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Nama: Intan Nuraini Suti
Nim: 151421098
Kelas: 1D
Tanggal: Rabu, 10 November 2021

1. Tuliskan ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk perkenalan, minimal 5
2. Tuliskan beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan dalam interview pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris. (5
3. Tuliskan 1 surat lamaran dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Ungkapan dalam perkenalkan bahasa Inggris:
 Hii
 Hello
 How are you
 Good morning
 Nice to meet you

2. Ungkapan interview pekerjaan bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Inggris

 It is such a great opportunity to meet with you to talk about the manager
 Good morning. I am Intan Nuraini Suti and it is a Pleasure for me to be here.

 Thank you for taking me into consideration for this role. 

 Thanks for this opportunity

 Thank you for inviting me to interview.

3. Surat lamaran:

Gorontalo Wednesday 10, November 2021

Mrs, Nur Handayani

SDN 58
Jl. Pengeran

Dear madam

After learning from the newspaper on October 23, 2021 that SDN 58 is looking for additional
teaching staff, as English teachers. Therefore, through this letter I would like to apply for a job at
your mother’s school to fill the position of an English teacherI have completed my undergraduate.

Education at the State University of Gorontalo l, majoring in English literature in 2010. During my
studies at campus, I underwent a teaching training program that has trained me to become an
effective and efficient teacher.
I have work experience as an English course teacher for 2 years and currently I am trying to develop
my career and looking for new challenges for myself at the school that my mother leads. For your
consideration, I attach this letter with you

1).Recent 3×4 photos, 3 sheets

2). Fotocopy of diploma
3). Fotocopy KTP

I will be very happy if given the opportunity to conduct an interview at the time and date that you
have specified. Thank you for your attention and wisdom.



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