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I MY MINE (mío (a), míos(as))

YOU YOUR YOURS (tuyo (a), tuyos (as))

HE HIS HIS (suyo (a), suyos (as)) de él

SHE HER HER (suyo (a), suyos (as)) de ella

IT ITS ITS (suyo (a), suyos (as)) de esto

WE OUR OURS (nuestro (a), nuestros (as))

YOU YOUR YOURS (suyo (a), suyos (as)) de ustedes

THEY THEIR THEIRS (suyo (a), suyos (as)) de estos

 This is not my book, my book is red.
 This is not my book, mine is red.

 Are you in your English class?

 Yes, I am in my English class
 Yes, we are in our English class

 Who is he?
 He is a friend of his
 He is a friend of mine

 Their house is similar to ours

 Our house is big and theirs is big too

 Is that car yours?

 Yes, it is my car
 No, mine is black
To express possessions in English:
 For a singular noun add ´s:
Maria´s car Victor´s pen Carlos´ cellphone

 For plural noun add ´:

The Mendez´ house The dogs´ toys

 For irregular plurals, add ´s:

Child  The children´s pencil
Man  The men´s tools
Mouse  The mice´s cheese

Maria´s brother is tall
Wences´ car is fancy

Exercise 1. Write 10 sentences using possessive pronouns


 I have a red car (yo tengo un carro rojo)
 You haven´t a sister (Tu no tienes una hermana)
 I have an idea (Yo tengo una idea)
 They have a nice home (Ellos tiene una hermosa casa)
 She has a new bed (Ella tiene una nueva cama)
 Do you have a cellphone? (¿Tienes un nuevo cellular?
 Does he have a job? (¿Tiene el un trabajo?)
 Does the dog have a toy? (¿Tiene el perro un juguete?)
 Does it have salt? (¿Tiene sal?)
Exercise 2. Write the correct form of have

1. David _____________ a dream.

2. They _____________ a beautiful cat.
3. We _____________ a lot of friends.
4. Ximena ____________ a new computer.
5. My mother and I ___________ good luck.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English

1. Ella tiene un carro rojo

2. El niño no tiene un libro de inglés
3. ¿Tu tienes una linda casa?
4. Lili tiene un buen trabajo
5. El carro no tiene un motor
6. ¿La sopa tiene sal?

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