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Ulangan Harian Science Chapter 5 and 6

Hari/ Tanggal : ...................

Nama :.....................
Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, atau c, pada jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. Sounds are made when an objects …. 7. Look at the picture !

a. Vibrate
b. Jump
c. Walk
2. We can hear sounds with our …. Name of fruits is ….
a. Eyes a. Watermelon
b. Nose b. Pear
c. Ears c. Avocado
3. We talk to each other to …. 8.
a. Communicate
b. Sleep
c. Eat
4. We can make many sounds with our
voice, for example ….
Parts of plants on the picture is ….
a. Talking and singing
b. Sleeping and walking a. Roots
c. Running and watching b. Flower
5. Look at the picture ! c. Leaves
The correct words from the letter is ….
a. Stem
b. Roots
The sounds of cat is …. c. Flower
a. La la la 10.
b. Kukuruyuk
c. Meow
6. Example of plants are ….
a. Toy car and book
b. Coconut tree and flower
c. Pencills and table

Name of fruits is ….
a. Grape
b. Tomato
c. apple

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