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Course Title: Functional Communication

Rev No. 02 Pre-requisite: NA

Course Code ENG 101
Dated: 20-02-2019 Credit Hours: 3-0

Course Descriptions
This course aims at helping the students in development of functional communication.
The basic contents of this course are divided into two main parts, one is communication skills in
the practical world and other is grammar. This course provides the students Language skills for
effective communication, organizational communication, the writing process, designing business
documents, preparing reports, proposals, manuals and presentation, preparing employment and
administrative messages, business terminology for marketing and trade, communicating with the
customer as well as this course aims at helping the students in correct grammar, punctuation and
syntax. Personal appearance, style and body language are some other aspects of English

Course Objectives
The course will have the following objectives:
1. To develop a range of active vocabulary, develop accuracy of expression;
2. To improve students oral and written expression, grammatical precision, etc) and to
develop speaking skills through participating in discussions (developing an argument,
persuasion, comparison-contrast, summarizing, etc.);
3. To make realize the importance of language as a tool for solving problems; and
4. To develop their skills of using language as a bargaining tool in their profession.

Learning Outcomes
On the completion of this course, the student will be able:
1. To have developed a range of active vocabulary, develop accuracy of expression;
2. To have improved their oral and written expression, grammatical precision, etc) and to
develop speaking skills through participating in discussions (developing an argument,
persuasion, comparison-contrast, summarizing, etc.);
3. To have realized the importance of language as a tool for solving problems; and
4. To have somewhat developed skills for using language as a bargaining tool in their

Grading Policy
Mid-Term examination 30%
Final-Term Exam 70%

Course Evaluation
This will be carried out systematically with the help of QEC course evaluation system.

Course Title: Functional Communication
Rev No. 02 Pre-requisite: NA
Course Code ENG 101
Dated: 20-02-2019 Credit Hours: 3-0

16 Weeks Teaching Plan

Week Topics
1. Introduction to communication
Functions: use of words/vocabulary building, parts of speech , parts of sentences,
clauses, phrases, capitalization, punctuation ,usage
Functions: modifiers, conjunctions, figures of speech, proofreading, formal and
informal interaction. grammar: basic to advance/ from of tenses
Reading: comprehension of text; literary analysis, library skills, reference book skills
Writing: Cohesion of text (generating themes, clarification, identification, sentence)
Functions: Discussion (formal, informal) (agreement and confirmation)
Grammar: Simple past to past continuous to past perfect.
6. Listening: Interview, Instructions, and Understanding directions.
Writing: Five Planning steps for effective message; Functions: Dialogue building
(agreement and disagreement: formal and informal); Grammar: Future tenses
Reading: Comprehension Level (2) Writing: Sentence and application
Listening: Common use, informal interaction even plays talk
9. Mid-Term Exam
Function: Social interaction: formal interaction, 7 C’s of Communication
Grammar: Active and Passive; Reading: Functions in the text (facts and opinions)
11. Reading: Classification, effective reading skills, book & research paper reading
12. Writing: research papers, case study, news-paper/ article, short story writing
13. Writing: creative writing, letter writing; bad and good news, pre-writing skills
Functions: Individual expression (certainty and uncertainty obligation, collective
expression (preference and intention); grammar: reported speech,
Reading: Comprehension level (3), understanding, articulation of idea & interpretation.
writing: essays. (reflective essays, persuasive essays, compare-contrast essays )
16. Writing: Application, C.V. for a job, Resume, Emails
17. Effective presentation Skills, Public Speaking Skills, Persuasive Speeches
18. Final-Term Exam

Text Books
Catherine Hilton & Margaret Hyder (1992). Punctuation and Grammar. Letts

Reference Books
Betty S. Azar & Stacy A. Hagen (2014). Basic English Grammar. Pearson Publicaiton.
Deborah B. Roebuck (2005). Improving Business Communication Skills. Prentice Hall.

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