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Compare the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships

 Bandingkan keuntungan dan kerugian dari perusahaan perseorangan

1. Disadvantages of sole proprietorship

 No liability protection. ...
 Financing and business credit is harder to procure. ...
 Selling is a challenge. ...
 Unlimited liability. ...
 Raising capital can be challenging. ...
 Lack of financial control and difficulty tracking expenses.

Advantages of sole proprietorship

 Less paperwork to get started.
 Easier processes and fewer requirements for business taxes.
 Fewer registration fees.
 More straightforward banking.
 Simplified business ownership.

2. Describe the differences between general and limited partners and compare the advantages and
disadvantages of partnerships

 Jelaskan perbedaan antara mitra umum dan terbatas dan bandingkan keuntungan dan kerugian

 General Partner: What Is It?

A general partner is an owner of a partnership. Often, a general partner either plays an active role in the
company's daily operations or is a managing partner. A general partner for a business can act on the
company's behalf. While a general partner has important responsibilities and duties in the partnership,
they also have unlimited liability regarding the financial dealings of a partnership.

That means if the partnership acquires a large amount of financial debt or liability, this liability might
pass through to the general partners. The exception to this is if the business runs as a limited
partnership. That means only one of the owners will be regarded as a general partner and therefore
have unlimited liability.
 Limited Partner: What Is It?

A limited partner, also known as a silent partner, has limited liability for the company's liabilities and
debts. Different from a general partner, how much liability a limited partner acquires is based on how
much capital they contribute to the business. On top of having limited liability, the partner has restricted
responsibilities regarding the daily operations of the company. These limitations depend on how many
shares the limited partner owns.

Usually, limited partners are not involved in the company's daily operations and they don't participate in
management meetings. However, if a limited partner spends over 500 hours in one year helping the
limited partnership in its operations, they may be considered to be a general partner.

 The advantages of partnerships

1 Less formal with fewer legal obligations.

2 Easy to get started.

3 Sharing the burden

4 Access to knowledge, skills, experience and contacts

5 Better decision-making.

6 Privacy

7 Ownership and control are combined

8 More partners, more capital

9 Prospective partners

10 Easy access to profits

 The disadvantages of partnerships

1 the business has no independent legal status
2 Unlimited liability
3 Perceived lack of prestige
4 Limited access to capital
5 Potential for differences and conflict
6 Slower, more difficult decision making
7 Profits must be shared
8 Personally demanding
9 Taxation
10 Limits on business development
3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of corporations , and summarize the diffrences between
C Corporations , S Corporations , and limited liability companies

 Bandingkan keuntungan dan kerugian dari korporasi , dan rangkum perbedaan antara Korporasi C ,
Korporasi S , dan perseroan terbatas

 The C corporation is the standard (or default) corporation under IRS rules. The S corporation is a
corporation that has elected a special tax status with the IRS and therefore has some tax
advantages. Both business structures get their names from the parts of the Internal Revenue
Code that they are taxed under.

4. Define and give examples of three types of corporate mergers , and explain the role of leveraged
buyouts and taking a firm private

 Jelaskan dan berikan contoh tiga jenis merger perusahaan , dan jelaskan peran leveraged buyouts
dan mengambil perusahaan swasta

5. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of franchises , and discusss the opportunitaes for diversity
in franchising and the challenges of global franchising

 Uraikan keuntungan dan kerugian waralaba, dan diskusikan peluang keragaman dalam waralaba dan
tantangan waralaba global

6. Explain the role of cooperatives

 Jelaskan peran koperasi

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