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University of Rizal System-Morong Campus

Province of Rizal

College of Engineering

Electrical Engineering Department

Professional Proficiency

Fabregas, Jordan Taylor F.



We can clearly see the advancement of our technology in terms of electricity,
as most previous producing facilities could only service their local areas, as shown
in the video. However, we can now see that it has almost completely engulfed the
entire country like here in Philippines, including some rural places. When I was a
kid, I used to wonder why our region was still without electricity. We only had power
at night, and there was no power during the day. I was asking those electricity
suppliers why this is happening, and when I go to the city, the electricity is on all
day, so I assumed they were just limiting it to those who live in the provinces because
of their ability to pay the bill. I didn't think about the technology to do it. But now
that the distributors are becoming larger and larger, in our province the electricity is
working well and throughout the day.

In the video it discussed about the transmission line, transmission line is the
one who carry a huge volumes of electricity that is being transferred over large
distances from the point of origin to the point of use. The apparent solution to this
problem is power lines, and stringing wires (usually referred to as conductors by
power professionals) across wide swaths of rural countryside is, in general, how bulk
electricity is transported. But there's more to consider if we want this mode of
transportation to be efficient. Because even good conductors such as aluminum and
copper have some resistance to current flow. The voltage decrease is significantly
more pronounced. The energy wasted as heat as a result of a conductor's resistance
is represented by this difference in power. The solution that they found here is to
Increase the voltage to lessen the current while maintaining the same amount of
power. As a result, that's exactly what we do. Power plants use transformers to raise
voltage up to 100,000 volts, and occasionally even more. Before transferring energy
via transmission lines, it must first pass through a transformer. This lowers the
current in the lines, reducing the wasted energy and making sure that as much power
as possible makes it to customers at the other end. They have simply switched high
current for high voltage, allowing the conductors to carry more power more
efficiently. We've also made the situation far more perilous. Voltage can be thought
of as electricity's drive to flow. High voltages indicate that the electricity is eager to
transfer and will find a way to do so even through things that are typically considered
non-conductive, such as air.

As an electrical engineering student I learned that the senior engineer the

designed the transmission lines for high voltage purpose to ensure the safety from
arcing and other dangers that come with high voltage. And insulation around the
conductors is not used on most long-distance power lines. This type of insulation
would have to be so thick that it would be prohibitively expensive. Instead, air spaces
or simply spacing everything far enough away provide the majority of the insulation.
Transmission towers and pylons are also make quite tall to prevent people or vehicles
on the ground from getting too close to conductors and causing an arc. Because bulk
electricity is transferred in three phases, most transmission cables are arranged in
groups of three. Each phase is separated from the other two by a sufficient distance
to prevent arcing between them. To keep enough distance between electrified lines
and grounded pylons, the conductors are connected to each tower via lengthy
insulators. These insulators are often formed of ceramic discs, which means that if
they get wet, electricity leakage must travel a significantly longer distance to ground.
Those discs that are uniformed, it's a simple approach to estimate the voltage of a
transmission line. Simply multiply the number of discs by 15 to get the total number
of discs. For example, each insulator on this line near my house has nine discs, and
I know it's a 138 kilovolt line. Smaller conductors can also be found running along
the tops of transmission lines. There is no current flowing via these static or shield
wires. The disc's purpose is to protect the main wires from lightning strikes. Electric
transmission lines face more than just high voltage design challenges. The
conductors themselves are a delicate balancing act of strength, resistance, and other
considerations. Because transmission lines are so long, even a little adjustment in
conductor size or material can have a significant influence on overall cost.
Conductors are rated according to how much current they can carry for a given
temperature increase. During high electricity consumption, these lines can become
very hot and sag, which can pose problems if tree branches are too close. Wind can
also impact conductors, generating oscillations that cause material damage or failure.

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