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Letter written in the year 2070

A letter sent in the year 2070 is a story for those who rely on open-access

resources on a daily basis, particularly water. It's a narrative meant to make

people recognize the importance of water conservation. It depicts situations

that would most likely be experienced by individuals in the year 2070, such as

acute thirst, which might lead to serious consequences such as transmitted

diseases or, in the worst-case scenario, death. Women are claimed to be

becoming bald since there is no water accessible for them to take a bath,

which is a scene that can impact a lot of people. This is in stark contrast to

today's majority of women, who bathe multiple times every day. The movie tells

how we should use open-access resources, particularly water. The story depicts

an event in the year 2070 that produced extreme thirst, which could result in

disease or death for those who were affected. Many people do not care about

water because it looks to be limitless in terms of people's ability to utilize it in this

generation, and it is also not that expensive. They don't understand the

importance of having water, don't utilize it appropriately, and don't care about

saving it. Water is becoming increasingly polluted around the world as a result of

the factories, companies, and facilities that dump their waste into it. As a result

of man's activity, rivers and sea streams have been polluted and have either

dried up or become contaminated. If we don't act now, the world will descend

into chaos and disaster in the not-too-distant future. People would die every day

as a result of a lack of water, and humanity's extinction could be on the horizon.

We are sometimes so preoccupied with life's problems that we forget the little

things that are, regrettably, the most important. We concentrate about losing

weight, impressing people, and achieving deadlines, but are these really the

things we should be focusing on? Helping others, loving yourself and others, and

God, converting the awful things in the world into beautiful things, and

protecting what God has given us, such as air and water, are the most

important things we can accomplish in life. One of nature's most valuable gifts
to humans is water. We must protect water not only for the benefit of people,

but also for the sake of plants and animals that, like us, rely on it for growth and

existence. I can envision a world without movies, automobiles, Facebook, or any

other internet platform, but not one without water. Water scarcity can only imply

tragedy for us, and the notion of what could happen is not appealing. Water is

becoming increasingly polluted around the world as a result of trash discharged

into it by industries, enterprises, and facilities. The seas, rivers, and streams are all

being contaminated as a result of man's actions. Civilization's growth has

brought amazing things like the invention of electricity, automobiles, and

phones, but it has also brought a very terrible downside: environmental

destruction. In the not-too-distant future, if we do not act now, the world will be

in absolute chaos and devastation; people will harm and kill one another over

water, people will die every day from a lack of water, and mankind may face

extinction. Will future generations of mankind, Maria and Mario, go through

what we have gone through? As a young person, I am also responsible for all of

my acts if I wish to improve the lives of future generations. The world's fate is in

our hands; we have the ability to both destroy and save it. In order to save our

world, which is in grave danger, we must act responsibly. To summarize, nature is

everything and it is critical because we humans and all living species rely on it.

Where do we acquire all of the necessary personnel, such as food and other

necessities, in order for us to survive? Isn't it in nature? So, you can see how

essential nature is to us. All of the magnificent things I mentioned can still be

experienced and seen until now. Have you observed that as time passes, or as

the days, months, years, or decades pass, it appears to be fading and

deteriorating? Most of us don't know it yet, but if our beloved mother earth or

nature is finally destroyed, it will have a major detrimental influence on humanity

that will be felt by future generations. The fate of the world is in our hands; it has

the ability to destroy the world, but it also has the ability to resurrect it. In order to

save our world, we must take responsibility and save it.

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