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Questions for Interview

What are Variables? Rules to declare variables?

What are classes and objects?

Different Data Types in Java?

Operations that can be performed in Java?

What is the difference between equals() and == in Java?

Use of Scanner CLass?

If Else condition and nested If?

Different Loops in Java?

What are Arrays? How to declare an Array?

What are Strings in Java.

Default access specifiers in Java? Differences between them?

What are methods in Java.

What is an Inheritance. Why we are using Inheritance.

What is an Interface.

What is a package.

What is an Object and Class.

What is a Constructor. What is a Default Constructor.

Why we have to use constructors.

What are the rules to create a constructor.

Difference between a Private and protected access specifier.

OOPS concpet in JAVA? OverLoading and Overridding?

Exception Handling in Java? Difference between error and exception?

What is Microservices? How is it different from Monolithic applications?

What is Spring and Springboot?

Dependencies used to create a basic Microservice?

What is a MVC architecture.

What is Maven. How it is important in springboot applications.

What is .m2 folder in maven.

In which file we have to add dependencies in maven.

Why we create different packages for Service and Controller?

What is REST API?

What is REST Template? Why we are using it.

What are annotations? Different Annotations used in microservice projects?

What is @PathVariable annotation.

What is an @RequestBody annotation.

What is an @Bean Annotation.

What is an @Service Annotation.

What is Lombok dependency. Why we have to use Lombok dependency.

Why we require getter and setter methods.

What are Actuators? Uses of actuator?

Why we use testing in Springboot? other testing methods?

Junit Testing in Springboot

Why we require Junit testing.

What is Git and how to add code to the repository?

What is the Git command to initialize the repository.

What is the Git command to save the file.

What is the Git command to save the work on to the remote server.

What are Database? Different databases used? How to connect database to


Difference between SQL and NOSQl database.

What is a Schema in Mysql databse.

What is a primary key in database.

What the CRUD operations and how they are used in Microservices?

Which method is used to create a data in database.

Which method is used to update the data in database.

What is Postman used for? How to add data into the database?

What is Collection in Postman.

Which Annotation to use for logging?

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