed BPM
number only, not metronome or tempo envelope display) [t=250880]
+ Theme: add meter_strip_h_rms image, consistently use loudness meter theme
elements for tracks that are set to meter loudness
+ Tracks: support mono master/parent send, via single-channel entries in parent
channels dropdown in track routing dialog
+ Track VU: add metering settings submenu to track context menu as well as track
VU context menu
+ Track VU: support metering RMS, RMS stereo, LUFS-M, LUFS-S
+ VST3: fix incorrect handling of IContextMenuItem flags
+ Windows: avoid potential splash screen hang when caught in an
invalidate/postmessage loop [t=256285]

v6.34 - August 7 2021

+ Automation: improve behavior when using freehand draw and snapping to grid
+ FX: improve default window position saving behavior [p=2467019]
+ LV2: fix incorrect event timestamps when passing control messages from UI to
+ Master VU: clear loudness meter when clearing peaks, even for background
+ Master VU: faster loudness meter response when preference enabled to reset
meters on play/seek [p=2467063]
+ Metadata: add "Parts" category
+ Metadata: support embedding ID3:TPOS field
+ Peaks: add action to reset project peaks gain
+ Peaks: rename actions to adjust peaks display zoom (rather than peaks view
+ Peaks: separate peaks display slightly for multiple channels
+ Preferences: fix persistence of IDE editor doubleclick option [t=256058]
+ Project files: default to using quotes for all filenames to improve legacy
script compatibility [t=256027]
+ Razor edit: improve paste behavior when pasting across projects with different
tempo maps [t=256099]
+ Razor edit: improve marker/region behavior when using ripple-all [t=255278]
+ Razor edit: improve undo behavior when editing FX parameter envelopes
+ ReaScript: add I_LASTY/I_LASTH for GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo
+ ReaScript: fix sticking gfx_getchar('/') etc on Windows [t=236374]
+ Render: add options to disable calculating loudness statistics
+ VST3: fix RealGuitar on Win64 [p=2465441]
+ VST3: fix incorrect parameter setting in response to MIDI CCs (fixes Reason 11
issues) [t=255482]
+ Wave writing: fix corrupt output when writing large Wave64 files with metadata
+ Wave writing: improve reading/writing of Wave64 metadata
+ Wave writing: support writing INFO metadata scheme to RF64 files

v6.33 - July 26 2021

+ Dockers: fix FX chain docker restoration when loading projects (requires re-
save of existing projects)
+ Dockers: improve default ordering of new tabs
+ FX: add option to use modal window default positioning for newly created FX
chain/floating FX windows [t=233562]
+ FX: allow pin mapper dialog to be very large when first opened if the track has
many channels
+ FX: improve UI-destruction order when closing floating windows (for buggy plug-
+ FX: remove global option for plugin bridging, bridging options should be
controlled per-plugin via FX browser
+ FX pin connector dialog: show tooltips when there are more than 4 track
channels or 4 FX ins/outs
+ ID3v2: fix potential memory access errors when loading media
+ JSFX: ensure IDE is not completely offscreen when opening [t=255478]
+ JSFX: prevent reentrancy of @gfx code when TCP embedded and adding media on
Windows [t=255367]
+ Loudness metering: update loudness calculation more frequently in master VU and
render statistics
+ Master VU: improve preferences for loudness metering and readout value
+ Media explorer: fix inserting section of file when project setting enabled to
copy media to project directory [t=252491]
+ Media explorer: show folders with system file attribute on Windows [t=236567]
+ Media item properties: avoid small changes to take volume/pan when clicking but
not dragging fader [t=191454]
+ Media item properties: improve sizing behavior when scrollbar is visible
+ Project files: allow filenames to contain quotes (on platforms other than
+ ReaScript: add IDE color preset configuration to ReaScript tab
+ ReaScript: add IDE option to have doubleclick function name jump to function
+ ReaScript: fix incorrect IDE interpretation of certain alt-gr keys [t=255563]
+ ReaScript: IDE supports shift+tab without selection [t=255564]
+ ReaScript: fix return value of InsertAutomationItem function when option
enabled to trim automation items behind edits [t=255545]
+ ReaSurroundPan: update display consistently after editing custom speaker name
+ Render: add post-render action (under Stats button) to jump to position of
first rendered sample over +0dB
+ Render: add post-render action (under Stats button) to display render
statistics in web browser
+ Render: add separate actions to calculate mono loudness of selected tracks via
dry run render
+ Render: display lufs-m max, lufs-s max, lufs-i in web browser render statistics
or API request
+ Render: display file format, file length, and channel count (if mixed) in web
browser render statistics
+ Render: display overall render progress indicator
+ Render: display sample rate and channel count during dry run render
+ Render: don't display file extension during dry-run render
+ Render: fix dither/noise shaping when rendering stems [t=255450]
+ Render: fix normalizing stems to common gain based on master normalization when
rendering multiple regions
+ Render: fix secondary render sample rate and improve normalization when project
sample rate is different from rendered sample rate [t=255785]
+ Render: if true peak is calculated, don't display regular peak in render
statistics (everything is still displayed in web browser render statistics)
+ Render: improve peaks display when rendering very short files
+ Render: inform user when normalizing may cause relative levels of rendered
files to change
+ Render: make it clearer when normalization is enabled
+ Render: support normalizing stems to common gain based on normalizing master
mix, even if not rendering master mix
+ Render: when rendering multiple files, display as much path as needed to
disambiguate files
+ Routing windows: avoid small changes to track and send volume/pan when clicking
but not dragging fader
+ Routing windows: improve mousewheel behavior on volume/pan faders [p=2462863]
+ Routing windows: improve display when shift+dragging I/O buttons in track
panels to create multiple sends
+ Scrub: allow configurable maximum jog rate of 1x/2x/4x/8x (default 2x)
+ Scrub: prevent audio dropouts when adding undo point that does not affect items
+ Tempo map: action to create measure from time selection will not create a tempo
envelope if the user cancels the operation [t=255847]
+ Theme: fix customizing master track VU readout text color in TCP [t=255486]
+ Tracks: avoid small changes to track pan/width when clicking but not dragging
+ VST3: bridged plug-in improvements (fixed reference count leaks, improved
bridge exiting on macOS)
+ VST3: bridged plug-ins support IMidiLearn, IMidiMapping interfaces
+ Wildcards: fix $namenumber wildcard [t=255473]
+ Wildcards: support marker/region names consisting of separated name=value pairs
using $marker(name)[separator] and $region(name)[separator] (see wildcard help)
+ Windows: installer can optionally configure Windows to save REAPER crash dumps

v6.32 - July 9 2021

+ Batch converter: allow multichannel FX processing when using more than 4
channels [t=255033]
+ Envelopes: fix FX automation envelope defaults when moving media items
+ Loudness meter: add parameter to control whether output loudness values are
written as automation
+ Loudness meter: add parameter to control internal meter update rate
+ Master meter: when set to mono, display identical RMS stereo loudness on the
right meter channel [p=2460681]
+ Render: disregard setting to save copy of project before rendering when dry-run
+ Super8: fix stereo export in certain instances [t=255367]
+ Wildcards: improve help for $marker(name) and $region(name) wildcards
+ Windows: fix VST3 loading from paths with UTF-8 characters (6.30 regression)

v6.31 - July 6 2021

+ Loudness meter: do not send output parameter automation notifications
+ Master VU: don't show clip indicator in TCP meter when set to loudness, even if
peaks clip
+ Normalization: use 64-bit intermediate file when rendering to normalized 32-bit
+ ReaScript: fix SetEnvelopePointEx when used with automation items [p=2459830]
+ ReaTune: improve readout text on Windows [p=2459803]
+ Render: always run dry-run render actions at full speed regardless of other
render preferences [p=2459647]
+ Render: fix embedding project markers/regions as cues [t=255268]
+ VST3: bridging fixes and compatibility improvements [p=2459517]

v6.30 - July 3 2021

+ Actions: add actions to calculate loudness of selected items/tracks/selection
via dry-run render
+ Actions: do not modify collapsed state of selected non-folder tracks when
cycling through collapsed state for folder tracks
+ API: fix deadlock with MIDI_GetAllEvts() and buffer too small [t=254625]
+ Automation items: add preference to pool/unpool automation items when split due
to media item edit or razor edit
+ Automation items: filter out duplicate points on load [t=254759]
+ Automation items: fix hang/slowness when adjusting very large automation items
+ Batch converter: support normalizing to target peak or loudness level when
+ Consolidate: support wildcards in consolidated file name
+ Envelopes: fix incorrect minuscule gain at unity on fader-scaled volume
envelopes [t=254859]
+ Envelopes: fix unexpected behavior when moving multiple sets of envelope points
with no transition time between selected and unselected points [t=254611]
+ FX: improve AU:/VST: prefix removal for shortened FX names [t=255061]
+ FX: improve reporting of play state/position when using "stop playback at end
of loop if repeat is disabled" [p=2456199]
+ IDE: ctrl+doubleclick on function name jumps to function, normal doubleclick
selects function name
+ JSFX: plugins can now detect if embedded in TCP/MCP via built-in variable
+ JSFX: add loudness meter plugin (supports true peak, RMS, LRA, LUFS-M, LUFS-S,
+ JSFX: export_buffer_to_project() can take a planar_pitch parameter to allow
exporting planar multichannel content
+ JSFX: plugin can dynamically show/hide sliders via new slider_show() function
+ JSFX: optimize x86_64 (now supporting SSE), aarch64, armv7l code generation
+ LV2: fix multichannel non-default pin mapping state on project load [t=254704]
+ macOS: improve appearance of fade menu items when using dark mode [t=254007]
+ macOS: improve JSFX, Video Processor and EEL2 ReaScript performance when
running under Rosetta2 on M1-powered macs
+ Master metering: support LUFS-M, LUFS-S, LUFS-I, LRA loudness metering in mixer
and/or track control panel
+ Master metering: apply loudness display gain but not display offset to loudness
readout numbers
+ Master metering: improve mixer meter RMS/loudness readout appearance contrast
+ Master metering: support oversampled peak metering (true peak)
+ Media explorer: fix formatting of absolute paths from tree browser on
+ Meters: more informative tooltips
+ MIDI: fix duplicate CC values being sent at the start of linear/bezier curves
+ MIDI: fix editing event properties from list editor with filter applied
+ Project bay: improve drag-drop preview and cursor behavior
+ Project bay: improve handling of MIDI items and tempo changes (existing
retained items will have to be re-retained to include QN information) [t=243315]
+ Razor edit: fix context menu inconsistency when razor edit mouse modifiers are
remapped [p=2445668]
+ Razor edit: fix positioning of initial transition envelope point [p=2450795]
+ ReaScript: add GetEnvelopeInfo_Value(I_SEND_IDX) and
+ ReaScript: add GetSetMediaTrackInfo(B_SOLO_DEFEAT) and
+ ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_STATS) to retrieve statistics
for the most recently rendered files
+ ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_METADATA) to retrieve list of
all defined project metadata identifiers [t=254407]
+ ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_NORMALIZE) and
+ ReaScript: support running a caller-specified action before returning render
statistics (see API help for details)
+ ReaTune: enable embedded TCP/MCP view for tuner
+ Render: support normalizing rendered files (except video) to target peak, true
peak, or loudness (RMS or LUFS)
+ Render: allow rendering to primary/secondary of the same type (e.g. wav 16-bit
and 24-bit, $bitdepth recommended in wildcard)
+ Render: apply dither/noise shaping to secondary render format if enabled and
format supports
+ Render: calculate and display peak, true peak (when enabled), clips/overs, RMS,
LUFS, LRA (loudness range) for each rendered file
+ Render: draw peaks on first pass of 2nd pass render
+ Render: ignore preference to auto-close render dialog if normalizing or dry-run
+ Render: optionally mark clips/overs (samples over +0dbFS) in render peaks
+ Render: show first actual file used when rendering to multiple files that are
+ Render: show percentage complete in render processing dialog
+ Render: support dry run rendering (everything is processed as normal, but no
output files are written)
+ Render: support normalizing rendered stems to master mix peak or loudness
+ Render: support substituting user-provided string for master $track wildcard
+ Render queue: add button to cancel all remaining renders [t=234691]
+ Super8: allow controlling loop length, synchronization mode via automatable
+ Super8: fix cell alignment [t=254982]
+ Super8: fix off-by-one-sample error in first-pass recording
+ Super8: add per-channel length-division setting
+ Super8: when adding loops to project, export linked channels as stereo file
+ System: update zlib to 1.12.11 and libpng to 1.6.37
+ Tracks: prevent tiny volume change on initial track fader click [t=191454]
+ Undo: fix state adding when inserting new MIDI or empty items via action/menu
item (6.24 regression) [t=255164]
+ Video: add option to choose which monitor is used for fullscreen display
+ VST3: support bridging/firewalling of VST3 plug-ins
+ VST3: add IPlugInterfaceSupport, for plugins to request compatibility features
+ VST3: add IMidiLearn interface support
+ VST3: avoid threading conflicts when processing expression and keyswitch
+ VST3: internal threading changes to MIDI controller and program change handling
+ VST3: require bundle/module/dll entry-points to match Cubase/VST3 spec
+ Windows: improve installer behavior when choosing Portable checkbox after
editing installation path [t=253741]

v6.29 - May 18 2021

+ Actions: rename "Envelope: Clear envelope" to "Envelope: Clear or remove
+ API: add hwnd_info hook for improved plug-in global hotkey integration
+ API: fix typo in documentation of IReaperUIEmbedInterface [p=2438620]
+ API: GetSetProjectInfo_String() supports TRACK_GROUP_NAME:x
+ API: run hookpostcommand2 hooks for reascripts and custom actions
+ Automation items: action to create new automation item uses razor edit areas if
they exist
+ Envelopes: add "remove envelope" action to envelope control panel context menu
+ Envelopes: fix possible redraw of media lane envelopes when opening project
+ FX: fix monitoring window persistence when using new undo point option
+ FX: improve embedded FX update frequency when mouse-editing
+ FX: improve docked mixer visibility restoration when adding FX via docked FX
browser [t=253330]
+ FX: fix visual display of TCP/MCP parameter knob when parameter min/max is
+ JSFX: allow export_buffer_to_project() to use 64 channels
+ JSFX: effects may now request samplerate for opened media using
+ macOS: rename ARM build to, Intel 64-bit to, update
volume labels of disk images
+ Media explorer: add option to preview through track named "Media Explorer
+ Media explorer: fix re-sorting randomized file list after running action to set
file as favorite [p=2437642]
+ Media explorer: fix searching after renaming file
+ Media explorer: refresh display after resetting column order to default
+ Media explorer: support adding additional user-specifiable metadata display
+ Media items: when mouse-moving selected area of grouped items, group the
remaining right-hand side of items separately from the left-hand side, for
consistency with cut/paste behavior
+ Notation: fix key snapping on first beat of local key signature change
+ Notation: improve edit cursor position rounding when using snap to samplerate
+ Notation: assign current voice when inserting notes via "insert note at nearest
A/B/C/etc" actions [t=216159]
+ OSC: support touch status for up to 2048 tracks [t=253320]
+ Project bay: show bypass/offline status for FX that are unavailable
+ Project metadata: disallow spaces in IXML element identifiers
+ Razor edit: add razor edit envelope editing behaviors
+ Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to expand or compress envelope range, relative
to average value or toward top/bottom
+ Razor edit: ensure that pasted media items remain grouped and pasted automation
items remain pooled across tracks
+ Razor edit: fix media item display after pasting razor edit area and zooming
+ Razor edit: skip hidden envelope lanes when marquee-creating razor edit areas
with "move envelope points with razor edits" disabled
+ Razor edit: when editing or cutting, group the remaining right-hand side of
items separately from the left-hand side [p=2439372]
+ Razor edit: when mouse-copying items, create new groups if necessary
+ ReaPlugs: display more significant digits of ReaDelay/ReaPitch pan position
+ ReaScript: show file/line number for Lua calls to ReaScriptError()
+ ReaScript: improve Lua ReaScriptError() behavior when called from extension-
added functions, allow ! prefix to stop script execution
ReaSurroundPan via Track/TakeFX_SetNamedConfigParm
+ ReaScript: ReaSurroundPan FX_Get/SetNamedConfigParm("NUMSPEAKERS") will
interpret a value like "6S" as 6-channel surround, "8I" as 8-channel ITU, "12A" as
12-channel Auro, etc
+ ReaSurroundPan: add new 2D/3D surround panner plug-in
+ ReaSurroundPan: supports common speaker spatial arrangements and user-
customizable arrangements up to 64 inputs/outputs
+ ReaSurroundPan: add actions to display ReaSurroundPan embedded in TCP or MCP
+ ReaSurroundPan: support axis linking (forcing edits to a particular shape on
the z-axis)
+ ReaSurroundPan: support editing anchor channel via controller, but does not
record automation
+ ReaSurroundPan: support per-channel delay
+ Ruler: add option to display region name when region start is offscreen
+ Ruler: add option to hide region number if region is named
+ Spectral edits: fix issue with playback starting after item loop [t=252747]
+ Spectral edits: improve performance with large numbers of spectral edits
+ Super8: allow drag-drop of samples to channels
+ Super8: improve layouts when UI is resized very wide or very tall
+ Super8: improve MIDI-control behavior when same note/CC is assigned to a
channel's record and play controls
+ Theme: add razor_env, razor_env_l, razor_env_r cursors
+ Video: improve default ordering of 2x2 matrix preset [t=252286]
+ VST3: actually support third-party embeddable UIs via IReaperUIEmbedInterface
interface [t=252907]

v6.28 - April 22 2021

+ Accessibility: improve behavior of spacebar in actions list and managers with
spacebar-navigation option set
+ API: ListView_GetItemText() supports owner-data listviews on non-win32
+ FX: allow JS/Channel Mapper-Downmixer to be renamed [p=2431465]
+ FX: fix mapping track channels above 32 using the FX pin connector dialog
+ FX: avoid zombie bridge processes in various corner cases
+ macOS: improve behavior when scanning VST plug-ins that present modal UI
+ Marker/region manager: fix undesired periodic marker deselection
+ Marker/region manager: improve selection behavior when removing markers/regions
+ Marker/region manager: move edit cursor when seeking during playback
+ Media explorer: fix tempo sync when inserting media on new track [p=2433091]
+ Media explorer: improve readability of embedded cues
+ MIDI: enforce some reasonable maximum MIDI message and per-block list sizes
(128MB and 256MB initially)
+ MIDI: fix unlikely but possible incorrect handling of PDC+MIDI
+ Razor edit: properly handle moving and pasting areas that contain MIDI items
when project timebase is set to "time" [t=252436]
+ Razor edit: restrict selected area to 0.001 rather than 0.01 seconds
+ Render: fix display of render vu meters with panned mono media [t=252026]
+ Track manager: fix keyboard navigation quirks on macOS with mirrored selection

v6.27 - April 11 2021

+ Dither: fix half-bit DC offset [p=2425940]
+ FX: add option to not add undo points when closing FX windows [t=250733]
+ FX: improve pin connector window
+ FX: fix persistence of take FX processing channel count when processing only 2
channels on a track with more than 2 channels
+ JSFX: add Channel Mapper-Downmixer plugin
+ JSFX: add option in pin connector dialog I/O menu to pass through or zero out
unused output channels
+ JSFX: support drawing vertical text via gfx_setfont flag 'z' (does not work
with system/bitmapped font)
+ JSFX: allow Webdings/Wingdings for gfx_setfont() use on Windows
+ macOS: add prefs/general/advanced option for window fullscreen button to
activate fullscreen rather than OS fullscreen
+ macOS: add prefs/general/advanced options for rounded buttons and big sur
listview margins
+ macOS: disable macOS 10.12+ Window tabbing menu items
+ Media item channel mapper: control/command-click a mapping to set exclusively
for that channel
+ Media items: add action to set channel mapping for selected media items
+ MIDI: output multiple note-offs for the same channel/pitch if there are
multiple sequential note-ons
+ Project time offset: preserve maximum resolution when setting project time
offset to edit cursor position [p=2428360]
+ ReaScript: support drawing vertical text via gfx_setfont flag 'z' (does not
work with system/bitmapped font)
+ ReaScript: allow Webdings/Wingdings for gfx_setfont() use on Windows
+ ReaScript: correct documentation for Set/GetMasterTrackVisibility
+ ReaTune: fix potential crash with certain parameter settings and UI open
+ Render: resolve $samplerate wildcard correctly when mixing at one sample rate
but rendering to another [t=249713]
+ TCP FX List: fix multi-column scroll extent issue [t=245850]
+ Timeline: truncate seconds and samples display rather than rounding, for
consistency with H:M:S and H:M:S:F display
+ Timeline: when displaying minutes:seconds and a project start offset exists,
center ruler major tick marks on project time zero rather than the start of the
+ Track manager: display track channel count
+ VST: add I/O menu item in FX pin connector dialog to increase host channel
count to match plugin
+ VST: add option in pin connector dialog I/O menu to pass through or zero out
unused output channels
+ VST: cache VST3 parameter/bus/latency information for improved performance with
yabridge and plug-ins
+ VST: improve behavior when VST3 plug-ins call
+ VST: more flexible support for passing MIDI program change messages to VST3

v6.26 - March 29 2021

+ Actions: action to insert or extend MIDI item does not skip existing looped
MIDI items [t=250900]
+ Arrange: prevent possible overdraw with selected track cursor bracket and
blinking cursor [t=250398]
+ Dither: use prvhash for rng/tpdf generation (courtesy Aleksey Vaneev)
+ Edit cursor: display slightly subtler bracket on last selected track
+ Envelopes: fix editing automation item edge point using envelope point editor
dialog [twtr=1367910774371401731]
+ Glue: actions glue within razor edit areas if they exist
+ Glue: default glue action splits items and glues only within time selection, if
all selected items intersect the time selection
+ Glue: former default glue action is renamed "expanding to time selection if
any", custom actions and scripts that use it are unaffected
+ JSFX: add output polarity setting for Liteon/nonlinear [t=251346]
+ JSFX: autoexpand soft knee fix from sstillwell
+ JSFX: update 1175 compressor and various others to fix overcompression, add
deprecated blown capacitor mode to preserve old behavior
+ JSFX: add improved SRC gain correction mode for guitar/amp-model and
+ macOS: add NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to improve audio input support on Big
+ macOS: main window fullscreen button activates REAPER-native fullscreen rather
than OS fullscreen
+ macOS: workaround Big Sur MIDISend() bug where 250 or more events at the same
timestamp crashes
+ Media items: adjust snap offset when copying selected part of media item
+ Media items: preserve relative snap offset when copying media items [p=2410077]
+ Metadata: support displaying multiple iXML or xmp metadata keys in media source
properties dialog [t=250356]
+ Metadata: support embedding images when rendering FLAC files
+ MIDI: suppress unnecessary prompt on importing MIDI files [t=251349]
+ MIDI: fix issues when launching rename note action via enter key
+ MIDI: improve MIDI editor focus behavior when closing various text editing
+ Mute automation: fix potential hang with empty automation item [t=250949]
+ Razor edit: action to crossfade items at time selection acts on razor edits if
they exist
+ Razor edit: add action to move nearest razor edit edge to edit cursor
+ Razor edit: add mouse modifiers to remove area from razor edit selection
+ Razor edit: auto-scroll vertically when editing razor edit top/bottom edge
+ Razor edit: fix stretching automation items across tempo changes when razor
edit area does not match automation item length [p=2418894]
+ Razor edit: mouse modifer to split items at razor edit edges selects media
items and removes the razor edit area
+ Razor edit: respect preference to update video playback position when editing
audio items [p=2417843]
+ Razor edit: update display after running action to enclose media items
+ API: add ResolveRenderPattern, to resolve a wildcard pattern into a list of
target filenames
+ ReaScript: update Track_GetPeakInfo()/Track_GetPeakHoldDB() to support master
track RMS, update documentation
+ ReaSurround: update track channels only when increasing plugin speaker count,
not when changing plugin input channel count or decreasing speaker count
+ ReaVerb: add new SRC-normalization mode which should be more consistent for
some impulses and samplerate combinations [t=249454]
+ Region/Marker Manager: support exporting take markers, but not importing
+ Render dialog: add support for rendering razor edit areas
+ Video processors: do not warn when loading empty video processor preset
+ Video processors: fix preset name preservation behavior
+ Video processors: make preset list consistent with other FX types (user presets
+ Video processors: support preset navigation API [t=249961]
+ VST: improve bridged plug-in floating window behavior on macOS
+ VST: improve floating window behavior of bridged VST plug-ins

v6.25 - March 5 2021

+ Appearance: add option to hide edit cursor highlight on last selected track
+ Appearance: reduce locked media item darkness slightly (6.24 change)
+ JSFX: fix stack functions that caused Reaticulate to hang (6.24 regression)
+ JSFX: prevent more than 128MB of MIDI per block from being sent
+ ReaScript: support extra parameters in classic extension_api() calls
+ WAV: fix potential crash when reading wav files written by other applications
+ Windows: fix 32-bit ReaRoute [p=2413463]
+ Windows: prevent ReaRoute crash when using unreasonably-large block sizes

v6.24 - March 2 2021

+ Accessibility: improve labels for FX preset menu and edit comment buttons
+ Accessibility: add textual fade descriptions to menus via accessibility APIs
+ AIFF: support in24/42ni AIFC encoding
+ Arrange view: display bracket over last selected track, to indicate where
pasted content will go
+ Envelopes: add "remove envelope" menu item to envelope control panel context
+ Envelopes: fix automation potentially lost when moving media items across
tracks that do not have a matching FX envelope [p=2409245]
+ Envelopes: fix automation items potentially left behind when moving media items
across tracks
+ Envelopes: improve snapping behavior for Audio Unit enum parameters
+ Envelopes: support aliasing FX parameter from envelope control panel context
+ FX: add LV2 plug-in support
+ FX: add option to hide FX comment field in chain view
+ FX: support mousewheel processing for embedded FX if they have focus
+ FX: fix undo/redo display issues for FX comments
+ FX: limit generic UI vertical size to better fit on screen
+ FX: improve embedded FX update frequency when mouse-editing
+ FX: improve handling of embedded TCP/MCP controls for non-automatable
+ FX: improve keyboard behavior with Waves StudioRack
+ FX: improve performance when automating parameters with the generic VST/AU GUI
is open
+ FX: prevent creating envelopes for non-automatable parameters
+ JSFX: fix bugs in IX/MIDI_KeyMap, MIDI_Variant, and MIDI_DuplicateFilter
[t=181206] [p=1918238]
+ JSFX: improve denormal filtering on win32 to match win64/other OSes
+ JSFX: reduce memory use
+ Linux: rename JSFX ix/ subdirectory to IX/ [t=216852]
+ Linux: support JSFX/Video Processors/EEL2 ReaScripts with SELinux heap-
+ Loop sections: fix media item loop section mouse modifiers interaction with
reversed media [t=249263]
+ macOS: improve Big Sur compatibility by forcing various windows to use Metal
+ macOS: improve resolution of docker icon progress display during render
+ macOS: fix launching Audio MIDI Setup on Big Sur
+ macOS: fix video output flicker on recent macOS versions
+ macOS: fix possible crash in menu editor on 10.14 [t=249194]
+ Media explorer: action to insert media into active sample player looks for more
recently active ReaSamplomatic5000 instance [t=249473]
+ Media explorer: don't automatically re-scan empty files
+ Media explorer: don't re-scan database files that contain no metadata
+ Mixer: fix issues with themes that have very large master.mcp.size set
+ Mute automation: fix automating active mute envelope from controller [t=247330]
+ Razor edit: add Razor Edit feature, to draw, move, copy, and transform selected
areas of media and automation
+ Razor edit: support moving/copying envelope areas based on envelope type or
envelope lane via mouse modifiers
+ Razor edit: when "move envelope points with items" enabled, hidden envelopes
are included in area selections
+ Razor edit: actions to insert MIDI item, empty item, click source use razor
edit areas if they exist
+ Razor edit: add option to always trim content behind razor edits
+ Razor edit: add preference to stretch audio media items by either adding
stretch markers or splitting
+ Razor edit: display move guides when editing
+ Razor edit: auto-crossfade media items at the edge of the razor edit area
+ Razor edit: support displaying overlapping media items in lanes
+ Razor edit: when auto-creating FX parameter envelopes, initialize with the
current parameter value [p=2409576]
+ Razor edit: add basic API support
+ Razor edit: add settings to snap razor edits to media items and automation
+ ReaScript: allow EEL2 scripts to call third-party API functions without using
+ ReaScript: improve EEL2 extension_api() parameter count checking
+ ReaScript: reduce memory use of EEL2 scripts
+ ReaScript: fix IDE watch refresh when variable name changes [t=249408]
+ ReaScript: support gfx_setcursor() during capture/without mousemove [t=249619]
+ ReaScript: F1 in IDE gives context-sensitive help if possible
+ ReaScript: optimize Lua calls to plug-in API registered functions
+ ReaScript: add support for querying envelope GUID using
+ ReaScript: GetTrackEnvelopeByChunkName will also find envelopes by GUID
+ Retina/HiDPI: improve knob appearance in ReaSamplomatic5000
+ Routing diagram: fix pin display issues with 64 channel tracks
+ ReaSamplomatic5000: support increasing max voices via controller/automation
when UI is closed
+ Theme: add cursor_seltrack.png image to customize selected track cursor bracket
+ Theme: add theme color for selected track background
+ Video: fix possible deadlock when rendering video [t=243142]
+ VST3: support third-party embeddable UIs via new IReaperUIEmbedInterface
+ Windows: 32-bit build is now compiled with VS2005/ICC
+ Windows: add experimental asynchronous unbuffered disk write mode
+ Windows: ignore hidden/system directories when scanning VST paths

v6.23 - February 4 2021

+ Project bay: fix possible crash with VST that lack developer descriptions (6.20
+ RS5k: update mode combo box on state change [t=248967]
+ Video: fix floating FX processor window default size [t=249037]

v6.22 - February 4 2021

+ Audio units: improve envelope tooltips for enum parameters
+ FX: fix PDC mode resetting on undo of automation edits [t=248877]
+ FX: import of .rpl automatically disambiguates duplicate preset names within
the .rpl file
+ Jump dialog: fix jumping to times greater than one hour when ruler is not in
H:M:S:F [t=248559]
+ Media explorer: fix preview length when dragging selected part of media item
into REAPER [t=248547]
+ Media explorer: improve behavior when browsing folders with option disabled to
auto-expand directory tree [2399243]
+ MIDI export: improve accuracy when exporting gradual tempo changes
+ ReaScript: fix return value for FX_GetParameterStepSizes() on Audio Units
+ Render: support $region(name) wildcard when rendering via region matrix
+ Render: add preference in preferences/audio/rendering to control automatic
closing of the render window
+ Save live output: improve behavior when not in 'record only while stopped' mode
+ Video: improve section/reverse behavior when previewing in the media explorer
+ Video: improve seek behavior when previewing in the media explorer
+ Windows: change default worker thread behavior to reduce excessive CPU use on
many-core systems
+ Windows: fix tooltip behavior on windows that are pinned topmost

v6.21 - January 23 2021

+ macOS: fix video issues on Catalina/Big Sur and retina displays [t=248278]
+ macOS: fix ReWire-related crash on Catalina
+ macOS: revert to older macOS SDK for Catalina build (matching 6.19)
+ Media explorer: fix possible memory leak when importing or previewing media
with embedded transient information
+ Media explorer: fix waveform display when zoomed in to sample level [p=2394935]
+ Media explorer: reverse inserted media if preview playback is reversed
+ Render: fix potentially rendering one sample too short [t=248280]
+ Render: fix preset loading of 2nd pass render [t=248293]
+ Track/mixer panels: improve mouse hit testing for empty FX slots [t=248355]
+ VST: don't show scan window when only built-in plugins are being scanned
+ VST: fix scanning of certain plug-ins on Windows (6.16 regression) [t=246534]

v6.20 - January 20 2021

+ Actions: add actions to render stems on 2nd pass
+ Actions: add action to set horizontal zoom to default project setting
+ Actions: fix action to select take under mouse when empty take lanes are not
visible [t=246606]
+ Actions: fix capitalization of ReaScript, ReaEQ, etc in action descriptions
+ Automation items: fix potential crash when splitting automation item under
mouse cursor [t=247651]
+ Batch converter: add option to preserve original file metadata when possible
+ Envelope panels: fix redraw glitch when TCP is wider than arrange view
+ Envelope panels: fix lag in display of value text
+ Freeze: disable track playback offset when freezing, re-enable when unfreezing
+ FX: faster preset listing/saving/loading with large preset counts/sizes
+ FX: fix JSFX/AU pin map loading when FX pin count is larger than track channel
+ FX: FX chains can be set to compensate delay per-FX (REAPER 6.19 or earlier),
per-chain, or not at all
+ FX: master FX chain can be set to compensate delay at the hardware-send level
for improved performance
+ FX browser: improve selection behavior when renaming FX
+ IDE: autosuggest text (function names, variable names) while typing
+ IDE: add Ctrl+R for replace (after find), Ctrl+Return to insert line after
current, Ctrl+J to jump to line number
+ IDE: support searching backwards via Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3
+ IDE: double-clicking a user function name jumps to the function definition
+ IDE: improve search function, up/down changes search modes (substring, word,
+ IDE: reduce flicker in watch lists
+ IDE: show viewable line range in status line
+ IDE: add preference for watch window update interval
+ IDE: remember watch-enabled state
+ JSFX: add bit meter
+ JSFX: change IDE behavior to use Ctrl+Shift+R to open an import line (vs Ctrl+R
which is now used for search/replace)
+ macOS: improve listview appearance on Big Sur
+ macOS: Catalina/Big Sur builds are now built with the latest Apple toolchain
+ macOS: update table column alignment properly for multi-tab list controls
(project bay, etc)
+ Media explorer: action to open arrange view media in media explorer respects
autoplay preference
+ Media explorer: add action to calculate peak volume for media files
+ Media explorer: add action to preview random file
+ Media explorer: add action to re-read metadata from media files
+ Media explorer: add action to reverse preview playback
+ Media explorer: add options to normalize preview volume and/or normalize volume
when inserting media
+ Media explorer: add track number column (not displayed by default)
+ Media explorer: after deleting files, select the next file
+ Media explorer: apply volume, pitch, rate adjustments properly when inserting
multiple files at once
+ Media explorer: clean up shortcut view after reordering shortcuts
+ Media explorer: clear search cache when renaming files or when new files are
+ Media explorer: display arrow cursor over preview scrollbars on Windows
+ Media explorer: display length, sample rate, audio channels for video media
+ Media explorer: don't re-initialize column order when the a new REAPER release
changes the number of defined columns
+ Media explorer: don't search bit depth/bitrate/length metadata (you can sort
those columns though)
+ Media explorer: remove actions to delete folders without recycling or
+ Media explorer: fix action to play previously played media (A/B test)
+ Media explorer: fix context menu action to browse to folder for search results
or database entry
+ Media explorer: fix customized column order on macos
+ Media explorer: fix displayed length/bit depth for some non-standard .wav files
+ Media explorer: fix possible crash when removing a track/project that is being
used for preview
+ Media explorer: if option enabled, don't auto-play when initiating drag of
unselected file [p=2384175]
+ Media explorer: improve accessibility of context menus via application-key
+ Media explorer: improve column sorting for length and bits columns
+ Media explorer: improve context menu organization and consistency
+ Media explorer: map reverse/forward preview playback to
shift+leftarrow/shift+rightarrow by default
+ Media explorer: more accurate sample drawing when highly zoomed in
+ Media explorer: preserve custom column order when docking/undocking media
+ Media explorer: prevent writing multiple ID3 tags to .wav files
+ Media explorer: respect preferences to apply preview volume/pitch/rate when
inserting into reaper via drag or action
+ Media explorer: restore selection after renaming file [p=2389201]
+ Media explorer: optionally select enclosing folder in shortcut list when
+ Media explorer: show filenames that will be removed when prompting to confirm
+ Media explorer: tempo adjust (approximately) visual preview length of media
when dragging from media explorer
+ Media explorer: improve behavior of various media format previews going to
multichannel tracks [p=2370348]
+ Media items: don't reset manual fades when editing item contents with auto-
crossfade enabled [t=239815]
+ Media items: fix actions to move items up/down one lane [t=246887]
+ Media items: fix potential crash when replacing media source for multiple items
with empty items in the project [p=2380184]
+ Metadata: add preset support
+ Metadata: fix decoding very large BWF start offset values [p=2380383]
+ MIDI: fix pre-FX fader-scaled volume envelopes transforming MIDI incorrectly
+ MIDI: preserve MIDI port messages when importing MIDI to multiple tracks
+ MIDI: support RIFF-based MIDI files [t=246816]
+ MIDI editor: add undo state when editing MIDI event properties
+ MIDI editor: fix display of linear tempo changes [t=238747]
+ MIDI editor: fix event list delete button [t=242993]
+ MIDI editor: support inserting and editing port messages, though REAPER doesn't
do anything with those messages
+ MIDI export: improve exporting linear tempo changes [t=247636]
+ MIDI recording: don't extend existing MIDI items past the start of a following
MIDI item [t=226129]
+ MIDI recording: fix behavior where existing MIDI item will not be extended if
recording begins, but nothing is actually recorded, before the item start position
+ MIDI recording: in overdub/replace mode, don't extend existing MIDI items until
MIDI has actually been recorded on the track
+ Mouse modifiers: add modifier to move item loop section contents respecting
+ MP3: encode chapter tags in timeline order [t=246910]
+ Project bay: fix FX developer display when using multi-out VSTs
+ Project bay: fix undo point when dragging from FX tab to project
+ ReaDelay: display formatted parameter value in REAPER envelope edit dialog
+ ReaScript: EnumerateFiles()/EnumerateSubDirectories() allow manual cache
invalidation [t=203235]
+ ReaScript: fix EnumerateFiles()/EnumerateSubDirectories() cache bug [t=203235]
+ ReaScript: GetFocusedFX()/GetFocusedFX2() support monitoring FX
+ ReaScript: Lua gmem_attach() returns previous global memory segment name
+ Render: add support for 2nd pass render
+ Render: adjust 2nd pass render for resampler latency [p=2381827]
+ Ruler: when displaying time, always show X:XX.XXX even if the last X is zero
+ Scrub: add actions to temporarily enable looped-segment scrubbing
+ Super8: fix recording bug when in project/playback sync mode and gate was left
+ Timecode: format as HH:MM:SS:FF rather than H:MM:SS:FF everywhere (timeline,
transport, wildcards, etc)
+ Timecode: when timeline is in H:M:S:F format, interpret user-entered H.M.S.F as
+ Track panel: show bypassed indication for embedded FX, shift+click header to
toggle bypass
+ Undo: add undo point including filename when using save-as to save to a new
project file
+ Undo: display the undo point corresponding with the last save in undo history
+ Video: do not show intermediate frames when seeking playback long distances
+ Video: do not show intermediate frames when stopped and repositioning cursor,
unless rapidly repositioning cursor
+ Video: fix playing early frames when looping
+ Video: fix possible parameter automation display flicker while stopped
+ Video: fix timing glitch at playback start [t=239873]
+ Video: improve playback behavior immediately following small backwards seek
+ Video: add optional project settings to have video affected by solo of other
tracks, mute of parent tracks
+ Video: add project setting to control where in the frame automation is
evaluated [t=244908]
+ Video: spectrogram synthesis preset bugfixes
+ VST: improve plug-in scanning status messages
+ VST: add option to not scan for new/updated plug-ins on startup
+ VST: preferences window lists skipped plug-ins and allows manual re-scan
+ VST: reduce display update frequency when scanning filesystem
+ VST: fix IContextMenu compatibility issue
+ WAV: fix importing embedded transients as transient markers [p=2386342]
+ WAV: import embedded cues properly for certain files [t=247260]
+ WAV: list embedded cues in media source properties dialog
+ Wildcards: add $marker(name) and $region(name) wildcards, for example
$marker(ISRC) will resolve to "1234" if there is a project marker named "ISRC=1234"
within the rendered time range
+ Wildcards: format timecode as HH.MM.SS.FF rather than H-MM-SS-FF (saved
settings in existing projects are not affected)
+ Wildcards: make help text more consistent for start/end/length wildcards
(sorry, localizers)
+ Windows: allow longer search strings in Media Explorer [t=245795]
+ Windows: installed executables are now signed

v6.19 - December 18 2020

+ Accessibility: option to allow space key for navigation now affects
track/marker managers, track routing window, envelope window, fade editor
+ Accessibility: add option in preferences/fades to display accessible (but
cryptic) fade names instead of images in menus
+ API: PCM_SOURCE_EXT_ENUMCUES_EX distinguishes between cues and chapter markers
+ Control surfaces: do not send duplicate CSURF_EXT_SETFXPARAM notifications in
response to automation
+ EDL: fix importing media item fade shapes
+ Elastique: update to v3.3.3
+ Localization: support UTF-8 localization of wav render formats
+ Media explorer: add actions to increase/decrease preview volume
+ Media explorer: add action to reset columns to default order and width, re-
initialize view when new fields are added in a REAPER update
+ Media explorer: add option to group folders at top
+ Media explorer: add scrollbars to zoom/scroll preview display and
increase/decrease waveform height, option to show/hide scrollbars
+ Media explorer: if options enabled, apply volume/pitch/rate adjustments when
adding media to ReaSamploMatic5000 [t=246343]
+ Media explorer: by default, pick up beat-synced preview immediately, add option
to wait for next measure to start
+ Media explorer: display sample rate, channel count, bit depth/bitrate
+ Media explorer: display media length
+ Media explorer: display media source preferred position (BWF start offset or
any other available reference metadata)
+ Media explorer: display preview position/length in milliseconds
+ Media explorer: faster metadata reading for .ogg files
+ Media explorer: fix action to go to parent folder when persistent search is
active [t=245677]
+ Media explorer: fix duplicate metadata potentially being written to files
+ Media explorer: fix actions to scan all databases [t=246221]
+ Media explorer: fix synchronized previews being off by a buffer block
+ Media explorer: preserve unrecognized ID3 tag elements when editing metadata
+ Media explorer: set media offline before rewriting metadata, in case the file
is already in use in the arrange view
+ Media explorer: snap cursor to media cues/regions/transients/chapters
+ Media explorer: support customizing file last-modified date display format
+ Media explorer: preserve user-edited (but not yet written) metadata when re-
reading metadata from media [p=2376166]
+ Media explorer: support temporary marks for files, to track what has been
previewed or other uses
+ Media explorer: support updating metadata for multi-stream files where the
vorbis stream is not first
+ Media explorer: support writing edited source preferred position back to media
+ Media explorer: add refresh button, add theme images for
+ Media items: preserve manual fade shape when clearing auto-crossfade [t=240579]
+ Media items: support applying media source BWF start offset to item ruler
+ Media items: support section/reverse parameters in item ruler [t=245993]
+ Metadata: support time reference (start offset) in mp3, flac, ogg, opus,
wavpack in addition to wav
+ Metadata: support iXML metadata in flac, mp3 files
+ Metadata: display mp3 event markers in media explorer and arrange view
+ Metadata: list AXML metadata separately from BWF (they had been combined for
legacy reasons)
+ Metadata: list render metadata schemes in alphabetical order
+ Metadata: improve compatibility when editing metadata for OGG files with large
page sizes
+ MIDI: fix adjusting imported MIDI length to match project tempo map (6.17
regression) [p=2373470]
+ Peaks: warn if peaks are not buildable because alternate peaks path is
configured but invalid
+ Project save: improve behavior when copying symlinked media on macOS/Linux
+ ReaScript: add B_RECMON_IN_EFFECT to GetMediaTrackInfo_Value()
+ ReaScript: add GetMediaFileMetadata
+ ReaScript: support UTF-8 font names on Windows [t=190468]
+ ReaScript: do not run deferred scripts during project load [p=2379014]
+ Recording: fix potentially incorrect fadeout created when recording in item
autopunch mode
+ Render: activate "apply" button after browsing to new output folder [p=2375479]
+ Render: respect option to embed project name in BWF when other BWF metadata is
+ Subprojects: embed subproject metadata in rendered .rpp-prox file [p=2378755]
+ Subprojects: support embedding source preferred position (BWF start offset)
+ Takes: fix potential crash when replacing multiple occurrences of the same
source media [p=2378037]
+ Track manager: fix reordering tracks when using various sort modes [t=246511]
+ Video processors: support UTF-8 font names on Windows [t=190468]
+ VST: decrease latency of VST3 channel context notifications
+ VST: support "REAPER record monitor in effect" attribute for VST3 channel
+ Wavpack: improve interaction between render metadata and BWF settings
+ Wildcards: add $dayname and $datetime wildcards

v6.18 - December 1 2020

+ Media explorer: add option to not apply preview pitch/rate to inserted media
item [t=245666]
+ Media explorer: fix UTF-8 support for search field on Windows [p=2371567]
+ Media explorer: fix potential failure editing .ogg file metadata [t=245670]
+ Media explorer: allow editing metadata of multi-stream .ogg files
+ ReaScript: improve documentation for GetAppVersion and GetOS
+ VST: avoid scanning recursive symlinks
+ VST: improve startup scanning user interface, allow cancel of long scans

v6.17 - November 29 2020

+ FX shortcuts: fix issues with shortcut creation [t=245551]
+ JSFX: support file_open() of media with absolute path [t=212561]
+ JSFX: full recompile/reset in IDE closes any files opened via file_open()
+ Linux: fix potential hang on startup [p=2370672]
+ macOS-arm64: add mp3 encoder
+ Media: fix adjusting media based on embedded tempo when not importing from
media explorer [t=245407]
+ Media explorer: add actions to set/adjust pitch
+ Media explorer: add action to insert media at BWF source preferred position
+ Media explorer: display error message when unable to create new database file
+ Media explorer: finer control for pitch and rate knobs
+ Media explorer: fix customizing Show and Options menus
+ Media explorer: fix possible macOS crash when removing database
+ Media explorer: if fine pitch adjustment set, further semitone or quartertone
adjustments will preserve the fractional adjustment [p=2368875]
+ Media explorer: when replacing source media and stretching to fit, stretch
active take only [p=2369092]
+ Media explorer: improve handling of stereo mp3 files played through
multichannel tracks [t=242507]
+ ReaScript: GetOS() now returns macOS-arm64 on arm64
+ ReaScript: restore 6.15 OS-subtype GetAppVersion() behavior, add 6.16/macOS-
arm64 for arm64
+ ReaScript: fix insertion of ReWire plug-ins by qualified name with
TrackFX_AddByName() etc
+ Render queue: order queued items by time
+ Windows: disable DX scanning by default on new installations

v6.16 - November 23 2020

+ Anticipative FX: fix excessive buffering when feedback loop w/ PDC present but
feedback is disabled
+ Dynamic split: support ripple editing when removing silence
+ FX: improve display issues when FX resized and chain is displayed on right side
of view
+ Linux: improve splash screen update frequency
+ macOS: update to ICC 18.5
+ Media: display all supported metadata in source properties dialog
+ Media: when matching tempo for preview or import, use any suitable metadata, if
it matches the beat length of the media [p=2309774]
+ Media explorer: display metadata in filesystem folder view
+ Media explorer: automatically populate metadata for media files that are
visible in the browser list
+ Media explorer: support editing metadata in-place in the list
+ Media explorer: support editing media file metadata in filesystem folder view
+ Media explorer: support writing edited metadata to media files
+ Media explorer: support marking media files as favorites, option to group
favorites at the top
+ Media explorer: add playback rate control
+ Media explorer: remove option to use Windows Explorer for browsing
+ Media explorer: update databases after moving or renaming files
+ Media explorer: actions to insert on a new track create a new track after the
last touched track
+ Media explorer: add actions to go to shortcuts
+ Media explorer: add action to rescan all databases
+ Media explorer: add action to collapse all folders
+ Media explorer: add action to create subfolder
+ Media explorer: add action to delete files immediately (no
+ Media explorer: add action to insert media into sample player on new or last
touched track
+ Media explorer: add action to open selected file in explorer/finder
+ Media explorer: add action to randomize file list
+ Media explorer: add option for search string to persist when browsing to new
folder or database
+ Media explorer: add option for vertical layout
+ Media explorer: add option to hide file extension when file type column is
+ Media explorer: add option to hide folders in file list
+ Media explorer: add option to hide path dropdown box
+ Media explorer: add option to try to open non-media files
+ Media explorer: add various display zoom actions
+ Media explorer: add option to auto-stop when initiating file drag
+ Media explorer: automatically update filesystem folder view when folder
contents change
+ Media explorer: clear preview playback when changing selection in browser
+ Media explorer: column sort preferences persist between REAPER sessions
+ Media explorer: confirm before deleting database
+ Media explorer: display embedded transients in preview
+ Media explorer: display mp3, flac, ogg, opus chapter markers in preview and
optionally arrange view
+ Media explorer: double-click preview display to select region between slices,
cues, chapters
+ Media explorer: faster metadata reading for various file types
+ Media explorer: fix handling of shortcuts/paths with odd paths ending in space,
etc [t=239608]
+ Media explorer: improve macOS retina drawing of peaks
+ Media explorer: insert media on most recently selected track, not first
selected track, consistent with copy/paste
+ Media explorer: insert new shortcuts or databases immediately following the
currently selected shortcut
+ Media explorer: more efficient duplicate prevention with gigantic databases
+ Media explorer: move pitch knob options to pitch knob context menu
+ Media explorer: on startup, add any previously unreachable databases back into
shortcut list
+ Media explorer: transpose MIDI directly when adjusting pitch
+ Media explorer: save recent search strings
+ Media explorer: set focus to arrange view after dragging samples from media
+ Media explorer: show all controls at all widths
+ Media explorer: show database name in path dropdown rather than
+ Media explorer: show file type and reaper document icon for automation items
+ Media explorer: support assigning shortcuts to actions to rescan database
+ Media explorer: support browsing to folder enclosing file in database or search
results [p=2315990]
+ Media explorer: support copy/pasting files in or out of media explorer
+ Media explorer: support customizable floating toolbar
+ Media explorer: support customizing menus
+ Media explorer: support dragging files into folders, real paths, or databases
+ Media explorer: support keyboard shortcuts for all "Media: insert into project"
and "Media: Insert into selected media items" actions
+ Media explorer: support moving files to trash/recycle bin
+ Media explorer: add options to display leading path, full path, or no path
+ Media explorer: support renaming files
+ Media explorer: support renaming folders in tree view
+ Media explorer: support render-drag of file section outside of REAPER on mac
+ Media explorer: use tree view for shortcut list
+ Media explorer: when editing metadata in-place, up/down arrows navigate to
previous/next file
+ Media items: add action to open selected item source media in explorer/finder
+ Project metadata: add "all schemes" section, to add/edit metadata for multiple
schemes at once
+ Project metadata: support XMP, APEv2, IFF, REX metadata
+ Project metadata: support special REAPER tag, for display/searching in media
+ Project metadata: support embedding ID3 tag in .wav files
+ Project metadata: add category column to metadata dialog
+ Project metadata: add option to always write title, date, and time fields when
+ Project metadata: add $date wildcard
+ Project metadata: support user-defined metadata fields in schemes that support
+ Project metadata: save/restore column widths
+ Project metadata: fix ID3 image metadata saving with project [p=2335991]
+ Project metadata: write INFO metadata as the last chunk in a .wav file so
Windows Explorer will see it [t=240957]
+ NINJAM: lower network latency in voice chat mode
+ ReaSamplOmatic5000: when dragging files from media explorer, automatically
adjust start/end, volume, and pitch
+ Region manager: fix sorting by marker/region index [t=244775]
+ Theme adjuster: add action to open theme adjuster, default to Default_6.0
adjuster for old themes
+ Theme adjuster: support global/color configuration for all themes
+ Theme adjuster: option to show sends list in TCP (separate from FX)
+ Tooltips: fix reset of topmost pins on Windows when showing tooltip [t=243837]
+ VST: fix compatibility with a mixture of Waves VST3 shell plug-ins installed
+ VST: do not apply Windows multimonitor DPI changes across monitors until mouse
+ VST: use separate process when scanning plug-ins, allow terminating hung plug-
ins during scan
+ VST: improve resize behavior for various VST3
+ VST: re-scan button in preferences shows list of plug-ins which failed to scan,
allow forcing a rescan of each plug-in
+ Windows: fix resolution of shortcuts that point to non-ascii filenames

v6.15 - October 20 2020

+ Accessibility: improve context menu support for VoiceOver
+ Accessibility: improve state reporting for toolbar buttons
+ Configuration import/export: support very large zip files [t=242227]
+ Control surfaces: run MCU/01X peak meters when stopped
+ Dynamic split: fix memory leak when removing silence
+ FX: fix learn assignments after changing parameter count in ReaEQ/etc
+ FX: improve behavior after changing parameter count in parameter linked plug-in
+ FX: allow more than 100 insert-FX shortcuts, use registered action IDs for new
shortcuts to improve portability across systems
+ ReaScript IDE: correctly syntax highlight Lua \z escape sequences [t=243548]
+ ReaScript IDE: do not execute script when saving while closing editor
+ Themes: support very large zip files
+ Toolbars: fix tooltips on pinned floating toolbars on Windows [p=2342982]
+ Track panels: if show FX inserts in track panels set, always show empty slots
+ Track panels: improve send knob doubleclick reset when in FX/FX parameter list
+ Track panels: fix incorrect display in some themes when showing sends but not
FX in TCP [p=2345255]
+ VST: improve compatibility with VST3 plug-ins that fail during initialize()
+ VST: improve VST3 arbitrary and high channel count detection logic
+ Windows: avoid closing/reopening of audio/MIDI devices when opening projects

v6.14 - September 19 2020

+ About box: improve UI for license key import
+ Accessibility: fix keyboard navigation in empty FX chain
+ Accessibility: support enter key in actions window shortcut key binding list
+ Accessibility: improve render window tab order
+ Actions: fix behavior of actions to cut/delete items within time selection with
ripple edit enabled
+ ARA: improve behavior when copying multiple items with different edits that
share the same source media [t=237563]
+ Arrange: allow showing both or neither of item volume handle/knob
+ Audio devices: prevent deadlock when changing sample rate of some audio devices
+ Fades: allow disabling default fade-in/fade-out lengths for imported media
+ FX: update parameter display in TCP/MCP when changed by plug-in from audio
+ Grid/snap dialog: apply grid snap length setting instantly rather than when
window is closed
+ Help: fix mouse modifier help HTML display [t=241058]
+ Import: prevent crash after importing multichannel item to multiple tracks
+ JSFX: allow image/gfx window dimensions up to 8192 pixels
+ macOS: fix keyboard focus when closing track name edit window
+ macOS: fix listview column ordering issue when adding columns e.g. in actions
+ Menu customization: optimize changing menus when actions window is open
+ MIDI hardware: support forcing control messages from different devices to
different channels
+ MIDI editor: fix updating CC lane labels when changing lane via action
+ Mixer: add option to group FX parameters with FX
+ Mixer: improve cursor feedback when drag/dropping FX
+ Mixer: add option to group sends with/before/after FX
+ ReaScript: allow image/gfx window dimensions up to 8192 pixels
+ Region/marker manager: add take marker support
+ Region/marker manager: add preference to list markers, regions, and take
markers grouped together or separately
+ Render: fix project render metadata being unintentionally deleted [t=240097]
+ Theme: add new tcp_fxparm_fx_norm/byp/off background images
+ Theme: use scrollbars instead of scroll buttons for FX/sends/FX parameters
+ Theme: extend tcp.fxparm.margin to support 7th field of FX-insert alignment,
8th field inter-column gap
+ Track panels: fix visual issues with certain track color settings [p=2334327]
+ Track panels: support movable divider between FX parameters and embedded FX
+ Track panels: optionally show FX and sends in track panels
+ Tracks: support any even channel count between 2 and 64

v6.13 - July 23 2020

+ Action list: reduce ReaScript/Custom Action button redundancies
+ Action list: auto-populate editor with selected actions when creating new
custom action
+ Automation: add actions to insert envelope point at current position and not
remove nearby points
+ Automation: add action to add/edit envelope point exactly at cursor
+ Automation: improve horizontal guide line positioning [p=2318672]
+ Automation: fix pasting envelope points at mouse position via action
+ Batch converter: improve command line documentation [p=2309474]
+ FX: improve parameter linking to use wet/bypass/parameter-ID hinting for source
parameter [t=238443]
+ Linux: fix action to spawn new REAPER instance
+ macOS: add control+space as default shortcut for "play or pause", in addition
to cmd+space which usually opens system spotlight search
+ macOS: fix display glitch when using non-retina secondary display [t=238677]
+ macOS: fix focus issues when activating docked FX browser
+ macOS: fix Audio Units bridging support (5.79 regression)
+ macOS: fix media explorer "REAPER" menu
+ macOS: improve cursor flicker behavior when resizing certain UI elements
+ Media explorer: fix database/metadata cache issues for large files, post-2037
+ Media import: support pasting files from explorer/finder directly into arrange
+ Media import: fix playback when importing resampled .wav files with embedded
transient information as beat slices [t=238432]
+ Media items: when enabling loop item source, ensure start offset is not
+ MIDI: add option to apply default CC shape to recorded events [p=2270410]
+ MIDI: fix inline editor CC labels for unnamed CCs
+ MIDI: fix inline editor menu, add missing actions [t=238624]
+ MIDI: improve CC lane selection UI
+ MIDI: improve marquee selection in CC lanes when MSB/LSB events are mismatched
+ MIDI: improve 14-bit lane usage indicators
+ Mixer: fix resizing between send and fx parameter lists when track inserts are
not displayed
+ Notation: fix incorrect notation of native MIDI key signature event in A minor
+ Notation: fix persistence of note staff positioning when using multiple staves
+ OSC: always send wet/dry notifications even when outside of device FX parameter
bank size [t=239761]
+ OSC: support /actions/_REGISTERED_COMMAND_ID [p=2318785]
+ Project bay: add undo point when editing media item groups
+ Project bay: fix crash when removing media items from group
+ Project encoding: better corner case handling of text strings containing
newlines/carriage returns
+ ReaScale: improve default path for Load... command
+ ReaScript: fix envelope undo issues with SetTrackStateChunk [t=238960]
+ ReaScript: PreventUIRefresh() inhibits Undo-related UI updates
+ ReaScript: fix EEL2 float-to-string rounding errors on macOS/linux (also
affects Video, JSFX) [t=239488]
+ ReaSynth: fix portamento on non-overlapping notes [p=2309212]
+ Recording: support automatically creating folders (including based on wildcard
substitution) for recorded files
+ Render: support / (create folder) in target filename
+ Render: add $folders wildcard for rendering/recording, to create disk folder
structure based on track folders
+ Render: fix $region and $regionnumber wildcards when used together [t=238687]
+ Render: update $samplerate wildcard properly when changing render settings
+ REX: update Windows shared library to version 1.8.3, includes unbridged 64-bit
+ Routing: fix multiprocessing issues with certain feedback structures (6.12
regression) [t=235395]
+ RS5k: update UI/channel count/voices when adding/changing samples via ReaScript
+ Sends: improve audio performance when deleting sends while send UI is displayed
+ System: fix potential crashes due to high socket use on macOS and Linux
+ System: notify when disk write errors occur or a disk becomes full [t=226775]
+ System: add Preferences/Audio option to bypass audio processing when disk write
error notification occurs
+ System: fix reduce_open_files() and associated advanced experimental preference
(6.11 regression)
+ Takes: fix action to collapse empty take lanes
+ Tempo map: add action to create a single measure from time selection
+ Tempo map: restore pre-6.02 default behavior of action to create measure(s)
from time selection, auto-detecting number of measures [t=230148] [p=2215874]
+ Theme: fix misc_dpi_translate mapping bug
+ Theme: improve DPI scaling logic, improve layout_dpi_translate behavior,
improve default sizing on 125% displays
+ Theme: minor default theme updates
+ Theme: improve theme adjuster font sizes on Linux
+ Toolbars: apply MIDI toolbar actions to the focused MIDI editor, even if the
editor is not in piano roll mode (many actions will work in any editor mode)
+ Track metering: improve pre/post-fader corner cases on record armed tracks
+ Vorbis: do not render an empty file if output parameters are invalid [t=239112]
+ WAV: support writing 32-bit PCM
+ WAV: improve performance/behavior when reading large malformed .wav files
+ WAV: improve description of rendering format
+ Web interface: reduce latency of web server
+ Windows: fix clipboard issues when a script or custom action thrashes the
system clipboard
+ Windows: improve alt key menu activation behavior when alt-tabbing from REAPER
and back
+ Windows: fix potential ASIO driver incompatibility [t=239384]
+ Windows: fix Track/Region/Marker Managers text field focus issue
+ Windows: fix default extension for VST3 preset export [t=238210]
+ Windows: fix UTF-8 values in ReaScript watch window
+ Windows: always install bridging support

v6.12 - June 15 2020

+ 6.12c: fix issue with legacy customized FX mixer menu items [p=2304239]
+ Actions: fix action to scroll view vertically one page [t=124100]
+ Audio Units: do not show duplicates for plug-ins that register as both an
effect and instrument
+ Automation items: only copy time-selected area if edit begins within the time
selection [p=2295416]
+ Automation items: prevent potential hang when editing trim via envelope control
panel [p=2295560]
+ Custom actions: editor is now modeless and can be opened for multiple custom
actions at once
+ Custom actions: improve accessibility of editor (Control+Up/Down to reorder
custom action list, Enter to add to list, etc) [t=237012]
+ Custom menu/toolbar editor: allow inserting multiple actions at once
+ Copy/paste: add actions to paste items ignoring hidden tracks (wysiwyg), which
is the default behavior since 6.11 [p=2297051]
+ Copy/paste/delete: context-sensitive cut/copy/paste/delete commands will affect
selected media items if track control panel area was last clicked but no tracks are
+ Envelopes: fix display glitch in certain instances with asymmetrical envelope
display [t=208841]
+ FX browser: minor reorganization of controls
+ FX browser: add context menu items to add FX to selected active takes, selected
+ FX browser: add option to hide FX type prefixes in folders and filtered views
+ FX browser: add options to hide FX when duplicate FX of a preferred type is
+ FX browser: allow reordering of user-folders via drag/drop or Ctrl+Up/Down
+ FX browser: allow dragging multiple plug-ins to empty TCP/MCP areas to create
+ FX browser: show confirmation prompt when adding more than 9 plug-ins at once
+ FX browser: fix display of ReWire and FX chains in quick add menu folders
+ FX browser: replace existing FX when alt+dragging from FX browser to an
existing FX instance
+ FX browser: increase maximum folders/VST folder counts
+ FX browser: remove developer names from items when redundant with the folder
+ Freeze/render stems: fix behavior when rendering multiple items on the same
track with the same item name [t=237124]
+ Grid: prevent "adjust grid by.." actions from setting grid to unreasonable
values [p=2294416]
+ Groups: add actions to select groups 33-64 [t=202938]
+ Groups: modernize nomenclature
+ Internals: restore logical-sort in reaper-menu.ini [t=237194]
+ Item solo: improve item solo action behaviors, add new actions/API to access
+ JSFX: atomic_*() now work across different JSFX instances e.g. on gmem
+ Linux: fix missing checkbox icons in FX chain etc [p=2297062]
+ Localization: fix localizing render wildcard help dialog
+ macOS: allow NSAppTransportSecurity NSExceptionDomains for localhost/HTTP for
some plug-ins
+ macOS: improve support for js_ReaScriptAPI extension drawing with Metal
+ MIDI: improve item start offset behavior when recording and preserve PDC
monitoring enabled [p=2298235]
+ Media explorer: fix option to toggle searching by custom database tag
+ Metadata: fix writing CART TagText field
+ Metronome: support longer pattern entry on Windows [t=237666]
+ Metronome: increase size of metronome pattern entry fields to show up to 32
+ NINJAM: fix import timing issue with certain bpm/bpi changes
+ NINJAM: improve accessibility descriptions of mute/solo buttons in ReaNINJAM
+ Playback: fix playback to end of lengthened project when adjusting item
rate/position/length via action, media item properties, or API
+ Preferences: fix incorrect reset of track default crossfade options
+ Project bay: improve velocity scaling display for MIDI items [p=2293632]
+ Project bay: minor reorganization of controls
+ Project bay: support Ctrl+A in filter field to select all text
+ RS5k: small reorganization of controls
+ RS5k: add Portamento setting
+ RS5k: allow loop to be enabled when ignoring note-offs
+ RS5k: improve UI for editing loop start offset/fades
+ RS5k: right clicking activity light sends note-offs
+ RS5k: use a fixed-size ADSR view when using a looping sample
+ RS5k: allow easier setting of long attack/release settings when using short
looped media
+ ReaEQ: fix processing artifact when automating parameters away from a non-
automatically-bypassed state [t=208841]
+ ReaEQ: reduce CPU use
+ ReaScript: add PromptForAction()
+ ReaScript: fix temporary playback issue when reconfiguring send via
+ ReaScript: update Track/TakeFX_AddByName() to allow inserting FXADD:, allow
inserting FX at position in chain
+ ReaSynth: add Portamento setting
+ ReaVerbate: reduce CPU use
+ Render: enable Apply button after editing render target directory [t=237198]
+ Render: resolve $region wildcard correctly when using region render matrix with
multiple regions with the same start/end times [t=237626]
+ Ripple editing: allow moving media items across tracks with ripple editing
enabled and items near top/bottom of project
+ Routing: fix issues relating to detection of feedback in routing [t=235395]
+ Snap: do not snap time/loop selections to edit cursor/time selection if it
would make a zero-length selection
+ Toolbars: apply global color tweaks to toolbar buttons after state change
+ Video: add 'Combine: grid of videos' preset [t=233917]
+ Video: improve 'Apply track FX only where track has video items' preset to
allow clearing if no items
+ WavPack: support dual-mono optimization
+ WavPack: support embedding APEv2 tags when rendering
+ WavPack: display WavPack metadata in source properties dialog
+ Windows: fix GDI object leak when closing media item properties
v6.11 - May 24 2020
+ Appearance: add Theme Color Controls window for per-theme
brightness/contrast/gamma/color adjustment
+ Automation items: improve properties window text editing behavior
+ CD: include track names in CUE file when using regions to mark tracks
+ CD: support basic metadata in CUE files
+ CD: embed per-track metadata if special project markers are seen, even if no
other metadata is entered
+ Default theme adjuster: add color adjustment
+ Default theme adjuster: allow translating via language pack
+ Default theme adjuster: add 'extend name' track control alignment mode
+ Envelopes: improve responsiveness/scroll behavior of mousewheel on envelope
control panel knob
+ FX browser: fix potential memory leak when adding instruments
+ FX browser: fix key/action assignments for ReWire plug-ins
+ Item menu: fix phase (polarity) invert indicator [twtr=1260330536758804481]
+ JSFX: fix reading non-ASCII filenames on Windows
+ Keyboard: allow unmodified function key shortcuts from within edit controls
+ Linux: fix incorrect handling of function keys in edit controls
+ MIDI editor: support keyboard navigation in CC lane dropdown on Windows
+ MIDI editor: fix actions to insert bank/program, text, and sysex events in
piano roll view
+ MIDI: send note-offs to hardware and plug-ins when switching takes [p=2284464]
+ MIDI: support bank/program files that contain multiple named banks with the
same MSB/LSB [t=236016]
+ macOS: fix inconsistent up vs down mousewheel scroll rates on track control
+ macOS: improve updating various windows on theme change when Metal is enabled
+ Media explorer: fix action to re-read all metadata for database [t=221528]
+ Media explorer: fix reading WAV INFO and CART metadata for database
+ Media explorer: volume knob affects preview output when routed through tracks
+ Media items: properly account for hidden tracks when cut/copy/pasting items
from/to multiple tracks
+ Media items: improve display when moving multiple media items between tracks
with different numbers of envelope lanes
+ Media items: if a media item has an empty named take and no item notes, display
the take name in the arrange view [p=2285760]
+ Media items: display grouping button on empty items that are grouped
+ Media items: improve behavior when clicking and immediately moving an item very
+ Media items: fix take volume set to zero after importing media with embedded
transients using "insert media file" action [t=236375]
+ Metadata: rename Metadata window Save button to Apply
+ Metadata: add support for more ID3 tag types including TXXX
+ Metadata: add $filename wildcard [p=2281959]
+ Metadata: add action to clear all vs just the current scheme
+ Metadata: add action/menu item to open project render metadata window
+ Metadata: add option to embed automatic BWF metadata even if no other data
+ Metadata: improve user interface for setting ID3 image file/type
+ Metadata: fix INFO metadata display in Windows Explorer
+ Metadata: ensure user-supplied iXML metadata is XML-compliant
+ Metadata: fix writing images to ID3 tags from filenames with non-ascii
characters on Windows
+ Metadata: mark project dirty when applying metadata changes
+ Metadata: support embedding iXML data in WAV files
+ Mixer: add option for horizontal scroll over the mixer to scroll mixer tracks
instead of arrange view
+ Mixer: mousewheel scroll consistently by one track left and right
+ Notation: fix PDF export on Windows if REAPER is installed with non-ASCII
characters in the path
+ Project bay: hide browse button when it is not usable
+ Project bay: volume knob affects preview output when routed through tracks
+ Project settings: allow saving default project author
+ RS5k: increase max voice limit to 64, default limit to 8
+ ReaNINJAM: fix UTF-8 chat display on Windows
+ ReaScript IDE: improve precision/number formatting in watch window
+ ReaScript IDE: watch list filter also matches variable values
+ ReaScript IDE: fix opening file with non-ASCII filename on Windows via Ctrl+R
+ ReaScript IDE: Lua watch is scanned breadth-first, show references to tables
rather than repeating them
+ ReaScript IDE: improve/optimize watch display
+ ReaScript: add GetThemeColor()/SetThemeColor()
+ ReaScript: add LocalizeString()
+ ReaScript: add documentation for new RENDER_SETTINGS flags
+ ReaScript: implement GetFxByName() for ReWire
+ Render: add $fx wildcard, to list all track and/or take FX
+ Render: add support for $itemnote and $takemarker wildcards
+ Render: configuration UI improvements
+ Render: fix sticky project queued render delay [t=177897]
+ Render: improve tab order of render dialog controls [t=236087]
+ Render: match $reg to $region wildcard [t=236387]
+ Ruler: allow denser label spacing when using minimal beats mode with no
secondary mode
+ Startup: by default, prompt-for-project dialog selects last opened project, or
last opened set of project tabs if multiple tabs were last opened
+ System: fix minor UI/performance issues that could occur if system millisecond
timer wraps
+ Themes: allow separate configuration of Trim Volume envelope color [t=235873]
+ VST: fix VST3 preset import/export on Windows to non-ASCII pathnames
+ VST: prevent duplicate keyboard notifications being sent to plug-ins on Windows
+ WAV: support read/write of u-Law files
+ Windows: improve appearance of some ReaPlugs [t=232501]

v6.10 - May 9 2020

+ ARA: preserve edits when user applies timing changes to media or imports as
+ ARA: preserve edits after undoing some types of split actions
+ Automation: fix performance issues with envelope points that are more than 2
billion samples apart
+ Automation: fix possible crash when envelope panel hidden during capture
+ JSFX: Super8: fix vclick: off mode
+ JSFX: add midi_note_sanitizer
+ JSFX: midi_logger: show note-ons as slightly green, note-offs as slightly red,
add noteon/off analysis mode (sequential or grouped-by-note)
+ JSFX: improve Windows gfx_getchar() behavior for ctrl/alt+various keys
+ JSFX: update Add-FX displayed effect name when saving plugin in editor
+ Knobs: re-show mouse cursor if UI element is destroyed while being edited
+ Linux: allow listview column reordering in Project Bay, Media Explorer, etc
+ macOS: fix track routing window changing monitors when adding send
+ macOS: improve keyboard navigation in various windows
+ MIDI: add option to display notation text in piano roll [t=234286]
+ MIDI: improve appearance of note text that extends beyond the end of the not
+ MIDI: adjust for global midi octave display offset in parameter modulation menu
+ MIDI: revert v6.09 problematic changes to overdub/replace recording with input
+ MIDI: send note-offs when changing project tempo during playback
+ MIDI: send note-offs when duplicating active take
+ Media explorer: fix inconsistency between media explorer tempo match and
project import tempo match [t=230011]
+ Media explorer: parse year correctly from ID3v2.4 tag
+ Media explorer: support BPM and key metadata in ID3 tags
+ Media offline: update arrange view when using actions to force media offline
+ Metadata: save/load metadata with project
+ Metadata: support wildcards in metadata fields
+ Metadata: support embedding BWF data in WAV (if provided, metadata overrides
render format options)
+ Metadata: support embedding BWF data in FLAC via iXML
+ Metadata: support embedding vorbis tags in FLAC, OGG, OPUS, including chapter
+ Metadata: support embedding ISRC in WAV via bext/axml
+ Metadata: support embedding ID3 tags in MP3, including chapter tags and album
+ Metadata: support embedding INFO and CART data in WAV
+ Metadata: support reading BWF timecode from iXML data in FLAC files [p=2278582]
+ Project bay: display values in fades column if any fade is present
+ Project bay: improve fade column sorting
+ Project: save project author as entered in project settings/notes dialog
+ Project: save metronome click shape in default project settings [t=232847]
+ ReaScript: use case-insensitive sorting for Lua function list menu
+ ReaScript: add support for getting/setting project render metadata
+ ReaScript: add RENDER_TARGETS, to retrieve the list of files that would be
written given current project render settings
+ ReaScript: improve Windows gfx.getchar() behavior for ctrl/alt+various keys
+ Recording: improve loopable section creation logic with time selection auto-
punch recording [p=2282484]
+ Render: add option to skip rendering files that are likely silent [t=233619]
+ Render: embed stretch markers/transient guides properly when rendering looped
+ Render: fix potential crash when rendering stems and target file cannot be
+ Render: support embedding take markers as cues in wav files
+ Snap: snap project markers and regions following settings for snapping cursor
+ Snap: improve unsnapped movement of ruler markers/region edges
+ Snap: snap media items to take markers respecting preference to snap to other
media items within X tracks
+ Snap: snap cursor/time selection/markers/regions to take markers only if
preference is enabled to snap to media items
+ Startup: when startup script is used, preserve undo history but allow the user
to immediately load another project without prompting to save
+ Take markers: improve label vertical positioning with mono channel mode on
stereo media
+ Take markers: allow more lanes of take markers, especially on non-audio takes
+ Take markers: avoid potential crash when media item source file is not
+ Take markers: do not show take markers for previous recording passes
+ Take markers: fix adding take markers in various audio recording modes
+ Take markers: support adding take markers to empty items
+ VST: fix sending macOS command vs control modifier keys to VST3 plugins
+ VST: fix sending panic all-notes-off to VST3 instruments
+ VST: improve MIDI output bus handling when plug-in does not send events
+ VST: when starting playback within one sample of the measure start, tell the
plugin it is exactly the measure start [p=2281694]
+ Video: fix video playback for media that was previously forced offline
+ Video: fix possible crash when removing reversed video item
+ WAV: display CART data in media source properties
+ Wildcards: add $author wildcard for recording, rendering, file conversion
+ Wildcards: add $marker wildcard for render/batch converter (name or number of
first marker in rendered timeline)
+ Wildcards: support $format wildcard properly when using secondary render format
+ Windows: improve Preferences focus handling of Device tab [t=231419]

v6.09 - April 27 2020

+ ARA: update SDK to version 1.99
+ Actions: display action IDs when running action to list all actions
+ Audio Units: fix scan issues with plug-in manufacturer names that begin with an
opening bracket
+ File browsers: fix minor default extension issues
+ JSFX: sequencer_megababy: fix reading of note name files that do not have CRLF
+ JSFX: sequencer_megababy: support reading note name files in same format as
MIDI editor
+ JSFX: Super8: add project-sync mode
+ JSFX: Super8: add button/assignment to cycle selected channel record/play/stop
+ JSFX: Super8: add play-all button (stops all if all active are playing)
+ JSFX: Super8: allow assigning CC/PCs to all things
+ JSFX: Super8: support linking channels
+ Jump to time window: fix jumping to marker 9 [t=233882]
+ Jump to time window: support jumping to take markers
+ Linux: fix reamote-server configuration path
+ macOS: fix Retina/Metal drawing glitch when scrolling master track out of view
+ macOS: add possible Metal fix for drawing glitches after waking up from sleep
+ macOS: improve stretch marker/transient guide appearance on Retina displays
+ macOS: allow attaching debugger to Catalina notarized version
+ MIDI: always refresh banks/programs when loading .reabank/.ins files in MIDI
editor and ReaControlMIDI
+ MIDI: fix MIDI export timing when file contains invalid MIDI messages
+ MIDI: fix removing duplicate notes when using input quantize and recording in
non-overdub/replace modes
+ MIDI: fix overdub recording with duplicate notes in certain input quantize
situations [t=234319]
+ MIDI: fix certain settings (ignore tempo map, CC interpolation PPQ) resetting
when file-backed MIDI media goes offline
+ MIDI: fix various pooled file-backed MIDI playback and arrange view appearance
+ MIDI: preserve order and duplicate entries when displaying .reabank/.ins files
in MIDI editor and ReaControlMIDI [t=233501] [t=234165]
+ MIDI: support save/load of named sysex messages [t=233856]
+ Media explorer: fix reading final element in ID3v2 tags
+ Media explorer: parse year metadata correctly from ID3v2.4 tag
+ Media explorer: support reading OGG/OPUS/FLAC metadata
+ Media items: support relative snap when moving media item contents [p=2260974]
+ Media item properties: avoid potential precision loss to playrate/pitch when
applying settings
+ Media items: adjust embedded cue and take marker drawing when displaying
rectified peaks
+ MusicXML: fix exporting mp, mf dynamics
+ MusicXML: respect preference to position dynamics below the staff on import
+ NINJAM: when importing session, improve voice chat, fix timing corner cases,
fix possible crashes
+ ReaMote: fix updating remote configuration state for some plug-ins/JSFX
+ ReaNINJAM: add keyboard shortcuts
+ ReaNINJAM: fix global key bindings/vkb in chat field [t=233847]
+ ReaNINJAM: improve chat display accessibility, improve keyboard handling of
chat window
+ ReaNINJAM: improve voice-chat playback latency, log voice-chat channels to
+ ReaNINJAM: add options to send local channels and metronome to separate outputs
+ ReaTune: fix potentially incorrect first-time playback when loaded as take FX
+ Recent projects: add option to show file name before path in menu [t=225274]
+ Recent projects: after attempting to open a recent project that does not exist,
prompt before removing from the recent list
+ Render: add $filecount wildcard (total number of rendered files)
+ Render: document behavior of wildcards like $filenumber[N] in wildcard help
+ Ruler: add preference to adjust ruler label horizontal spacing
+ Ruler: display grid properly with very long measures [t=234218]
+ Save-as: prevent opening new projects from explorer/finder while copying files
+ Screensets: fix restoring horizontal scroll position with screenset
+ Stretch markers: fix marker handle DPI scaling
+ Take markers: add take marker support (mark specific time positions in
individual takes)
+ Take markers: support custom text and colors for take markers
+ Take markers: add actions to add or quick-add take markers during playback or
+ Theme element finder: fix interactions with theme color tweak window
+ Transport: fix jump to marker menu when the first region precedes the first
+ Video: update render extension when changing render format [p=2266396]
+ Windows: support CPU groups for systems with more than 64 logical CPUs

v6.08 - April 3 2020

+ ARA: more improvements to preventing lost data when doing complex edits
+ Actions: add action to clear tempo envelope
+ JSFX: add sequencer_megababy extended recording options via MIDI trigger
+ MIDI: avoid retriggering notes when recording past the end of an unlooped MIDI
+ MIDI: prevent double event playback in certain overdub situations
+ Media explorer: optionally apply preview volume when inserting media item
+ NINJAM import: allow setting output format when importing session
+ NINJAM import: create a chat track with chat messages in empty item notes
+ Pan: add option to limit taper to linear shape above +3dB pan law [t=231241]
+ ReaNINJAM: add Sync button, with options to start REAPER playback at interval
start, set project tempo/loop interval
+ ReaNINJAM: improve behavior when in private server lobbies
+ ReaNINJAM: improve appearance on macOS/Linux
+ ReaNINJAM: fix possible incorrect monitoring when server has limited local
+ ReaNINJAM: include chat messages in clipsort.log for posterity/import
+ Render: fix potential crash when rendering stems and target file cannot be
opened [t=233558]

v6.07 - March 29 2020

+ Items: fix snap offset editing, broken in 6.06 [t=233490]

v6.06 - March 28 2020

+ Actions: enabling auto-scroll view during playback will auto-scroll to playback
cursor if necessary
+ Actions: rename 'go to cursor' to 'go to edit cursor' for clarity
+ Actions: rename 'go to play position' to 'go to play cursor/position'
+ File copying: when making byte-for-byte copy of media, preserve file
modification time [t=231551]
+ macOS: add prefs/general/advanced options to disable mousewheel/swipe/move
+ macOS: fix open-file window options on Catalina [p=2254552]
+ MIDI editor: prevent potential error when loading MIDI note names from file
+ MIDI: properly display program names in arrange view for looped MIDI items
+ Projects: always refresh Track/Region/Marker Manager, Project Bay, etc when
switching projects
+ ReaControlMIDI: fix loading of .ins files
+ ReaNINJAM: allow resize of connection window
+ ReaNINJAM: allow resize of interval position meter
+ ReaNINJAM: expose accessibility descriptions for mute/solo/volume/pan controls
+ ReaNINJAM: fix possible crash with truncated Vorbis streams
+ ReaNINJAM: local channel metering is now pre-fader (pre-pan pre-mute)
+ ReaNINJAM: reorganize local channel panel
+ ReaNINJAM: show connect/disconnect button on top left of main window
+ ReaNINJAM: add preference to disable flash beat counter every 16 beats
+ ReaScript: fix return values of various Set...Value APIs [p=2259757]
+ ReaVerb: regenerate impulse on the fly during slider movements, mousewheel
+ ReaVerbate: fix reset of dampening filter
+ Ruler: mouse-modifier for copying regions without copying contents
(Ctrl+Alt/Cmd+Opt) [t=232643]
+ Track manager: notify control surfaces when changing selection
+ Track name editing: improve behavior when scrolling/zooming track panels
+ Transport: fix jump to marker menu when the first region precedes the first
+ Windows: disable main window when using various file-browse windows, avoids
silly Windows drag/drop behavior
+ Windows: improve appearance consistency of various file browsing windows
+ Windows: prevent drag/drop into main window when window is disabled/modal
window is open

v6.05 - March 5 2020

+ ARA: prevent lost edits when using automatic backups [t=230867]
+ ARA: prevent lost edits when running action to trim multiple items at once
+ ARA: prevent lost edits when running an action that creates multiple splits or
copies at once [p=2238805]
+ Automation items: when copy/pasting media items, also copy/paste all selected
automation items [t=227409]
+ Control surfaces: always follow track selection
+ Control surfaces: add native FaderPort v2 (2018) mode
+ Credits: +=kenny;
+ DDP: fix ISRC import [p=2249484]
+ DDP: fix import and render when INDEX0 is not used [p=2251748]
+ DDP: fix import of .DAT media on certain installs [p=2248928]
+ DDP: remove redundant ISRC data when rendering [p=2249484]
+ Default theme: fix inconsistent width control view on 3.x pan mode [p=2248540]
+ MIDI editor: add action to set custom color map per track (not per media item)
+ MIDI editor: add options to use theme color for selected note body and/or
border when coloring by track or media item
+ MIDI editor: add option when loading bank/program name file to set new default
+ MIDI: add option to display program names and text events in arrange view
+ Navigation: fix actions to move forward/back one beat with certain tempos
+ Render: add support for secondary render format (render simultaneously to wav
and mp3, etc)
+ Routing/Grouping: add context menu option to show/hide tooltips in routing and
grouping dialog
+ TCP: avoid changing vertical zoom/track sizes unnecessarily when resizing
tracks [t=231163]
+ Takes: implode items into tracks only if at least half of the item overlaps
+ Theme: fix subtle size differences in TCP layouts B/C [p=2252473]

v6.04 - February 21 2020

+ ARA: support media with different sample rates for ARA plugins like VocAlign
+ Automation items: add sine shape, tilt parameter
+ Control surfaces: preserve MCU/MCP mode across sessions (csurf section, mcu_mcp
+ Custom actions: add options to define when custom action toolbar buttons and
menu items are displayed as enabled [p=2232483]
+ Envelopes: add actions to move active envelope fader, or selected envelope
points, up or down a tiny bit
+ Envelopes: turn off track/send mute button when creating new mute envelope
while muted, so it's not double-muted
+ JSFX: fix possible crash from concurrent random() calls
+ macOS: disable formatting in various text fields
+ macOS: faster listview updates
+ macOS: show open-project options on recent macOS versions by default
+ MIDI editor: add UI scaling support
+ MIDI editor: add basic CC LFO dialog
+ MIDI editor: add option to allow CC shape in bank and LSB lanes (CC0, CC32-63)
+ MIDI editor: display non-standard CC values in event list view [p=2231622]
+ MIDI editor: prevent multiple events at the same time position when creating
saw LFO [p=2231606]
+ MIDI editor: respect default CC curve shape preference when inserting new event
via action
+ MIDI editor: support entering note name directly in event properties dialog
+ MIDI inline editor: DPI-scale CC lane resizers
+ Media items: fix erratic snap when source loop length is less than snap
division [p=2214189]
+ Media items: inform user when auto-stretch timebase cannot be applied due to
existing gradual tempo map [p=2231315]
+ Media items: when enabled, trim behind duplicated media items immediately after
duplicating [t=229591]
+ Mouse modifiers: add modifier to adjust loop section start/end by dragging
media item contents
+ Mouse modifiers: add modifiers to adjust loop section length by dragging loop
divider notch or item edges
+ Mouse modifiers: add modifier to draw selected media item, looping the visible
or time-selected section
+ Performance meter: shorten text strings when very narrow
+ Project bay: display source offset, tempo, time signature for source media if
+ Projects: store arrange view Y-scroll position in project
+ ReaNINJAM: improve status display/visual click
+ ReaScript: improve support for touch messages when using
OscLocalMessageToHost() [t=225104]
+ ReaTune: allow detection on very low pitches G-1..A0 with large window size
+ ReaTune: optionally limit output note range in automatic tuning mode
+ Render: display more accurate remaining render time when using region render
matrix [t=231258]
+ Render: force rendered sample rate to be compatible with stem file output
+ Retina/HiDPI: generic FX UI font sizing improvements
+ Retina/HiDPI: track routing window font sizing improvements
+ Theme: omit IDE colors from theme element finder [p=2235507]
+ VST: fix VST3 .vstpreset loading
+ VST: fix interaction between automation items and VST3 parameters in certain
cases [t=230200]
+ VST: fix support for VST3 plugins that output MIDI via LegacyMIDICCOutEvent
+ VST: notify VST3 plug-ins of display DPI
+ Windows: improve font antialiasing size threshold on HiDPI
+ Windows: store TCP, FX browser, FX chain, media explorer pane sizes independent
of DPI
+ Windows: add experimental Multimonitorv2 HiDPI awareness mode
+ Windows: improve checkbox appearance in various theme-colored windows

v6.03 - January 13 2020

+ Actions: show custom action toggle state as enabled/disabled if all component
actions that report a toggle state are enabled/disabled [t=229048]
+ FX browser: improve mixed-state handling of plug-in options in context menus
+ FX chain: improve behavior with multimonitors at different DPIs
+ Knobs: use v5.x image selection behavior
+ Linux: fix listview header hit testing [p=2208515]
+ macOS: fix ReaTune scrollbar appearance issues
+ macOS: fix routing matrix/wiring diagram scrollbar appearance issues
+ macOS: improve appearance of static text fields when option to allow dark mode
is enabled
+ macOS: optionally display last undo point in REAPER title bar
+ MIDI editor: add option to prevent mouse edits of single CC events from moving
past other CC events
+ MIDI editor: double-click on CC lane header selects all events in lane
+ MIDI editor: improve visibility of note text in diamond or triangle view mode
+ MIDI: preserve CC shapes when gluing items with timebase source beats
+ Media explorer: fix memory leak when opening/closing window
+ Media items: add preference to set imported media items with embedded tempo to
auto-stretch at project tempo changes
+ Media items: improve auto-stretch warp slope calculation with linear tempo
changes [p=2215207]
+ OSC: fix divide by zero bugs when device sets bank size of zero [p=2228676]
+ ReaTune: improve correction tab drawing behavior when window is very small
+ Stretch markers: fix timing issues with tempo ramps and/or 0ms fade-times
+ Stretch markers: preserve beat-based positions of stretch markers when
copy/pasting items with timebase beats
+ Toolbars: fix actions to press active toolbar button by position [p=2229796]
+ Toolbars: refresh toolbar after running any action via toolbar [t=229048]
+ Toolbars: refresh toolbars after running any custom action [t=229048]
+ Track panels: prevent meters from occluding track name when renaming tracks on
Windows [t=228993]
+ VST: add hasCockosSampleAccurateAutomation and hasCockosEmbeddedUI support for
third-party plug-ins
+ Windows: fix truncated docker tabs with HiDPI
+ Windows: improve track/region manager HiDPI resize behaviors
+ Windows: improve screensets window HiDPI resize behavior
+ Windows: improve media explorer routing button HiDPI resizing
+ Windows: fix listview header hit testing with non-standard scalings

v6.02 - December 16 2019

+ ARA: add per-plugin menu item to force reanalysis of media (for example, after
using external editor)
+ FX: switch active plug-in before showing context menu when right clicking in FX
chain [t=228136]
+ FX: improve automated parameter behavior when moving items with FX automation
across tracks [t=227956]
+ MIDI editor: do not reset velocity for new notes when editing in velocity lane,
only when editing velocity on note directly or using reset mouse modifier
+ MIDI editor: optimize CC lane drawing performance
+ MIDI editor: fix default CC shape not persisting when reopening REAPER
+ MIDI editor: fix first inserted CC event ignoring default curve shape in some
situations [p=2212310]
+ MIDI editor: fix option to show note names on notes not persisting when
reopening REAPER [t=226666]
+ MIDI editor: fix right-click and double-click behavior in inline MIDI editor
+ MIDI editor: fix inline editor CC lane display when also showing media item
lane in normal MIDI editor
+ MIDI editor: only draw filled CC envelope for the active channel in the active
media item
+ MIDI editor: prevent flicker when scrolling editor in synced view mode
+ MIDI editor: refresh open editors after changing default MIDI note colormap
+ MIDI editor: remove support for per-media-item note colormaps
+ MIDI editor: support marquee selection even if modifier key is released before
mouse [t=228764]
+ MIDI editor: sync timebase to arrange view without re-centering [t=222938]
+ MIDI editor: improve text display of project markers/regions [p=2216700]
+ MIDI editor: when modifying CC lanes, update any inline editors
+ macOS: add experimental option to support dark mode on 10.14+ (in
+ Media items: optimize display of text notes in media items [t=228372]
+ Mixer: fix incorrect track number being displayed in certain instances
+ ReaSamplomatic5k: improve voice-reuse logic in certain voice-starved situations
(old mode used on existing projects, additional hidden VST parameter)
+ ReaScript: add MARKER_GUID:X to get the unique identifier of a project marker
or region [t=207856]
+ ReaScript: remove support for deprecated/unused MIDI support file types
+ Retina/HiDPI: add hidpi images for generic UI sliders, track send sliders
+ Retina/HiDPI: improve marker/region display
+ Retina/HiDPI: improve transport buttons in media explorer/MIDI editor/etc
+ Retina/HiDPI: improve MIDI editor track list display
+ Retina/HiDPI: improve diamond/triangle note appearance in MIDI editor
+ Retina/HiDPI: improve inline MIDI editor display
+ Tempo map: further improve behavior of actions to insert measure from loop
selection [p=2215874]
+ Theme: Theme Adjuster supports ctrl+Z for undo
+ Theme: add new mono button image
+ Theme: add 5.0 toolbar images to 5.0 theme
+ Theme: add additional hidpi/retina images
+ Toolbars: improve close button/topmost pin positioning when floating
+ Toolbars: improve appearance/brightness of built-in buttons
+ Toolbars: allow resizing toolbar when frameless and very small
+ Tooltips: prevent stale tooltips from persisting when switching active windows
+ Tracks: disable playback offset by default (disabled is equivalent to enabled
with zero offset)
+ Undo: improve FX parameter behavior when undoing the addition of
envelopes/parameter modulation/LFO [t=227956]
+ VST: add support for VST3 plugins that output MIDI CC data, via
+ VST: replace input audio rather than summing for VST3 instruments that have
sidechain input but no main input [t=227974]
+ VST: add Windows HiDPI compatibility setting that affects floating plug-in UIs
+ Web interface: avoid UI hangs when unable to resolve
+ Windows: fix topmost pin bugs, auto-lower pinned windows while modal window is
+ Windows: option to ignore alt-key presses affects FX chains, FX browser, Video,
Media Explorer windows
+ Windows: improve Windows IAccessible support for STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED

v6.01 - December 6 2019

+ Accessibility: fix Windows IAccessible support for TCP/MCP
+ Accessibility: fix alt-key to access menus/close app from TCP/MCP
+ Accessibility: add action to view routing and I/O for master track
+ Arrange: optimize drawing of offline/forced offline text on small items
+ MIDI editor: fix macOS Metal Retina rendering glitch when nav lane is visible
and resized
+ MIDI editor: support CC envelopes for CC64 [p=2211760]
+ MIDI playback: fix CC interpolation in certain cases [t=228111]
+ Media items: fix issues with very fast vertical mouse-moves of items on
multiple tracks
+ Mixer: fix mouse-away detection [t=228088]
+ Mixer: fix very-large-size display bug [p=2210941]
+ ReaScript IDE: add checkbox to disable state watchlist
+ ReaScript IDE: do not run watch window continuously after script has stopped
+ ReaScript IDE: reduce watch update frequency
+ ReaScript: support get/setting media item auto-stretch timebase
+ ReaSurround: improve multimonitor HiDPI issues on Windows
+ ReaVerb: enable ZL/LL by default for better low-latency performance
+ Theme: fix slight incorrect meter expansion
+ Tooltips: improve item volume tooltip at very low values [t=228105]

v6.0 - December 3 2019

+ Defaults: enable Live FX multiprocessing by default
+ Defaults: enable track record monitoring on new tracks by default
+ Defaults: set volume envelopes to fader scaling by default
+ Dynamic split: add preset support
+ Dynamic split: overhaul and improvements to algorithm and gate handling
+ Dynamic split: retain settings after canceling the window
+ FX: allow embedding some plug-in UIs into track and mixer control panels
+ FX: support embedding UIs for ReaEQ, ReaXComp, ReaComp, ReaSurround, and
graphical JSFX
+ FX: add preference to display FX list on right side of FX chain window
+ FX: add preference to display add/delete buttons above list in FX chain window
+ Import: handle WAV and AIFF (Apple Loops) files containing transient
information similarly to REX files
+ MIDI editor: display and edit CC/velocity as dots and lines, CCs as linear and
curved envelopes, similar to track envelopes
+ MIDI editor: add note-type buttons to default toolbar
+ MIDI editor: add option to display note length in velocity lane
+ MIDI editor: add option to move bank/program change events with notes
+ MIDI editor: add preference to automatically reduce CC events when drawing
+ MIDI editor: combine note properties and event properties into one modeless
+ MIDI editor: add mouse modifiers to reset CC/velocity to default values
+ MIDI editor: make default CC event and CC lane mouse modifiers more like
default envelope behaviors
+ MIDI editor: repopulate raw MIDI data display window when switching active
media item
+ Main window: support positioning track control panels on right side of arrange
+ Media import: properly adjust length of imported media with embedded tempo when
crossing project tempo changes
+ Media import: support adjusting media based on tempo suggested by filename
+ Media items: add new "Beats (auto-stretch at tempo changes)" timebase
+ Media items: add action to add stretch markers at project tempo changes
+ Media items: add action to recalculate automatic stretch markers at project
tempo changes
+ Media items: add action to convert embedded source media transient information
to transient guides
+ Media items: optionally create transient guides on import for media with
embedded transient information
+ Media items: support calculating playback rate from user-supplied tempo or
length in beats
+ Media items: when copy/pasting items with stretch markers, preserve the
original play rate
+ Menus: very lightly refresh main file/edit/view/insert menus
+ Modal windows: remember window positions (configurable option in
preferences/general/advanced to tweak behavior)
+ Mouse modifiers: add double-click behaviors to reset CC value, curvature, edit
+ Mouse modifiers: add preference to draw/edit CC events immediately on mouse
+ Multiprocessing: auto-detect up to 128 threads
+ Multiprocessing: increase anticipative FX hard limit to 128 threads, live FX
hard limit to 64 threads
+ Multiprocessing: remove old 4.x scheduler mode, non-event synchronization modes
+ Notation editor: support customized staff and note context menus
+ Performance: improve performance and reduce system resource consumption with
large track counts
+ Performance: add option in disk settings to periodically close excess open
+ Performance: add option to read peaks files under a certain size completely to
RAM (to reduce open file count)
+ REX: add option to ignore all embedded slice and tempo information
+ ReaFIR: add context menu mode configuration
+ ReaScript: add MIDI_GetCCShape, MIDI_SetCCShape
+ ReaScript: add support for CC shapes to MIDI_Get(Set)AllEvts
+ ReaScript: add support for setting track playback offset value and attributes
+ ReaScript: add support for user-defined note and track notation data that is
not displayed
+ ReaScript: fix setting MIDI meta-messages via API
+ ReaScript: add reduce_open_files() utility function for users running up
against open file handle limitations
+ Render: include all options in "options and format" render presets
+ Render: optionally embed transient information into WAV or AIFF files
+ Render: support embedding tempo into AIFF files
+ Render: support rendering only selected regions in an existing region render
matrix [t=193405]
+ Render: when enabled, embed exact tempo of rendered item/time
+ Resampling: added SSE2-optimized sinc calculation (from Theo Niessink)
+ Resampling: optimize and greatly improve quality of resampling for conversion
between common rates
+ Routing: add track wiring view
+ Theming: new Default 6.0 theme with theme adjuster script allowing for
extensive customization of the new default theme
+ Theming: layout DPI translation for HiDPI/Retina displays
+ Theming: apply main window size area theme element only on mouseover
+ Theming: improve theme rendering appearance when using custom UI scaling
+ Theming: apply advanced preference UI scaling changes immediately
+ Theming: replace tcp.dragdropchild with tcp.dragdropinfo [indent_sibling_track
+ Theming: add additional 8 WALTER font slots
+ Theming: add support for midi_score_colormap, in addition to midi_note_colormap
+ Toolbars: actions to switch last focused toolbar will default to switching main
+ Toolbars: improve HiDPI/Retina support (toolbar_icons/ can have 150/ and 200/
+ Tracks: support positive or negative playback time offset without affecting PDC
+ Tracks: add action to bypass track playback offset
+ Tracks: add user preference for max MIDI playback speed to catch up to negative
track playback offset
+ VST3: support plugins that export MIDI note names
+ Windows: HiDPI awareness and display improvements (auto-rescale more UI when
running HiDPI aware)
+ Windows: improve appearance of docker, ReaPlugs, and other windows when
+ macOS: Retina display arrange, ruler, MIDI editor, etc
+ macOS: use Metal display output on 10.11+ for various windows
+ macOS: add options in Preferences/General/Advanced to disable Retina support,
disable Retina for non-Retina theme elements
+ macOS: support REX files on macOS Catalina
+ macOS: work around appearance issues when user forces dark mode rendering for
app (requires Metal to be enabled) [t=222366]

For full log see:

v5.0-v5.9x - August 2015 - November 2019

v4.0-v4.7x - August 2011 - December 2014
v3.0-v3.78 - May 2009 - August 2011
v2.0-v2.58 - October 2007 - March 2009
v1.0-v1.888 - August 2006 - August 2007
v0.2-v0.999 - December 2005 - July 2006

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