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A Research Paper

Presented to

The Research Committee of

Morong National High School

Morong, Rizal

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements in Inquiries,

Investigations and Immersion



February 2019

The research paper entitled “EFFECTIVENESS OF STORYTELLING



submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements in Inquiries, Investigations and



JOHN ROMAR G. FRANCISCO is hereby recommended for approval.

February 26, 2019 ANDROPOV P. ROBLES, Ph.D.

Date. Research Adviser

Approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements in Inquiries,

Investigations and Immersion by the Oral examination Committee.


Member Member



Accepted in partial fulfilment in the requirements in Inquiries, Investigations

and Immersion.

__________________ ALLAN C. DILAGAN

Date Assistant School Principal II

The researcher are extending their appreciation and thanks to the following

grateful persons:

CELESTINO A. SANTIAGO, Principal III of Morong National High School,

for granting the approval to conduct the study;

ALLAN C. DILAGAN, Assistant Principal II of Morong National High

School, for granting the approval to conduct;

DR. NENITA M. MATIGNAS, the Senior High School Coordinator, for the

recommending approval of the research;

ADONNA P. FOLLOSCO, the Grade Leader Coordinator of Grade 12 for

letting us know about the important data needed;

DR. ANDROPOV P. ROBLES, Research Adviser, for being a good and

helpful teacher for the researchers. The researchers really much appreciate

learning and great experience in the study;

ROWELL V. ORCA, Panel Chairperson, for the reassurance for trailing the


DR. MELINDA E. ODISTE, Panel Members, for the inspiration given to the


CHERRY M. ADUAN, Panel Members, for the encouragement in pursuing

the study;

FAMILY, FRIENDS AND CLASSMATES, for giving their unstoppable help

and understanding about the researchers study;

RESPONDENTS, for giving time and help to give their observation about

our study. Also their friendliness and willingness to answer all the questions;

And above to all, to ALMIGHTY GOD, for his divine guidance and providence.

Kim Sofia S. Blanco

Catherine P. Almasco

Xyrille T. Rodriguez

Joy Ann F. Martinez

Allen Dale A. Alejandro

John Romar G. Francisco

This piece of work is wholeheartedly dedicated

To our beloved families, we could never have this

without your faith, support and constant encouragement.

To the Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School

Thank you for answering the
questionnaire checklist, for trusting and
cooperating in our study.

To our Teachers
who shared their knowledge
to make this study successful.

To our friends and classmates

that always help us and support us.

To the Sovereign God

who gives us the grace, wisdom and knowledge
to do this piece of work.

John Romar





COURSE: General Academic Strand

ACADEMIC YEAR: A.Y. 2018-2019

TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Research Paper



Morong, Rizal


The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of storytelling approach in

the academic performance of Grade II pupils in Roman Tantiongco Memorial

Elementary School during the school year 2018-2019.

The study used descriptive and experimental method to determine the

effectiveness of storytelling approach. The two group of respondents were used,

the grade II pupils and the Filipino teachers of the grade 12 faculty in Morong

National High School. Pre-test and post-test were administered to the students to
determine the effectiveness of storytelling approach. Furthermore, the

researchers made questionnaire checklist in terms of content, language and

style, organization and presentation and usefulness. The statistical tools used to

test the significant difference between the two group of respondents are the

weighted mean and t-test.

Findings revealed that the level of effectiveness of storytelling approach in

content got the overall computed mean of 4.6 and verbally interpreted as very

much effective. In terms of language and style, the overall computed mean is

4.58 and verbally interpreted as very much effective. In organization and

presentation, the computed overall mean is 4.42 and verbally interpreted as very

much effective. In usefulness, the overall computed mean is 4.64 and verbally

interpreted as very much effective. The respondents are agree that the

storytelling approach is an effective teaching tool with a computed overall mean

of 10.15 and verbally interpreted as very much effective. The result further

implies that the storytelling approach possesses all the aspects to develop

comprehensive learning. It was statistically found out that the mean of the pre-

test is 6.4, standard deviation is 2.31 while the post-test mean is 13.9 and the

standard deviation is 0.80. The degree of freedom is 29 and the t-value of the

pre-test and post-test is 20.23. The level of significance 0.00 does not exceed to

0.05 level of significance thus the null hypothesis is rejected verbally interpreted

as Significant.

The study concluded that storytelling approach is an effective approach and

can be used as a teaching strategy since in this approach, students develop

listening skills, could increase children's willingness to communicate thoughts

and feelings and encourage active participation in the classroom and the

storytelling through puppet show increases the performance of the students.

There is significant difference on the pretest and post-test score of the


It was recommended that using storytelling approach by the teachers for

the enhancement of learning is highly recommended, and it is also could be use

by the other grade levels. Implementation of teaching the students through

storytelling with the use of puppet. It is also intended to put into a practice

technique that may help to gather information. Furthermore, encourage

cooperation between students and teacher because it is more than a way of

exchanging information and extending ideas, it is their means of reaching out and

connecting with other people.













Background of the Study

Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitation
Definition of Terms


Research Design
Setting of the Study
Subject of the Study
Procedure of the Study
Sources of Data
Statistical Treatment


Level of Effectiveness of Story Telling Approach
in Academic Performance of the Grade II Pupils
in Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School
with respect to Contents, Language and Style,
Organization and Presentation and Usefulness

Pretest and Post-Test Score of the Respondents Before

and After Exposure to Storytelling Approach

Significant Difference on the Pretest and Post-test

Score of the Respondents Before and After
Exposure to Storytelling Approach



Summary of Findings




A Time Table/Gant Chart

B Permit to Conduct the Study
C Request Letter for Content Validation of Research
D Letter for the Respondents
E Certificate of Content Validation




1 Computed Mean of the Respondents on the Level

of Effectiveness of Story Telling Approach in Academic
Performance of the Grade II Pupils in Terms of

2 Computed Mean on the Level of Effectiveness of Story

Telling Approach in Academic Performance of the
Grade II Pupils in Terms of Language and Style

3 Computed Mean on the Level of Effectiveness of Story

Telling Approach in Academic Performance of the
Grade II Pupils in Terms of Organization and

4 Computed Mean on the Effectiveness of Story Telling

Approach in Academic Performance of the Grade II
Pupils in Terms of Usefulness

5 Composite Table on the Level of Effectiveness of Story

Telling Approach in Academic Performance of the Grade II

6 Computed Mean on the Pre-test and Post-test Score of the

Respondents Before and After Exposure to Storytelling

7 Computed T-test on the Significant Difference of the

Pre-Test and Post-test Score Before and After
Exposure to Storytelling Approach



1 Conceptual Framework of the Study Showing

the Effectiveness of Storytelling Approach in
Academic Performance of Grade 2 Pupils in
Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School

2 Vicinity Map of Roman Tantiongco Memorial

Elementary School Morong, Rizal
Chapter 1


This chapter includes the background of the study, theoretical framework,

conceptual framework, statement of the problem, hypothesis, scope and

limitation and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

The outbreak of the new coronavirus infection known as COVID-19 has first

occurred at Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan city of China in December 2019

(Wikipedia, 2020), and within a couple of months it has turned out to be a global health

emergency. It has rapidly affected thousands of people, who are sick or being killed due

to the spread of this disease. The COVID-19 pandemic also resulted in a widespread

disruption such as travel restrictions, closure of schools and global economic recession.

Face to face learning engagement of students and teachers within the school has been

suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has paved the way to the

implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity

of education. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new normal form of

education at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of

other stakeholders are the driving force for its success. For the continuity of education

and for every school to still attain its mission and vision which is to provide quality

education to every Filipino learner, the Department of Education implemented the

Modular Distance Learning.

Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that
allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital
format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable to the learner. Learners
under Modular Distance Learning can also use other resources such as
Learner’s Materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, and other
study materials.

Usually, teachers will have to deliver appropriate learning materials.

However, students can also access these materials by downloading
electronic copies through their computer, tablet PC, or smartphone.
According to Olivo (2021), parents mostly agreed to the strategies in the

distributing modules, retrieval of modules, time allotment for learning activities, the

learning activities in the module, assessment and highly agreed to the observance of

safety and health protocols in the distribution and retrieval of modules. However, parents

claimed that time allotment in the completion of learning activities was insufficient since

the activities were so many. In addition, some parents claimed that they could not

understand some topics in the module so they could not help their children in answering

the learning activities. The research then recommended for a review of the learning

activities and conduct seminar for parents to guide them in assisting their children during

their “classes “at home. An action plan was developed to improve the implementation of

the modular learning in the new normal.

Distance Learning refers to a learning delivery modality, where learning takes place

between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during

instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance

Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction. (Quinones, 2020) .

According to the Department of Education (DepEd), parents and guardians' perform the

various roles in Modular Learning such as Module-ator, Bundy-clock, and as Home Innovator. As

a Module-ator, they are the ones to get and submit the printed Self-Learning Modules (SLMs)

from and to schools or barangay halls at the beginning and end of the week, depending on the

agreement between the parents and the school. As a Bundy-clock, they must check their child's

schedule or workweek plan. Because of the number of subjects or activities to be done, they

must see that it is being followed accordingly to avoid cramming or delays in submission, which

may affect the child's performance. Lastly, as a Home Innovator, they must provide their child

with a productive learning environment to help them focus more on Learning. It must be a well-

lighted and well-ventilated space in the house, with little or no distraction.

The use of modules encourages independent study. One of the benefits of using modules for

instruction is the acquisition of better self-study or learning skills among students. Students

engage themselves in learning the concepts presented in the module. They develop a sense of

responsibility in accomplishing the tasks provided in the module. With little or no assistance

from others, the learners progress on their own. They are learning how to learn; they are

empowered (Nardo, M.T.B, 2017). Other advantages of modular instruction include more choice

and self-pacing for students; more variety and flexibility for teachers and staff; and increased

adaptability of instructional materials.

The Grade 12 level is generally regarded as the preparatory period to a

more challenging phase to higher education level. It is also the grade level where

there is still time for choosing the course that they want in college.

In accordance to Section 1 and Section 2 of Article XIV in “The 1987

Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines", which states that:

Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to
quality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all.

Section 2. The State shall:

(1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated

system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society;

(2) Establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary
and high school levels. Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear their
children, elementary education is compulsory for all children of school age

It aims to set the standards and specifications in the provision of learning

resources in the implementation of Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan. The

learning resources serves as learning toolkits for learners where procedures,

instructions, and other details are provided to aid the learning process, with the

supervision of responsible adults along with the continuous monitoring and

guidance of teachers.

Being a student, the researchers believed that the quality of instruction within

the classroom remains a major factor in pupils’ learning. The researcher likewise

observed that pupils really have their strengths and weaknesses in listening a

stories. Teacher should really take into consideration which approach in storytelling

are applicable for learners.

In view of the aforementioned, the researchers are really motivated to

conduct this study to find out effectiveness of modular distance learning.

Theoretical Framework
The study was anchored from Jerome Bruner’s “Theory of Discovery,”

which states that students are interested with the environment by exploring and

manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies, for performing

experiments. He stated that students are more likely to understand when they

discover concepts in the course of their explanations. And so, instead of being told

of the content by the teacher, it is expected that the students will have to explore

examples and from them to discover the principles or concepts which are to be


The theory of Bruner is related to the present study in which the learner is

building an internal illustration of knowledge, a personal interpretation of

experience. This representation is continually open to modification, its structure

and linkages forming the ground to which other knowledge structures are attached.

Learning is an active process in which meaning is accomplished on the basis of

experience. First, if learning depends on how information is mentally processed,

then students’ cognitive processes should be major concern to educators.

Students’ learning difficulties can often be attributed to ineffective or inappropriate

cognitive processes.

It was also anchored from the “Theory of Connectionism” by Edward Lee

Thorndike also known as stimulus-response theory” in this theory, it is believed

that all learning is explained my connections (bonds) that are formed between

stimulus and response. From this, Thorndike formulated laws of learning which are

not flexible, but rules the learner seems to obey. One of which is the law of
readiness. He believed that readiness is an important condition of learning

because satisfaction or frustration depends on an individual’s state of readiness.

This theory closely relates to the present study since students learn effectively

and efficiently from constructing their own knowledge. Moreover, in class,

storytelling can be better scaffolded through body language, facial expression, and

changes in tones in expressing the emotions.

And furthermore, from the statement of Bauzon (1994) that the aim of

education is the total development of the child through self-activity or learning by

doing. It also emphasizes that the curriculum or learning experiences should

provide activities that are relevant to the needs and abilities of the students. In

other words, the learner must be made the centre of the educative process by

giving freedom to learn on their own as he interacts with the material and physical

world. The value of this fact lies in the sense that directions are simple and clear

and illustrative examples are adequately provided.

Therefore, it is imperative to say that the Theory of Discovery by Bruner and

Stimuli-Response Theory of learning by Thorndike became the framework of this


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study shown in Figure 2 on page , which

include the input, process and the output.

The first frame presents the input which includes the Grade 2 Pupils, Pre-test

and Post-test, Teachers, questionnaire checklist and the second frame presents
the processes that transpired during the conduct of the study such as the

administration and validation of pre-test and post-test, development and evaluation

of questionnaire checklist to the respondents and the assessment and evaluation

of the story that was used.

The third frame presents the output which is the storytelling approach

through puppet show.

The arrow connecting the output to the input frame indicates that the output

is open for revision which is based on comments and suggestions of the

respondents and such basis was used for further improvement of the storytelling

approach through puppet show.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the level of effectiveness of storytelling

approach for Grade 2 pupils in Roman Tantiongco Elementary School for the

School Year 2018-2019.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following problems:

1. What is the level of effectiveness of storytelling approach as perceived by

the teachers with respect to:

1.1 Content;

1.2 Language and Style;

1.3 Organization and Presentation; and

1.4 Usefulness?
2. What is the pre-test-post-test score of the respondents before and after

exposure to storytelling approach?

3. Is there any significant difference on the pre-test and post-test score of the

respondents before and after exposure to storytelling approach?


The study tested the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant

difference on the pre-test and post test score of the respondents before and after

exposure to storytelling approach.

Scope and Limitation

The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of storytelling approach in

the academic performance of Grade 2 pupils in Roman Tantiongco Memorial

Elementary School during the School Year 2018-2019. The respondents of the

study were the thirty (30) Grade 2 pupils from Roman Tantiongco Elementary

School. The researchers made use of total enumeration technique in order to get

the desired number of respondents needed in the study.

The researchers-made questionnaire checklist and pre-test and post-test

was utilized to determine the effectiveness of Storytelling approach to Grade 2

pupils. The study was limited to analyze the level of effectiveness of storytelling

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined

conceptually and/or operationally.

Academic Performance. This refers to the ability to study and remember

facts and being able to study effectively.

Effectiveness. This refers to the quality of being effective in the different

types of learning process.

Grade II Pupils. This refers to the group of respondents who served as

evaluator in determining the effectiveness of storytelling approach.

Pre-Test. This refers to test given to the respondents before exposure to

the storytelling approach.

Post Test. This refers to test given to the respondents after completion of

an instructional program or segment and often used in conjunction with a pre-test

to measure their achievement and the effectiveness of the program.

Questionnaire Checklist. This refers to the research instrument used to

determine the effectiveness of storytelling approach to the respondents.

Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School. This refers to the

setting which the researchers conducted the study.

Storytelling Approach. This refers to the act of sharing a tale or a series of

events through the use of puppet show.

Teacher. This refers to a person or thing that teaches something; especially:

a person whose job is to teach students about certain subjects.

Chapter 2


This chapter includes the research design, setting of the study, subject of

the study, source of data, procedures of the study and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The type of research used in this study is Descriptive and Experimental

method. According to Martyn Shuttleworth (2008), a valid method for researching

specific subjects and as a precursor to more quantitative studies. Whilst there are

some valid concerns about the statistical validity, as long as the limitations are

understood by the researcher, this type of study is an invaluable scientific tool.

Furthermore as stated by Calmorin (2009), descriptive method design focuses at

the present conditions and the main purpose is to find new truth that may have

different forms such as increase quantity of knowledge, new generation and new
law, increase insights of the facts which are operating more accurate, and

formulation of the problems to be solved.

In this study the descriptive research method was employed so as to

identify the role and significance of using personality questionnaire in selecting

respondents during the time of research. The researchers opted to use this

research method considering the objectives to obtain first hand data from the

respondents. The descriptive method is advantageous for the researchers due to

its flexibility; this method can use either qualitative or quantitative data or both,

giving the researchers greater options in selecting the instrument for data

gathering. The research is using Grade 2 pupils as respondents from Roman

Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School in order to gather the relevant data; the

descriptive method is then appropriate as this can allow the identification of the

similarities and differences of the respondents’ answers.

Adi Bhat (2012) defined that experimental research is any research

conducted with a scientific approach, where a set of variables are kept constant

while the other set of variables are being measured as the subject of experiment.

Researchers used the experimental method to analyze the study, by

following the systematic and scientific approach. The researchers manipulate one

or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other variables.

Setting of the Study

The study was conducted in Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary

School considering and addressing the need for better quality of education.
It has the vision that Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School is

dedicated to addressing the needs of the whole child by creating a school

environment where in every child may experience success in social and academic

growth, as well as develop enthusiasm for learning.

Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School is a school/education

centre in the Philippines. Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School is a

public elementary school specifically located at Turentigue the municipality of

Morong, in province of Rizal, and in the region of IV-A CALABARZON.

The school named after Mr. Roman Tantiongco for remembering his

memories and contributions.

Subject of the Study

The subject of the study were the Grade 2 pupils from Roman Tantiongco

Elementary School. The researchers chose the total number of thirty (30) Grade 2

pupils who served as the respondents.

To determine the required number of sample respondents, total enumeration

technique was used. 100% of the pupils were used in the study.

Procedure of the Study

In conducting the study, the researchers followed a step-by-step procedures

as prescribed to come up with the results. The first step was constructing the

letters of validation followed by pre-test and post-test. Pre-test and Post-test was
shown to the experts for content validation. After validation, pre-test and post-test

was revised based from the different suggestions was done. Next step is

constructing of questionnaire checklist. Questionnaire checklist was shown to the

experts for content validation. After validation, questionnaire checklist was revised

based from the different suggestions was done. The researchers sought a story

that is applicable for their age. Afterwards, researchers introduce the chosen story

and distribute pre-test to the respondents. Then, the chosen story was discussed

through puppet show. Thereafter, the post-test distributed. The questionnaire

checklist was presented to the teacher who serve as a respondents. And the

researcher gathered the questionnaire checklist, and the gathered score was

calculated. Then finally, the gathered data was analysed and interpreted by the


Sources of Data

The evaluation of the level of effectiveness of storytelling approach was made

possible through the use of research instruments, the Questionnaire checklist and

pre-test and post-test.

The questionnaire-checklist is composed of two (2) parts: Part 1 contains the

profile of the respondents while Part II pertains to the rating scale for the

evaluation and assessment in terms of objectives, language and style, and


The objective is composed of five (5) items which determines if this is

congruent to the story.

The language and style, having five (5) items that tells if the storytelling

approach will attract, create enthusiasm and interest to the learners.

The style of presentation, having five (5) items that tells if the storytelling

approach through puppet show would attract, create enthusiasm and interest to

the learners.

The pre-test and post-test is made up of questions from the story that

measures their achievement and the effectiveness of the storytelling approach.

The questionnaire checklist and pre-test and post-test was content validated

by the instructors who are experts. Suggestions given by them were considered

and the questionnaire and pre-test and post-test was revised.

The data gathered from the students were measured using Likert’s 5-point

rating scale.

The following scale was used:

Interval Scale Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Very Much


4 3.40-4.19 Very Effective

3 2.60-3.39 Effective

2 1.80-2.59 Slightly Effective

1 1.00-1.79 Not Effective

Statistical Treatment
For the analysis and interpretation of data, the following statistical tools

were applied.

To determine the level of effectiveness of storytelling approach as

perceived by the teachers with respect to objective, language and style,

organization and presentation, mean was used.

To determine the pre-test-post-test score of the respondents before and

after exposure to storytelling approach, mean was used.

To determine the significant difference on the pre-test and post-test score of

the respondents before and after exposure of storytelling approach, t-test is used.

Chapter 3


This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the

gathered data based from the sub-problem of the study.

Level of Effectiveness of Story Telling Approach in Academic Performance of the

Grade II Pupils in Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School with respect to
Contents, Language and Style, Oganization and Presentation and Usefulness.

Table 1 presents the computed mean on the level of effectiveness of

storytelling approach in academic performance of the grade II pupils in Roman

Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School with respect to Content.

Table 1
Computed Mean of the Respondents on the Level of Effectiveness of Story
Telling Approach in Academic Performance of the Grade II
Pupils in Terms of Content

A. Content Mean VI

1. The language is clear and easy to understand 4.70 VME

2. Technical terminologies are adopted to the level of 4.50 VME

students comprehension

3. The content is simple and comprehensible 4.70 VME

4. The content aims to develop desire skills highly 4.60 VME


5. Questions are arranged easy to difficult. 4.70 VME

Overall 4.60 VME

VME- Very Much Effective

It could be gleaned from the table that as evaluated by the students in terms

of content, item 1 which stated that “The language is clear and easy to

understand” obtained the highest mean of 4.70, and verbally interpreted as Very

Much Effective, and item 3 and 5 stating that “The content is simple and

comprehensible” and “Questions are arranged easy to difficult” both obtained as

well a mean of 4.70 with verbal interpretation of Very Much Effective, however

item 2 stating that “Technical terminologies are adopted to the level of students

comprehension” got the lowest mean of 4.50 with verbal interpretation of Very

Much Effective.

Furthermore, the table reveals the overall computed mean in the evaluation

of respondents is 4.6 and verbally interpreted as Very Much Effective. It can be

deduced from the results that respondents found out that contents of the

storytelling approach is sufficient enough to develop learning skills among the


The result implies that the content of the story will lead the enhancement of

learning if it is clearly and well presented.

The result supports the study of Chrissy J. Cross (2017) in her instructional

method in the undergraduate biology laboratory. The research examined the

differences in the construction of biology content knowledge in student work in an

inquiry based lab and in an inquiry- and arts-based lab. The qualitative research

findings indicated that the students developed deeper understanding of the

content knowledge when an arts-based instructional method (storytelling) was

included as part of the inquiry-based instruction.

Table 2 presents the computed mean on the level of effectiveness of

storytelling approach in academic performance of the grade II pupils in terms of

language and style.

Table 2

Computed Mean on the Level of Effectiveness of Story Telling Approach in

Academic Performance of the Grade II Pupils in Terms
of Language and Style

B. Language and Style Mean VI

1. There is a progress and continuity of ideas on the 4.50 VME

sentence of each paragraph.

2. The sentence structure is simple and suited for the 4.50 VME

students level of comprehension.

3. There are sufficient provisions for learning new 4.70 VME


4. The language used encourages the learners to read. 4.60 VME

5. The arrangement of words is appropriate in giving 4.60 VME

meaningful concepts.

Overall 4.58 VME

As shown in the table on the evaluation of the respondents in terms of

language and style, item 3 stating that “There are sufficient provisions for learning

new meanings” obtained the highest mean of 4.70 and verbally interpreted as

Very Much Effective, and next is item 4 and 5 stating that “The language used

encourages the learners to read” and “The arrangement of words is appropriate in

giving meaningful concepts” both obtained a mean of 4.60 verbally interpreted as

Very Much Effective and item 1 and 2 stating that “There is a progress and

continuity of ideas on the sentence of each paragraph” and “The sentence

structure is simple and suited for the students level of comprehension” got the

lowest mean of 4.50 with verbal interpretation of Very Much Effective.

Furthermore, the table reveals the overall computed mean of the evaluation

of the respondents is 4.58 and verbally interpreted as Very Much Effective.

The results connotes that language and style used in storytelling are suited

to the learning needs of the students.

This implies the importance of having a narrative skills in teaching

endeavour, specifically, if the language and style used by the storyteller is

appropriate in giving meaningful concepts, simple and the language used

encourages the learnings to read.

Kizlik (2008) claimed that the uses the conventions of memoir and creative

non-fiction to narrate a sequence of events and interactions, offer insight into

characters, recall conversations through dialogue, provide details of setting and

action, and reflect on moments of emotional significance. Moreover, he stated that

verbal stories may be accompanied by images and/or delivered orally, but

language is the primary vehicle for conveying the story.

Table 3 shows the computed mean on the level of effectiveness of

storytelling approach in academic performance of the grade II pupils in terms of

organization and presentation.

As shown in the table on the evaluation of the students in terms of

organization and presentation for the students, item 1 stating that “The print out is

clear and easy to read” got the highest mean of 4.70 and verbally interpreted as

Very Much Effective, followed by item 2 and 5 stating that “Illustrations are well

presented” and “Lessons in each topic are well presented for better

understanding” obtained a mean of 4.40 and interpreted verbally as Very Much

Effective, while item 3 and 4 stating that “Pictures captured the interest of the

students” and “Illustrative drawing allows students to exercise conceptual thinking”

got the lowest mean of 4.30 and verbally interpreted as Very Much Effective.

Table 3

Computed Mean on the Level of Effectiveness of Story Telling Approach in

Academic Performance of the Grade II Pupils in Terms of
Organization and Presentation

C. Organization and Presentation Mean VI

1. The print out is clear and easy to read. 4.70 VME

2. Illustrations are well presented. 4.40 VME

3. Pictures captured the interest of the students. 4.30 VME

4. Illustrative drawing allows students to exercise 4.30 VME

conceptual thinking.

5. Lessons in each topic are well presented for better 4.40 VME


Overall 4.42 VME

As revealed by the results, the overall mean of the respondents in terms of

organization and presentation is 4.42 and with verbal interpretation of Very Much


The result implies that the group of respondents shows that the storytelling

approach provides lessons in each topic are well presented and organized.

Michael (2019) stated that one of the important features of storytelling is

exciting the listener's mind so that he and she were captivated by the story you’re

telling. One of the best ways of doing this is to use appropriate nouns, adverbs

and adjectives. Those that depict colour and actions are particularly forceful when

attracting and keeping readers' attention.

Table 4 presents the computed mean on the level of effectiveness of

storytelling approach in academic performance of the grade II pupils in terms of


The table depicts that in terms of usefulness, item 1, 3 and 5 which states

that “The materials need the learning more effective and enjoyable and

interesting”, “The material are useful to reinforce the transfer of learning” and “The

materials possess the competencies design to develop skills among students” got

the highest mean of 4.70 and verbally interpreted as Very Much Effective,

followed by item 4 which states that “The material are very useful to the teacher in

teaching” obtained a mean of 4.60 and interpreted verbally as Very Much

Effective, while item 2 which states that “The material encourage students to work

independently and at their own pace” got the lowest mean of 4.50 and verbally

interpreted as Very Much Effective.

Table 4

Computed Mean on the Effectiveness of Story Telling Approach in

Academic Performance of the Grade II Pupils
in Terms of Usefulness

D. Usefulness Mean VI

1. The materials need the learning more effective and 4.70 VME

enjoyable and interesting.

2. The material encourage students to work 4.50 VME

independently and at their own pace.

3. The material are useful to reinforce the transfer of 4.70 VME

4. The material are very useful to the teacher in teaching. 4.60 VME

5. The materials possess the competencies design to 4.70 VME

develop skills among students.

Overall 4.64 VME

As revealed by the result, the overall computed mean in the respondents in

terms of usefulness is 4.64 and with verbal interpretation of Very Much Effective.

The result implies that the usefulness of the materials in storytelling possess the

competencies design to develop skills among students and are very useful to the

teacher in teaching.

This implication supports the statement of LCF Education (2014) that stories

are still used today to improve retention and comprehension of language teaching

at all levels. Through understanding of stories, children can also develop an

understanding of how best to utilize language – as well as boosting their

vocabulary. It also states that storytelling is one of the most effective teaching

tools available.

Table 5 presents the composite table on the level of effectiveness of

storytelling approach in academic performance of the grade II pupils.

Table 5

Composite table on the Level of Effectiveness of Story Telling

Approach in Academic Performance
of the Grade II Pupils

Aspects Mean VI

1. Content 4.60 VME

2. Language and Style 4.58 VME

3. Organization and Presentation 4.42 VME

4. Usefulness 4.64 VME

Overall 4.56 VME

As depicted from the table, a computed mean of 4.64 for the usefulness got

the highest rank. Second, the content with a mean of 4.60 and the lowest rank is

on organization and presentation with mean of 4.42.

The table reveals that the overall computed mean is 4.56 and verbally

interpreted as Very Much Effective.

The findings reveal that the respondents are agree that the storytelling

approach is an effective teaching tool. The result implies that the storytelling

approach possesses all the aspects to develop comprehensive learning.

Becky Bicks (2015) emphasized that storytelling in presentations is a

powerful way to grab attention, hold attention, and to change beliefs. She used

storytelling to deliver fact-heavy presentations promoting their products. However,

when they stopped listing features and started telling stories, they became much

more effective and successful.

Pretest and Post-Test Score of the Respondents Before and After Exposure to
Storytelling Approach.

Table 6 shows the computed mean of the Pre-test and Post-test Score of

the Grade II Pupils in Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School.

Table 6

Computed Mean on the Pre-test and Post-test Score of the

Respondents Before and After Exposure
to Storytelling Approach

Pre-test Post-test Overall

Lessons Mean VI SD Mean VI SD Mean VI

GININTUAN 6.4 E 2.31 13.9 VME 0.80 10.15 VME


Legend: VME – Very Much Effective E – Effective

As manifested in the table, based on the pre-test score of the students

obtained a mean of 6.4 verbally interpreted as Effective. Meanwhile on the post-

test score of the students obtained a mean of 13.9 verbally interpreted as Very

Much Effective with an overall mean of 10.15 which is verbally interpreted as Very

Much Effective.

The results implies that there is an increase in the performance of the pupils

when exposed to the storytelling approach. The storytelling approach possesses

the characteristics of a good learning kit to develop the competencies among the


The result supports the study of Dr. Earl Cater (2009) when he develop an

instrument to measure arts-based oral storytelling instruction in an adult training

setting required a new testing model combining formative assessment with

summative assessment.

McMillan (2008) found in his study the statistical results from the pre-test

and post-test demonstrated progress in student learning, but at disappointing

levels of change between the pre-test and post-test. He also indicated the scores

obtained in the assessment determine the legitimacy of the instrument. Working

from this viewpoint the testing established the legitimacy of the storytelling

assessment instrument and indicated a need for changes in the classroom use of

the instrument during the instruction process.

Significant Difference on the Pre-test and Post-test Score of the Respondents

Before and After Exposure to Storytelling Approach.

Table 7 presents the computed t-value on the significant difference on the

pre-test and post-test score of the respondents before and after exposure to

storytelling approach.

It can be seen from the table that it was statistically found out that the mean

of the pre-test is 6.4, standard deviation is 2.31 while the post-test mean is 13.9

and the standard deviation is 0.80. The degree of freedom is 29 and the t-value of

the pre-test and post-test is 20.23. The level of significance 0.00 does not exceed


Table 7

Computed T-test on the Significant Difference of the

Pre-Test and Post-test Score Before and After
Exposure to Storytelling Approach

Mean SD df t-value Sig Ho VI

Pre-test 6.4 2.31

29 20.23 0.00 R S
Post-test 13.9 0.80

FR- Failed to Reject NS- Not Significant

0.05 level of significance thus the null hypothesis is rejected verbally interpreted

as Significant.
It can be deducted from the results that the researchers found out that there

is no significant difference on the pre-test and post-test score of the respondents.

This implies that the teachers find their pupils perform better when the lesson

is given through storytelling.

This is similar to the study of Faith Balaman (2016) on the effect of digital

storytelling method on the attitudes of students toward teaching technologies.

Pre-test and post-test model was based on semi-experimental design was chosen

in her study and the attitude scale was performed before and after the study.

Following the post-test implementation, interviews with students were also

performed. The relational samples created between the pre-test and post-test was

analysed by a t-test. The results indicate that the storytelling method has a

positive effect on a student attitudes. It was also concluded the digital stories can

be used as instructional materials, and it can also increase the level of knowledge

and interest.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions drawn and

recommendations offered.

Summary of Findings

Based on the summary analysis and interpretation of data, the following are

hereby summarized:
1. Level of Effectiveness of Storytelling Approach on Grade II Pupils of
Roman Tantiongco Memorial Elementary School

It was revealed that the level of effectiveness of storytelling approach in

content got the overall computed mean of 4.6 and verbally interpreted as very

much effective. In terms of language and style, the overall computed mean is 4.58

and verbally interpreted as very much effective. In organization and presentation,

the computed overall mean is 4.42 and verbally interpreted as very much

effective. In usefulness, the overall computed mean is 4.64 and verbally

interpreted as very much effective.

2. Pre-test and Post-Test Score of the Respondents Before and After

Exposure to Storytelling Approach

The findings revealed that the respondents are agree that the storytelling

approach is an effective teaching tool with a computed overall mean of 10.15 and

verbally interpreted as very much effective. The result further implies that the

storytelling approach possesses all the aspects to develop comprehensive


3. Significant Difference on the Effectiveness of Storytelling Approach in

Academic Performance of Grade II Pupils in Roman Tantiongco Memorial
Elementary School

The study found out that the mean of the pre-test is 6.4, standard deviation

is 2.31 while the post-test mean is 13.9 and the standard deviation is 0.80. The

degree of freedom is 29 and the t-value of the pre-test and post-test is 20.23.

The level of significance 0.00 does not exceed to 0.05 level of significance thus

the null hypothesis is rejected verbally interpreted as Significant.


In the light of foregoing findings, the conclusion was drawn.

1. Storytelling approach is an effective approach and can be used as a teaching

strategy since in this approach, students develop listening skills, could increase

children's willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings and encourage

active participation in the classroom.

2. The storytelling through puppet show increases the performance of the


3. There is significant difference on the pre-test and post-test score of the



In the light of the findings and conclusion drawn, the following

recommendations are offered:

1. Using storytelling approach by the teachers for the enhancement of learning is

highly recommended, and it is also could be use by the other grade levels.

2. Implementation of teaching the students through storytelling with the use of

puppet. It is also intended to put into a practice technique that may help to gather

3. Encourage cooperation between students and teacher because it is more than

a way of exchanging information and extending ideas, it is their means of

reaching out and connecting with other people.

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Learning in Canarem Elementary School: Basis for
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 DOI:10.12691/EDUCATION-5-10-3
Corpus ID: 67296089

Modular Instruction Enhances

Learner Autonomy
 Massimo Nardo
 Published 2017
 Computer Science
 Americ


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