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1-I've heard fantastic new that you've got a place at uni- you must be over the

2-Yes I've entered the medical university in Germany. I’m really excited about
that but i feel a bit insecure at a new place because of many new acquaintances
and language barrier.
1-So, first things first. In order to make it easier to find a common language
with other student you should keep a positive outlook wich will go a long way
in the process of acquiring new friends. By the way, conversation exchange
could help you with brushing up on your German.
2-I will take note of these tips and put up a notice at a language school to find
someone who wants to practise their German. Frankly speaking, i have another
problem related to my student budget, I can't properly allocate money for
different needs and there is always not enough for something.
1-One thing i learnt was to learn how to make your favourite meals yourself. It
helps to save money for other costs and also it is great for your health. Working
out how much you have to spend on different needs is definitely good idea, but
never forget about the fun, it is extremely important.
At the end of the day, remember that the most important thing is to enjoy your
big adventure!
2- I see you are really well versed in this matter.
1-Give me a call when you’ve settled in, won’t you?
2-I will phone you as soon as I get used to the new place. Thank you, buy for

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