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Part A

Question 1 – 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.

1 The sign tells us to ring the bell to

A. ask for help.
B. enter a room.
C. hear the sound.

2 The email tells us that Lai Yeen

A. lives in Ipoh.
B. is enjoying her stay in Ipoh.
C. wants Yee Fun to tell her about Ipoh.

3 Bidara Tour Agency is
A. giving free breakfast to every visitor.
B. advising people to go on a holiday.
C. announcing its holiday offer.

4 This Saturday, the Environment Society will

A. build a pond.
B. close the school garden.
C. collect unwanted books.

5 The message shows the writer’s

A. inspiration.
B. appreciation.
C. encouragement.

6 Based on the notice, volunteers who join the event will
A. be awarded.
B. get a free meal.
C. have to drive there.

7 Joshua
A. is meeting Aidil at three.
B. wants Mum to pick him up.
C. has finished his science project.

8 Nazleen Noor’s business

A. is doing very well.
B. receives little support.
C. is facing some trouble.
[8 marks]
Part B
Read the conversation below and answer questions 9 to 16.

Meng Wai: Selina, how do you normally spend your free time?
Selina: Normally, I would chat online with my friends. Then, I would watch music
videos on YouTube. There are just so many interesting music videos from local
and international singers. I just love watching them!
Meng Wai: Would you mind telling me who your favorite singer is?
Selina: I like Sufian Suhaimi. Have you heard of him before?
Meng Wai: Yes, I believe so. What do you like about him?
Selina: He is very young yet he plays the piano and guitar very well. Many young
singers can only sing songs and dance, but Sufian Suhaimi can write his own
songs as well. Isn’t he talented?
Meng Wai: What do you do over the weekend? Do you watch music videos too?
Selina: Ha! Ha! I’m glad you asked. Well, I would usually help my mum to do the
chores. I would do the laundry for the whole family and vacuum the living room.
Meng Wai: Do you have any pets?
Selina: Yes, I do. I love cats very much, so my mum bought me a Persian kitten. I call it
Gandum and it is now one year old.
Meng Wai: What about your ambition? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Selina: In the future, I want to become a veterinarian as I love animals. Or I could work
as a zoologist. I can learn more about animals and their behavior.
Meng Wai: In three words, how would you describe yourself?
Selina: Friendly, jovial and determined!

Question 9 – 16
Complete the following table. Choose no more than three words and/or a number
from the conversation for each answer. For each question, write your answer in the

Personal Details about Selina

Favorite pastime 9 ____________________________

 Watch music videos

Favorite singer 10 ____________________________

Weekend chores 11 ____________________________

 Vacuum the living room

Ambitions 12 ____________________________
13 ____________________________

Character 14 ____________________________
15 ____________________________
16 ____________________________

[8 marks]

Part C
Read the text and answer questions 17 – 25.

Jocelyn dropped out of school to sell vegetables at the market place in order to earn a
living. She was only fourteen years old, with many family problems to cope with.
Jocelyn comes from a family of four. She has a younger brother and sister whom she
has to care for with the little free time that she has of her own. Their father died when
they were very young.

The sole breadwinner of her family was her mother who had to hold two jobs
just to pay the bills and send her three children to school. That was when Jocelyn
decided to quit school and sell vegetables at the market.

She worked for an acquaintance of her uncle who owned a market stall. The
owner did not treat her well at all. He was always shouting at her to get things done.
He worked her to the bone and even then was never really happy with her work.
There were difficult and choosy customers to handle too, but Jocelyn thought about
her family and continued to work hard.

Two months after Jocelyn dropped out of school, the principal, Mrs. Sue, paid
her a surprise visit. She had a talk with Jocelyn and her mother. In that two months
that Jocelyn was away, Mrs. Sue had managed to get help from some generous
donors who had learned of Jocelyn's situation. They were willing to help.

Thanks to the people who helped by donating money to Jocelyn and her family,
Jocelyn is now back in school. She hopes to get a good education and then a good
job to support her family.

Answer the questions below. Choose no more than five words and/or a number from
the text for each answer. For each question, write your answer in the space provided.

17 Jocelyn quit school in order to ________________________________________

[1 marks]
18 She is the ________________________________________ among her siblings.
[1 marks]
19 Who was the sole breadwinner in her family?
________________________________________________________ [1 marks]

20 Jocelyn worked at the ____________ which was owned by an acquaintance of
her uncle.
[1 marks]
21 She had a hard time at work because her customers were__________________
________________. [1 marks]
22 Mrs. Sue was the __________________________________ at Jocelyn’s school.
[1 marks]
23 ______________________ were willing to help after knowing Jocelyn’s situation.
[1 marks]
24 People _____________________________________ to help her and her family.
[1 marks]
Question 25 and 26
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided.
Meaning Word

25 unexpected ________________________________

26 leave ________________________________

[10 marks]

Part D
Questions 27 - 32
You are going to read a story about a girl who saved another girl from drowning.
Six sentences have been removed from the story. Choose from the sentences (A – H)
to fit each gap (27 - 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Saved from Drowning

One day, Rina was jogging in the park. It was a sunny day. As she was jogging, she
saw a boy and a girl flying kites. Feeling curious, she stopped for a while to watch
them. At first, the wind was not blowing strongly. 27 . However, all of a
sudden, a strong wind started blowing. The kites flew really high up.

Both the boy and girl started running excitedly with their kites. 28 .
The girl ran slightly ahead of the boy. She did not notice the lake in front and fell into
the lake. She screamed for help. 29 . She was about to drown. 30 .

She quickly swam towards the girl and grabbed her. 31 . However,
Rina managed to bring the girl to shore safely. The boy was really relieved that his
sister had been saved. 32 . Rina was just glad the girl was all right.

[6 marks]

A He thanked Rina for saving her.

B The kites flew very high up.
C Without hesitation, Rina quickly dived into the lake.
D The girl was panicking and struggled against Rina.
E She did not know how to swim.
F Rina went to ask a passer-by for help to save the girl.
G The kites did not fly high.
H They were running quite close to the lake in the park.

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