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(FC 102)

Name: Jhemaeca R. Palisoc Date Performed: Dec 2, 2021

Course and Year: BSFAS 1-A Date Submitted: Dec 13, 2021


The respiratory system is a system in living organisms that takes up oxygen and
discharges carbon dioxide in order to satisfy energy requirements. Animals need oxygen (O 2) to
survive. In fact, all organisms need oxygen to complete the process to burning glucose for fuel.
Even protists and plants need oxygen, but as you become more active, you need a lot of
oxygen. That's where your respiratory system comes in.
The mechanism by which organisms obtain oxygen from the air and release carbon
dioxide is called breathing. In humans and other mammals, gas exchange happens in the
capillaries surrounding the alveoli, where the oxygen that is breathed in enters the circulatory
system and carbon dioxide in the blood is released to the lungs and then breathed out.
Breathing is divided into two distinct phases, inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation).
During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts and pulls downward while the muscles between the
ribs contract and pull upward. This increases the size of the thoracic cavity and decreases the
pressure inside. As a result, air rushes in and fills the lungs. The air then travels to the alveoli,
or air sacs. Through the very thin walls of the alveoli, oxygen from the air passes into your blood
in the surrounding capillaries. At the same time, carbon dioxide moves from the capillaries into
the air sacs and goes out of the body when we exhale. During exhalation (expiration), the
diaphragm relaxes, and the volume of the thoracic cavity decreases, while the pressure within it
increases. As a result, the lungs contract and air is forced out.
As mentioned earlier, respiration also involves not only breathing but also involves the
oxidation of food in the cells of the organism to release energy. Breathing is a physical process
whereas respiration is a biochemical process of oxidation of food. Breathing process involves
lungs of the organism whereas respiration involves the mitochondria in the cells where food is
oxidized to release energy.
Respiration is the biochemical process in which the cells of an organism obtain energy
by combining oxygen and glucose, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide, water, and ATP
(the currency of energy in cells). It has the following formula: C6H12O6 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP.
The products of photosynthesis (C6H12O6 are taken in by heterotrophs, organisms who cannot
make their own energy and rely upon autotrophs for food (including humans). The byproducts of
their respiration are carbon dioxide and water.
1. to identify the respiratory organs of different animals
2. to explain the process of gas exchange in selected animals and humans.
Any reference materials on respiratory organ/system of different animals.
1. Research on the different system of animals
2. Fill up the Table below using the information taken from the reference/s used.


Various animals differ in ways on how they respire and also uses different organs in
respiration. The Table below shows the different animals and the picture showing their
respective respiratory organs.

Animals Picture of respiratory organ What is/are the respiratory

organ/s shown in the picture?
Annelids Earthworms don't have lungs,
(Earthworm, hence they can't breathe. They
leeches, breathing through their skin.
polychaetes) Diffusion allows oxygen and
carbon dioxide to travel through
the earthworm's epidermis.
Insects Insects without lungs, such as
(grasshopper, grasshoppers, cockroaches, and
butterfly, houseflies, do not have a
cockroach) respiratory system. For breathing,
they have a basic gas exchange
mechanism. They have a tracheal
system, which involves trachea
organ which allows oxygen to be
delivered directly to each cell in
the body.
Tracheoles are fine tubes that
make up part of the respiratory
system of insects. Air enters the
insect's body through the spiracle
and enters the trachea. From the
trachea the air moves to the small
tracheoles. The tracheoles end
within the body cells.
Air sacs are found as tiny sacs off
the larger breathing tubes
(tracheae) of insects, as
extensions of the lungs in birds,
and as end organs in the lungs of
certain other vertebrates.
Spiracles, which allow air to move
into their tracheal system. Since
insects don't have lungs, they use
spiracles to exchange oxygen
and carbon dioxide with the
outside air.
Tracheal respiratory system in
which oxygen and carbon dioxide
travel primarily through air-filled
tubes called tracheae.
Animals Picture of respiratory organ What is/are the respiratory
organ/s shown in the picture?

Fish (excluding The process by which an aquatic

lungfish) animal obtains oxygen from water
is known as aquatic respiration.
Most fish exchange gases using
gills on either side of the pharynx
(throat). In addition to breathing,
the gills help regulate acid-base
balance, osmoregulation, and
nitrogenous chemical excretion.

Gill lamellae, which help increase

their surface area for oxygen
exchange. When a fish breathes,
it draws in a mouthful of water at
regular intervals.

The gill arch provides the support

to hold a number of comb-like
structures called gill filaments.
Gill filaments extend out
The operculum is a hard, plate-
like, bony flap that covers the gills
of a bony fish . It protects the gills
and also serves a role
respiration. Fish can acquire
dissolved oxygen through
pumping water over their gills by
opening and closing their jaws
and opercula.
Lamellae are used to increase
the surface area between the
surface area in contact with the
environment to maximize gas
exchange (both to attain oxygen
and to expel carbon dioxide)
between the water and the blood.
Reptiles, birds & Amphibians breathe through
mammals their skin and lungs. They need
their skin to stay wet in order to
absorb oxygen, so they secrete
mucus to keep it moist. If their
skin becomes too dry, they will be
unable to breathe and will die.

Anterior Air sacs - serve as

internal compartments which hold
air and facilitate internal air
passage to allow birds to have a
continuous flow of large volumes
of air through the lungs as a way
to increase oxygen exchange
capacity and efficiency.
Questions to answer:
1. How do the above mentioned animals (in the Table) take in oxygen and removes
carbon dioxide using their respiratory organs?

 Annelids , like humans, keep breathing in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide,
but they lack lungs. They can't even breathe via their mouths, and they can't
really breathe through their noses since they haven't any! They take in
oxygen using their skin and exhale through their mouths. Because air breaks
in their skin's mucus, they need maintain a constant level of moisture in order
to breathe. Suffocation occurs when worms dry out. Fresh air is sucked into
to the worm's circulatory system through the skin, as well as oxygenated
blood is pumped to the head area by the worm's hearts. The worm's motions
cause blood to flow back to the back end of the body, where it is pumped
forward again by the hearts. The carbon dioxide in the blood is dissolved and
returned towards the skin.

 The respiratory system of insects is more efficient than that of humans. In

relation to their physical size, they can take in more oxygen than we can.
Most insects have the ability to open and close their spiracles, resulting in
"discontinuous gas exchange." In other words, insects with closed spiracles
recycle oxygen in the tracheae and can survive without continuously
breathing. This is a tremendous benefit for insects that are stressed, such as
soil-dwelling insects in hypoxic environments. The length of time that insects
may survive without fresh oxygen is dependent on their species, life stage,
and a variety of other factors that are outside the scope of this blog post.
 Water dissolves oxygen and carbon dioxide, and most fishes interchange
absorbed oxygen and carbon dioxide through their gills. The gills are fleshy
filaments accompanied by gill arches and filled with blood vessels that offer
the gills their bright red color. They are located behind and to the side of the
mouth cavity. Water inhaled constantly and through mouth travels backward
between the gill bars and over the gill filaments, wherein gases are
exchanged. In teleosts and several other fishes, the gills are shielded by a gill
cover, but in sharks, rays, and some of the oldest prehistoric fish families, the
gills are guarded by skin flaps. The blood capillaries in the gill filaments are
adjacent to the gill membrane, allowing them to absorb oxygen from the
water as well as expel excess carbon dioxide.
 Oxygen and other gases are found in the air we breathe. When oxygen
reaches the lungs, it is transported to the bloodstream and carried throughout
the body. Each cell in the body exchanges oxygen for carbon dioxide, a
waste byproduct. This waste gas is subsequently carried back to the lungs,
where it is taken from the bloodstream and expelled. Gas exchange is a vital
function that your lungs and respiratory system undertake automatically.
Amphibians use an unusual respiratory technique known as cutaneous
respiration, which means they breathe via their skin. Amphibian lungs are
simple saclike structures that lack the complex spongy looks of birds and
mammals' lungs. Most amphibians' lungs obtain a massive percentage of
total blood flow as from heart. Despite the fact that the amphibian ventricle is
undivided, blood from the left and right atrial chambers mixes relatively little
inside the single ventricle.

2. In the process of cellular respiration, what will happen to the extra carbohydrates,
protein and fats eaten which were not digested by the body, aside from being
excreted through feces?
In the process of cellular respiration, the extra carbohydrates, protein and fats
eaten which were not digested by the body will be excreted through feces , but
aside from this process. The energy production from all of these different compounds
is dependent on the cellular respiration pathways we've just pointed . Amino acids,
lipids, as well as other carbohydrates can be converted to glycolysis and citric acid
cycle intermediates, which allow them to enter the cellular respiration pathway
through a variation of side doors. It makes no difference where these molecules
come from once they've joined the route; they'll simply carry out the remaining steps
to produce NADH, FADH 2, and other chemicals. The metabolic route in which cells
utilize enzymes to oxidize nutrients and release chemical energy in terms of making
adenosine triphosphate is known as oxidative phosphorylation, electron transport-
linked phosphorylation, or terminal oxidation (ATP). This occurs inside the
mitochondria of eukaryotes. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in nearly all aerobic
organisms. Because it generates greater energy (supplied by oxygen) than alternate
fermentation processes like anaerobic glycolysis, this mechanism is widely used.


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