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School :
Subject : Chemistry
Class/Semester : X. MIPA / 1
Main Material : Molecular Shape
Time Allocation : 3x45 minutes (1 x meeting)

A. Core Competencies (KI)

KI-1:Living and practicing the teachings of the religion.
KI-2: Living and practice the honest behavior, discipline, santun, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), responsible, responsive, and pro-active in interacting effectively in
accordance with the development of the children in the neighborhood, family, school,
community and the natural environment around, the nation, the state, the region, and the
KI 3: Understand, apply, and analyze the knowledge of the factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metakognitif based on his curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with
an insight into humanity, nationality, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and
events, and applying procedural knowledge in the field of study that is specific according to their
talents and interests to solve the problem
KI4: Procesing, reasoning, and present in the realm of the concrete and the abstract realm
associated with the development of which he had learned in school independently, act
effectively and creatively, and be able to use the method according to scientific rules

B. Basic Competencies and Competency Achievement Indicators (GPA)

KD.3 KD.4
3.6 Determine the shape of the molecule using 4.6 Modeling the shape of a molecule using
the valence shell electron pair repulsion materials found in the environment or
theory (VSEPR) or Electron Domain chemical software
3.6.1 Identify the shape of a molecule through 4.6.1 Modeling the molecular shape of a
animation compound from plastic balls.
3.6.2 Determining the shape of the molecule
using the valence shell electron pair
repulsion theory (VSEPR)
3.6.3 Show PEB and PEI
C. Learning objectives
After studying this material, students are able to:
1. Analyze the theory of the number of electron pairs around the atomic nucleus (Electron
Domen Theory) to determine the shape of the molecule
2. Predicting the shape of a molecule based on the theory of the number of electron pairs around
the atomic nucleus (Electron Domen Theory)

Based on the knowledge and skills mastered by students:

1. Realizing the regularity of the structure of matter particles as a manifestation of the
greatness of God Almighty in the form of various molecular forms
2. Have internal motivation and high curiosity about how to predict the shape of the molecule, be
active and proactive and respect the opinions of friends during discussions

D. Learning materials
 Principle
o Electron domain theory (VSEPR)
o Molecular shape based on electron domain theory (VSEPR)

 Procedure
o The steps to predict the shape of a molecule based on the electron domain theory

E. Learning methods
Model : Problem Based Learning
Strategy : STAD type cooperative
Methods : discussions, assignments, and exercises

F. Media, Tools, and Learning Resources

1. Media
Lemons and pins
2. Tools/Materials
3. Learning Resources
 Michael Purba. 2006. Chemistry for high school class XI. Jakarta: Erlangga Publisher.
 Nana Sutresna. 2013. CHEMICAL 2. Bandung: Grafindo Media Pratama
 Sandri Justiana. 2009. Chemisrty 2 for Senior High School Year XI. Jakarta :
G. Steps _ P learning activities _

Activity description Time

preliminary The teacher greets, then asks how the students are, and checks attendance.
1. 15'
As well as checking the tidiness of clothes and cleanliness of the
2. The teacher provides information about the material, objectives, and
learning steps.
3. The teacher conveys the things that will be assessed, including scientific
behavior and individual written description tests at the end of the lesson
(the assessment criteria are submitted to students)
4. The teacher divides the class into 7 groups, each group of 5 students
5. The teacher distributes worksheets and props.
6. The teacher reminds the previous material about electron configuration,
valence electrons, description of covalent bonds with Lewis structures.

Core  Students observe the molecular shape of some molymod compounds .

 How do you determine the molecular shape of a compound?

 Students review literature and read worksheets to predict molecular shape

 Students discuss in groups to determine the shape of the molecule

 Students answer questions in LKS 10'
 Deduce the shape of a molecule based on the theory of the number of
electron pairs around the atomic nucleus.

 Students present pictures of molecular shapes based on the theory of the

number of electron pairs around the atomic nucleus. 30'
 Students present the answers to questions and pictures of molecular shapes
in front of the class in turns.

Closing 1. Educators together with students make a summary / conclusion of the 45'
2. Educators conduct an assessment and/or reflection on the activities that
have been carried out.
3. Educators provide feedback on the process and learning outcomes.
4. Educators plan follow-up activities and present lesson plans at the next
5. The teacher gives a test
6. The teacher closed the lesson by greeting.

H. Rating
No Aspect Mechanisms and Procedures Instrument Information
1. Attitude - Observation Work in - Observation sheet
2. Knowledge - Assignment - Assignment Question
No Aspect Mechanisms and Procedures Instrument Information
- Written test - Essay Questions
3. Skills - Presentation Performance - Presentation
- Group discussion results Performance
- Assessment rubric

Makassar, 23 February 2022

Principal _ Subject teachers

(.................................) Izzatul Ummah, B. Ed

NIP.1 913441004
Appendix 2: Attitude Observation Sheet


Subjects : CHEMISTRY
Class/Semester : X. MIPA /1
School year : 2017/2018
Observation time :

Indicators of the development of religious attitudes, responsibility, caring, responsive, and polite.
1. D (less) if it does not show any genuine effort in completing the task;
2. C (enough) if it shows that there has been a serious effort in completing the task but it is still small
and has not been steady/ fixed/ regular/ unchanged;
3. B (good) if it shows that there is a serious effort in completing tasks that are quite frequent and
start to be steady/ steady/ regular/ unchanged;
4. A (very good) if it shows a genuine effort in completing the task continuously and steady/ fixed/
regular/ unchanging.

Put a mark (√) in the columns according to the observations.

No Religious Responsibility Care Responsive polite
Name A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D


1 . D = less
2 . C = enough
3 . B = good
4 . A = very good
Appendix 3:
Observation Sheet and Presentation Performance


Subjects :

Specialization Class :

Competence :

Observation Presentation

Observation results

Value of


No Student Name lity

on skills

(1 (2 (4 (2
(3) (5) ( 1) (3)
) ) ) )
1. Al zelvin

2. Hanifah Azzahra
3. Mirda Hanum


1. Honest
a. Delivering something based on the actual situation.
b. Write data according to the experimental results
c. Does not cover the error that occurred.
d. Accept the truth that is conveyed by friends
2. Discipline
a. Always show up for class on time.
b. Do the worksheets according to the instructions.
c. Obeying the rules of the game in independent and group work .
d. Complete assignments on time.
3. Responsibility
a. Try to complete the task seriously.
b. Ask friends/educators if you have problems.
c. Solve problems for which they are responsible.
d. Participation in groups.
4. Care
a. Keeping the class clean, helping friends in need.
b. Show empathy and sympathy to help solve problems.
c. Able to provide ideas / ideas to a problem that is around him.
d. Provide assistance according to his ability.
5. Cooperation
a. Work on LKS seriously.
b. Show a friendly attitude.
c. Try to find solutions to problems together in groups.
d. Respect other's opinion.
Description of Filling Observation Score
A = Very high, if it meets 4 indicators in each aspect
B = High, if it meets 3 indicators in each aspect
C = Enough, if it meets 2 indicators in each aspect
D = Less, if it meets 1 or does not meet the indicators in each aspect


No Indicator description

1 Mastery of the 4. Demonstrate mastery of presentation material very well

material presented 3. Demonstrate good mastery of presentation material
( Presentation ) 2. Demonstrates mastery of presentation material quite well
1. Demonstrates poor mastery of presentation material
2 Ability to use 4. The media used is very clear, interesting, and supports the entire
presentation presentation
media 3. The media used is clear but less attractive
( Visuals ) 2. The media used is less clear and unattractive
1. The media used is unclear and unattractive
3 Ability to defend 4. Able to defend and respond to questions / objections wisely and wisely
and respond to 3. Able to defend and respond to questions / objections quite well
questions or 2. Less able to defend and respond to questions or objections properly
(Question and 1. Very less able to defend and respond to questions or objections
Answer )
Appendix 5: Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Time ; 30 minutes

Indicators of Competence Appraisal Instrument

Achievement Technique
1. Write the electron Written test Known compounds: BCl 3, PCl 3 , SO 3 and ClF 3
configurations and With atomic numbers B=5, O=8, F=9, P=15, S=16 and
valence electrons of the Cl=17
atoms in a compound. Write the electron configurations and valence electrons
of the atoms in the compound.
2. Explain the formation Written test Known compounds: BCl 3, PCl 3 , SO 3 and ClF 3
of covalent bonds in a With atomic numbers B=5, O=8, F=9, P=15, S=16 and
compound with a Lewis Cl=17
structure . Describe the formation of covalent bonds in compounds
with the Lewis structure . !
3. Determine PEB and Written test Known compounds: BCl 3, PCl 3 , SO 3 and ClF 3
With atomic numbers B=5, O=8, F=9, P=15, S=16 and
PEI and the number of
domains Determine the number of PEB , PEI and the number of
domains in each compound!
4. Determine the type of Written test Known compounds: BCl 3, PCl 3 , SO 3 and ClF 3
With atomic numbers B=5, O=8, F=9, P=15, S=16 and
Write down the type of molecule!

5. Determine the shape of Written test Known compounds: BCl 3, PCl 3 , SO 3 and ClF 3
With atomic numbers B=5, O=8, F=9, P=15, S=16 and
the molecule based on
the electron domain Determine the shape of the molecule complete with
To make it easier for students to answer questions, the writing of the instrument was changed to be
like this!

Write the answer below the question.

1. It is known that the compound BCl 3 with atomic number B = 5, and Cl = 17.
a. Write the electron configurations and valence electrons of the atoms in the compound.
b. Describe the formation of covalent bonds in compounds with the Lewis structure . !
c. Determine the number of PEB, PEI and the number of domains!
d. Write down the type of molecule!
e. Determine the shape of the molecule complete with pictures!

2. It is known that the compound PCl 3 with atomic number P = 15, and Cl = 17.
a. Write the electron configurations and valence electrons of the atoms in the compound.
b. Describe the formation of covalent bonds in compounds with the Lewis structure . !
c. Determine the number of PEB, PEI and the number of domains!
d. Write down the type of molecule!
e. Determine the shape of the molecule complete with pictures!

3. It is known that the compound SO 3 with atomic number O = 8, and S = 16.

a. Write the electron configurations and valence electrons of the atoms in the compound.
b. Describe the formation of covalent bonds in compounds with the Lewis structure . !
c. Determine the number of PEB, PEI and the number of domains!
d. Write down the type of molecule!
e. Determine the shape of the molecule complete with pictures!

4. Known compounds ClF 3 with atomic number F = 9, and Cl = 17.

a. Write the electron configurations and valence electrons of the atoms in the compound.
b. Describe the formation of covalent bonds in compounds with the Lewis structure . !
c. Determine the number of PEB, PEI and the number of domains!
d. Write down the type of molecule!
e. Determine the shape of the molecule complete with pictures!

Scoring Guidelines

No Answer m score
1 a. Electron configuration 5 B = 2.3 EV=3 4
17 Cl = 2.7 EV= 7
b. BCl 3 . covalent bond

c. PEI = 3, PEB = 0, number of domains=3 4

d . Molecular type = AX 3 4
e. Shape of the molecule = trigonal planar

2 b. Electron configuration 15 P = 2.8.5 EV=5

17 Cl = 2.8.7 EV= 7 4
b. PCl 3 . covalent bond

c. PEI = 3, PEB = 1, number of domains = 4

d . Molecular type = AX 3 E 4
e. Molecular shape = triangle pyramid / trigonal pyramid 4

3 c. Electron configuration 8 O = 2.6 EV=6 4

16 S = 2.8.6 EV= 6
b. SO 3 . covalent bond

c. PEI = 3, PEB = 0, number of domains=3 4

d . Molecular type = AX 3 4
e. Shape of the molecule = trigonal planar
4 d. Electron configuration 17 Cl = 2.8.7 EV=7 4
9 F = 2.7 EV= 7
b. ClF 3 . covalent bond

c. PEI = 3, PEB = 2, number of domains = 5 4

d . Molecular type = AX 3 E 2 4
e. Molecular shape = Planar T . shape


Value = Total SCORE

Material Attachment


RG Gilles p ie put forward the theory of VSEPR in 1970, Val ence Shell Electron Pair
Repulsion) which stated that "electron pairs will try to move away from each other so that the
repulsion between electron pairs is minimal"
According to the VSEPR theory, the shape of a molecule can be predicted from the
number of valence electron pairs in the central atom, and also the position of these electron
pairs in the central atom .
The VSEPR theory was refined into the Electron Domain Theory. The electron domain is
the position of the electron / the area where the electron is.

The electron domain is determined by the following:

1. Each pair of bonding electrons / PEI (single bond, double bond, or triple 3), means one
2. Each Free Electron Pair / PEB means one Domain.

The principles of Electron Domain Theory are:

1. Between electron domains in the outer shell of the central atom repel each other so that the
electron domains will arrange themselves so that the repulsion is as minimal as possible.
2. Repulsion between free electron domains > repulsion between bonding electron domains
3. The shape of the molecule is determined by the bonding electron pair (PEI).

The shape of the molecule can be found in two ways;

1. Look for the electron configuration of each atom, determine the valence electrons. Describe
a covalent bond with a Lewis structure, formulate the type of molecule and look up the
shape of the molecule according to its type in the table.
2. Look for the free electron domain from the formula, determine the type of molecule and
look for the shape of the molecule according to its type in the table.
EV − X
How to determine the free electron domain, 2
1. Determine the valence electrons of the central atom. EV
2. Determine the number of bonding electron domains. X
3. Determine the number of free electron domains. E

Formulate the type of molecule = AX

A = symbol of the central atom
X = Symbol of the bonding electron domain
E = Free electron domain symbol
Table To determine the shape of the molecule

For example, Determine the molecular shape of H 2 O !

1. The first way,
Electron configuration 1 H = 1 valence electron = 1
Electron configuration 8 O = 2.6 valence electrons = 6

covalent bond
¿⋅ ¿⋅
¿ ¿
¿ ¿
H H Molecular type, AX 2 E 2 Molecular shape, Planar shape V

2. The second way,

EV of the central atom (O) =6
X, bonding electron domain = 2
EV − X 6−2
E= = =2
2 2 Molecular Type AX 2 E 2
Then matched the molecular shape in the table = Planar shape V

To make it easier to find molecular shapes without tables, you can use lime and

How to Use the Lemon and Pin Needle Props:

1. A Pin shows 1 pair of bonding or lone electrons
2. The number of needles indicates the total number of electron pairs.
3. Prick the Pentul Needle on the lemon according to the total number of electron pairs and
form the farthest angle between the Pentul Needles so as to form a grouping space.
4. Make observations of the shape together, predict the shape and describe it in a notebook.
Note : when making observations , the Pentul Needle which acts as a free electron is
removed/released. (The shape of a molecule is determined by the bonding

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