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Name: Mohaimen C.

Year and Course: 2nd year - BSA
Date: January 29, 2022
Teacher: Mrs. Esterlita Bation


Instruction: Discuss the slide no. 13 and 15 extensively. Cite a concrete illustration.

A. Slide #13 (The Rational Model)

The chart that is show above is a Rational Model. The chart shows that a triangle strategy
is very important in terms of doing a strategic business analysis. The triangle strategy composes
of three (3), which are Strategic position, which it considers the environment, culture, capability,
purpose of the business in doing strategy, it makes the company regarding on how the values will
differ to the competitors. Strategic choice, in which contains about the business level, corporate
level, international, evaluation and help determine on what, how and where to sell the product or
services. The third which is the last is the strategic action where everything that are planned
based on the strategy are going to be implemented or also known as the implementation, which
includes the organization structure, processes, resourcing, strategy development, strategic
change, it creates external programs or project of the organizations in every day’s operation.

B. Slide #15 (The Strategy Lenses)

The Strategy Lenses. According to the given PowerPoint, this is a very young field of
business strategy research, and opinions on its nature and substance are still forming. The
diversity of viewpoints on it may be broken down into three ways or lenses which are strategy as
design which is viewpoint holds that strategy creation may be a local process in which the
organization's forces and limitations are carefully weighted using analytic and evaluative tools to
generate a clear strategy direction. Strategy as experience is where the experience of managers
and others in the organization based on prior strategies has a significant impact on future
organizational strategies. The ideas and methods of doing things entrenched in the culture of
organizations influence strategies, not so much by clear-cut analyses, and lastly is the strategy as
idea where its strategy necessitates creativity. These suggestions might come from any level or
location within the company. It necessitates encouraging workers to express their opinions and
thoughts, as well as a system for incorporating these proposals into strategy.

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