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Microsoft Office is a collection of programs and packages that have a world wide
application for almost all the office related work. It has a near monopoly over the
personal computer packaged software market. Not only they are the most preferred and
widely used programs in this segment, they have become a bench mark against which all
other products are evaluated.
All the work done by using MS Office can be categorized into seven major
categories. They are as follows:

1. MS-Word
2. MS-Excel
3. MS-PowerPoint
4. MS-Access
5. MS-Outlook
6. MS-Publisher
7. MS-Front Page

A brief introduction about each of the above category is mentioned below.

Microsoft Word is a full featured word processing program which can be used for any
work involving creating and managing text. It can be used from the simplest to the most
complex form word processing applications. Word can be used to write letters and
reports, prepare bills and invoices, prepare office stationery like letter heads, envelopes,
forms, etc., design brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, magazines, etc

Microsoft Excel is the package which is highly used when the user wishes to tabulate
information, i.e. arrange data in the form of rows and columns and manipulate and
analyze it. Although excel can handle text pretty neatly, it is primarily used for numerical
data. With it user can create complex tables, charts, graphs etc and use a whole array of
analysis features.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation tool that helps in creating effective presentations
very easily. A presentation comprises of individual slides arranged in a sequential
manner. PowerPoint designers have provided a wide assortment of predefined slide
formats and clip art graphics libraries. Using these predefined slide formats; user can
quickly create slides based upon standard layouts and attributes. Also transparencies,
handouts and speaker notes can be prepared. PowerPoint shares common features like
other MS-Office components.
Microsoft Access is a professional database management package. It is used to create,
store, retrieve and query information very easily. Access is a relational database
management system through which user can have multiple tables, all linked to each other
through a common field, each table containing a specific type of data. Access also gives
the user the option of working with one access table by itself or with different kinds of
databases, fields and records.

When the user wishes to communicate and share information with people within his
office or outside, Microsoft Outlook helps to do it through e-mail, phone, fax and group
scheduling. It integrates personal and group calendars, e-mail client, contacts, tasks, to-do
lists, documents and address book. It exchanges e-mails with other users of internet and
intranet and arranges business meetings, birthdays, business trips, vacations etc.

Microsoft Publisher is a complete desktop publishing package which can be used if the
user wishes to create a professional looking publication. MS-Publisher comes with a
readymade design sets through which user can create a series of publication that share a
common theme. All the components prepared from the design set share the same graphic
elements and therefore look as a part of a unifying theme rather than stand alone designs.

Microsoft Publisher is a package used to manage a complete website. Through FrontPage
the user can create and manage a complete website, whatever may be the scale, content or
purpose of the website. FrontPage website creation and management tools give the user
everything needed to design and build a great looking and easy to navigate website.
Because of its complete integration with other MS Office components like Word, Excel,
and PowerPoint, FrontPage is increasingly becoming the preferred choice for non-
professional web designers.


Excel is great at organizing all types of data but it is the numerical data where Excel is in
its home turf. Since most of the times user not only needs a tool for sorting and managing
data but also analyzing and querying data, Excel’s powerful features helps the user to do
all this and more.

Excel comprises of a grid of rows and columns. Intersection of a row and a column is
called a cell. Typically rows are numbered numerically, i.e. 1, 2, 3… and so on, and
columns are labeled alphabetically, i.e. A, B, C…and so on. Columns do not end at Z,
After Z they start AA, AB, AC…and then BA, BB, BC… and so on. Each spread sheet
contains 16384 rows and 256 columns. That makes 4,194,304 cells. Each work book
contains 16 or more such worksheets.

Tool bar:
Groups of icons that perform related tasks are placed together in a ribbon, called a
toolbar. There are many tool bars available in excel - standard toolbar, formatting toolbar,
drawing toolbar, etc. each of these contain an assortment of related icons, specific to that

Other important parts of an Excel window include title bar, menu bar, formula bar,
horizontal scroll bar, vertical scroll bar, , sheet name, cell pointer, current cell pointer etc.

Data Entry:
Entering any data or any text, simply activate any cell by clicking on it and start typing.
Press enter to conclude the entry. Data can be of any type i.e. alphabets or numbers.

In addition to numbers 0 to 9 user can also enter various mathematical symbols like:
/ Division
* Multiplication
+ Addition
- Subtraction
% Percentage
. Decimals
^ Exponents
() Parentheses
And various comparison operators like:
= Equal to
> Greater than
< Lesser than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to

Formatting cells:
This feature of excel can be used to format cells as per requirement. Formatting includes
the following options number, alignment, font, border, patterns and protection. Also there
an option of category which further provides more options for formatting.

To format cell, select the particular cell, click on the format option on the menu bar and
click cells, all the options are visible and can be formatted according to the requirement.

Creating and Using Formulas:

The real power of excel lies in it being able to store complex formulas. The user can
create formulas either using absolute numbers or use of the relative cell address. It is
always advised to use the cell referencing because in case the values change in future, the
formulas based upon these values would automatically show the updated results.
The formula is entered by first typing + or = sign, and then either type the formula, or
assemble it using mouse or keyboard. Formulas can also be created using the pre-existing

Use of Copy, Cut and Paste options:

These three options are available in ‘edit’ option on the menu bar. The particular cell
which needs to be copied is activated, and then choose ‘copy’ command from the ‘Edit’
menu. Thus the value of the cell or the formula is copied, which can be pasted in another
cell. This is done by choosing the ‘paste’ option from the ‘edit’ menu. Similarly a cell can
be cut and then pasted from one location to another.

Data and Graphical Options:

Series Fill:
The option of series fill is used when the user wishes to fill up a range of cells in a
column or a row with consecutive and incremental numbers. While using this option
there is only one prerequisite, the common difference between any two consecutive
numbers must be common throughout this series.
Type the first number and then select the whole range which is to be filled up with
consecutive numbers, choose ‘series’ from ‘fill’ command in the ‘edit’ menu. Then click
on ‘ok’.

Sorting Data:
MS-Excel has a simple solution for sorting out the data entered in a random order. This
command allows the user to rearrange any type of data, either in ascending order or
descending order.

Highlight the range which is to be sorted, choose ‘sort’ command from the ‘data’ menu.
A window opens which gives multiple options to sort the data. Click ‘ok’ after entering
the required criteria to sort.

Charts and Graphs:
Charts and graphs help the user to see visually in a pictorial form. Data can be easily
analyzed when it is in the form of graph or a chart. The following is the procedure to
create a chart or a graph.

 Highlight the required rows and columns.

 Click on the ‘chart wizard’ icon in the ‘insert’ menu to start the chart wizard.
 Select the desired chart type and sub type. In the chart type options like column,
bar, line, pie, scatter, area. And in the sub type, 3-D vision is also available.
 Click on Next tab to continue.
 The range of cells, which was highlighted earlier, would be selected here
 Click on Next tab to continue.
 Type the graph title, category X-axis and Y-axis, after choosing Title folio.
 Click on finish tab to see the graph
The chart wizard is shown below

The final excel sheet with graph would appear as below

1. Create a worksheet containing employees details apply conditional formatting
and auto formatting for maximum and minimum salaries.
Auto Formatting
Step 1 : Go to Start menu and then click on Programs.

Step 2 : Select MS-office and click on MS-excel

Step 3: Select the cells then click on format-> Auto format

Windows appearing all the available formats appear select required format and click ok.
The text will be formatted in the selected format

Step 4 : Then select the required format and then ok
The formatted text will be as follows

Conditional Formatting:
Step 5 : Select (c2:c6)
Step 6 : Select format -> conditional format
A window appears and gives the specification as follows

Step 7 : Now click on ok then the cell which contains value greater than the given
condition will be represented as the format given as follows

2. Create a Sales Worksheet and apply filters
Auto filter

Step 1 : Go to start menu and click the program

Step 2 : Select Ms-office and click on Ms-excel.
Step 3 : Type the column names as Area, Month, Sales
Step 4 : Enter the required information.

Step 5 : Select Data-> Filter->Autofilter

A Drop down list appears which gives the options of filtering either in ascending or
descending order

Step 6 : Then we can select for required column to sort either in ascending or descending
as follows

Advanced Filter
Step 1 : Go to start menu and click the program
Step 2 : Select Ms-office and click on Ms-excel.
Step 3 : Enter the columns Emp no, Emp name, Salary.
Step 4 : Then enter the required information.

Step 5 : Select the required fields for filter along with the criteria column then
Step 6 : Select Data->Filter->Advanced Filter option

Step 7 : When we click on ok it displays only the details which satisfies the criteria as


Create an employee table with the following fields’ emp name HRA, TA GROSSPAY,
and NET Pays

Name Basic pay Deduction Taxes (%)

Dolly 80000 20000 15%
Sweaty 60000 10000 10%
Cherry 120000 15000 15%
Sunny 50000 10000 20%
Sandeep 80000 50000 10%
Hari 70000 40000 15%

1. Open the worksheet salary
2. We will first calculate the salary details for Mathews
3. Click on cell c8
4. Type=b2*50/100(hra) and press tab.
5. A value of 40000 appears in the cell c2 and d2 becomes the active cell.
6. Type=b2*TA and press tab
7. A value of 8000 appears in the cell d2 a e2 becomes the active cell
8. Press tab once more and cell f2 becomes the active cell
9. Type=b2+c2+d2-e2 and press tab
10. A value of 108000 appears in the cell f2 and g2 becomes the active cell
11. Press tab once more and more cell h2 becomes the active cell
12. Type=f2-(f2*g2) and press enter
13. A value of 91800 appears in the cellh2
14. Click on the cell h2

Name Basic pay HRA TA Deduction Gross pay Taxes (%) Net pay
Dolly 80000 40000 8000 20000 108000 15% 91800
Sweety 60000 30000 6000 10000 86000 10% 77400
Cherry 120000 60000 12000 15000 177000 15% 150450
Sunny 50000 25000 5000 10000 70000 20% 56000

Sandeep 80000 40000 8000 50000 78000 10% 70200
Hari 70000 35000 7000 40000 72000 15% 61200


Create work sheet of student marks list, which contains 7 students marks in 4
subjects calculate total marks, average, max, min results and division using

Names English Maths Science Social

Shruthi 89 89 89 68
Srinidi 78 79 90 79
Sampath 98 80 77 89
Rajesh 89 90 89 87
Rakesh 87 89 89 89
Anurag 98 98 79 80
Rinku 78 76 98 87


1. Open the worksheet of student mark list

2. We will first calculate the total marks details for sruthi
3. Click on cell f2
4. Type=sum (b2; e2) and press tab.
5. A value of 335 appears in the cell f2 and drag it..
6. click on g2 cell
7. Type=average (b2; e2) and press tab and drag it.
8. A value of 83.75 appears in the cell f2.
9. click on h2 cell
10. Type=max (b2; e2) and press tab and drag it.
11. click on i2 cell
12. Type=min (b2; e2) and press tab and drag it.
13. A value of 68 appears in the cell i2.
14. click on h2 cell

Student marks list
Names English Maths Science Social Total Average Max Min
Sruthi 89 89 89 68 335 83.75 89 68
Srinidi 78 79 90 79 326 81.5 90 78
Sampath 98 80 77 89 344 86 98 77
Rajesh 89 90 89 87 355 88.75 90 87
Rakesh 87 89 89 89 354 88.5 89 87
Anurag 98 98 79 80 355 88.75 98 79
Rinku 78 76 98 87 339 84.75 98 76


Create a work sheet of STUDENT data base with the following fields:, names,
English marks, Maths marks, science marks, social marks, total, percentage, result.
1 Samuel 55 65 75 91 286 71.5 Pass
2 Rakesh 90 88 78 86 342 85.5 Pass
3 Rahul 78 87 90 89 344 86 Pass
4 Rosy 66 98 76 67 307 76.75 Pass
5 Jasmine 78 77 76 75 306 76.5 Pass
6 Lilly 78 88 98 67 331 82.75 Pass
7 Mahesh 76 66 75 65 282 70.5 Pass
8 Harish 90 90 92 91 363 90.75 Pass
9 Mahi 77 78 67 80 302 75.5 Pass
10 Asha 12 2 2 6 22 5.5 Fail


1. Open the worksheet salary

2. We will first calculate the marks of Samuel
3. Click on cell c2
4. Type=sum(c2+d2+e2+f2)and press tab
5. A value of 286 appears in the cell g2 and h2 becomes the active cell
6. click on the cell h2
7. Type=g2/400*100 press tab
8. A value of % 71.5 appears the cell h2 and I2 becomes active cell
9. click on the cell i2
10. Type=if(AND(C2>35,D2>35,E2>35,F2>35),”pass”,”fail”)and press tab
11. A value of pass or fail appears in the cell J2 and drag it


Create a work sheet of STUDENT data base with the following fields:, names,
English marks, Maths marks, science marks, social marks, total, percentage, Rank.
1 Samuel 55 65 75 91 286 71.5 7
2 Rakesh 90 88 78 86 342 85.5 3
3 Rahul 78 87 90 89 344 86 2
4 Rosy 66 98 76 67 307 76.75 5
5 Jasmine 78 77 76 75 306 76.5 6
6 Lilly 78 88 98 67 331 82.75 4
7 Mahesh 76 66 75 65 282 70.5 8
8 Harish 90 90 92 91 363 90.75 1


1. Open the worksheet salary

2. We will first calculate the marks of Samuel
3. Click on cell c2
4. Type=sum(c2+d2+e2+f2)and press tab
5. A value of 286 appears in the cell g2 and h2 becomes the active cell
6. click on the cell h2
7. Type=g2/400*100 press tab
8. A value of % 71.5 appears the cell h2 and I2 becomes active cell
9. click on the cell i2
10. Type=Rank(h1,$h$1:$h$8)and press tab
11. Rank will be appeared.


Create a work sheet of STUDENT data base with the following fields:, names,
English marks, Maths marks, science marks, social marks, total, percentage, divisions.
1 Samuel 55 65 75 91 286 71.5 dis
2 Rakesh 65 55 45 33 198 49.5 3rd
3 Rahul 58 66 74 80 278 69.5 1 st
4 Rosy 44 52 82 57 235 58.75 2 nd
5 Jasmine 36 45 58 67 206 51.5 2 nd
6 Lilly 78 88 98 67 331 82.75 dis
7 Mahi 77 78 67 80 302 75.5 dis
8 Asha 12 2 2 6 22 5.5 fail


1. Open the worksheet salary

2. We will first calculate the marks of Samuel
3. Click on cell c2
4. Type=sum(c2+d2+e2+f2)and press tab
5. A value of 286 appears in the cell g2 and h2 becomes the active cell
6. click on the cell h2
7. Type=g2/400*100 press tab
8. A value of % 71.5 appears the cell h2 and I2 becomes active cell
9. click on the cell i2
10. Type=if(h2<32,”fail”,if(50>h2,”3rd”,if(60>h2,”2nd”,if(70>h2,”1st,if(100>h2,
”distinction”)))))and press tab
11. A value of 1st,2nd,3rd and distinction or fail appears in the cell I2 and drag it.


Create a work sheet of STUDENT data base with the following fields: names, English
marks, social marks, science marks

Names English Social Science Maths

Sunny 50 78 89 78
Honey 76 88 98 67
Cherry 78 98 78 65
Nanny 75 68 68 87
Dharani 88 67 66 56


Chart is graphically representation of sheet data.

1. Open a new work book

2. Enter the data
3. Select INSERT option from menu and it displays options CHART select
4. It displays chart wizard (standard types)
5. Select chart type in first chat wizard
6. Specify the range of data in second chart wizard
7. Enter the chart options like chart titles (x-axis-axis), gridlines, legend, data table etc
8. Specify the location of the chart in the final chart wizard
9. Click on finish button.



60 Series2
50 Series3
40 Series4
30 Series5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Create a work sheet of sales percentage data base with the following fields: year of sales,
sales percentage. Using bar chart, line-chart, pie-hart, doughnut-chart, xy (scatter)-chart.

Year Sales%
1999-2000 40%
2000-2001 46%
2001-2002 23%
2002-2003 98%
2003-2004 85%
2004-2005 35%
2005-2006 25%
2006-2007 10%


Chart is graphically representation of sheet data

1. Open a new work book
2. Enter the data
3. Select INSERT option from menu and it displays options chart select
4. It displays chart wizard (standard types)
5. Select chart type in first chat wizard
6. Specify the range of data in second chart wizard
7. Enter the chart options like chart titles (x-axis-axis), gridlines, legend, data table
8. Specify the location of the chart in the final chart wizard
9. Click on finish button.

1) Pie chart: these are the best charts to compare the percentage of the represents only
one data series

sales percentage

7% 3% 11%



1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004

2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

2) Doughnut chart: These are the best charts to compare the percentage of the represents
only one data series.


sales percentage

1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004

2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

7%3% 11%



3) Line chart: These are the best charts to compare the percentage of the represents only
one data series


sales percentage

sales percentage

1 98%
0.8 85%
0.4 40% 46% 35% 25%
0.2 23%
0 0 10%

ar 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ye 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00
- - - - - - - -
99 00 0 01 02 0 03 0 04 05 0 06
19 20 2 20 2 2 20 2

4) Bar chart: these are the best charts to compare the percentage of the represents only
one data series


Sales percentage

0 10%
7 0 25%
0 35%
sales %

5 0 85%
98% year
3 0 23%
0 46%
1 0 40%

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2


5) XY (scatter) chart: These are the best charts to compare the percentage of the
represents only one data series.


sales percentage


100% 98%
80% 85%

60% sales %
40% 40% 35%
20% 23% 25%
0 2 4 6 8 10



Create a work sheet of SSP company monthly sales report base with the following fields:, months, product-1, product-2, product-3 and with the help of pie-chart. Month Product-1 Product-2 Product-3
1 January 1200 650 350
2 February 300 550 600
3 March 200 150 750
4 April 1400 250 800
5 May 700 950 100
6 June 750 650 400
7 July 350 250 350
8 August 750 150 550

Chart is graphically representation of sheet data.

1. Open a new work book
2. Enter the data
3. Select INSERT option from menu and it displays options chart select
4. It displays chart wizard (custom types)
5. Select chart type in first chat wizard
6. Specify the range of data in second chart wizard
7. Enter the chart options like chart titles (x-axis-axis),gridlines, legend, data table
8. Specify the location of the chart in the final chart wizard
9. Click on finish button.

SSP company monthly sales report

, 0%
1, 3% 2, 6%
8, 22% 3, 8%

4, 11%

7, 19%
5, 14%

6, 17%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Statistical functions in MS-Excel:

1) SUM:
The sum ( ) function calculates the sum total of a series of entries in a specified range.
The example shows sum of a range from D5 to J5.

Formula: = sum (range)

The average ( ) function calculates the average of the series of specified numbers. The
example shows the average of a range from D5 to J5.

Formula: = average (range)

3) Standard Deviation:
The STDEV ( ) function calculates the standard deviation of a series of specified
numbers. In the example we have a range of ten cells from D5 to D14.

Formula: = stdev (range)

4) Median:
The median ( ) function finds out the median of a series of specified numbers. In the
example shown below, we have a range from D5 to D14.

Formula: = median (range)

5) Mode:
The mode ( ) function finds out the mode of a series of specified numbers. In the example
shown below, we have a range from D5 to D14. When there no mode in the given range,
the formula returns the value as #N/A

Formula: = mode (range)

6) Count:
The count function finds out the number of entries in a specified range. In the example
shown below, on using this function for a range D5 to D14, we get the count as 9.

Formula: = count (range)

7) Maximum Value:
The MAX ( ) function finds out the maximum (highest) value from a series of specified
numbers. In the example shown below, on applying the formula, we find the max value in
the range D5 to D14 is 68

Formula: = MAX (range)

8) Minimum Value:
The MIN ( ) function finds out the minimum (smallest) value from a series of specified
numbers. In the example shown below, on applying the formula, we find the min value in
the range D5 to D14 is 50

Formula: = MIN (range)

Financial functions in MS-Excel:

1) Future Value:
The function FV gives the future value of the cash which is in hand currently.

Formula: = FV (rate, nper, pmt, [PV], [type])

where FV → Future value of money
rate → Rate of interest
nper → No. of years
pmt → Principal amount
PV → Present value of money

* The value of ‘pmt’ is zero for single cash flow

* The value of ‘PV’ is zero for annuity

2) Present Value:
The function PV gives the present value of the cash which is expected to be received in
the future.

Formula: = PV (rate, nper, pmt, [FV], [type])

where PV → Present value of money
rate → Rate of interest
nper → No. of years
pmt → Principal amount
FV → Future value of money

* The value of ‘pmt’ is zero for single cash flow

* The value of ‘FV’ is zero for annuity

3) Present Value of Uneven Cash Flows (NPV):

The function of NPV (net present value) takes into consideration the time value of money
and attempts to calculate the return on investments by introducing the factor of time
element. When investment is made and cash flows are uneven, this formula can be used
to find the net present value.
Formula: = NPV (rate, value1, [value2], [value3]…..)
where NPV → Net present value
rate → Rate of interest
value 1 → first cash flow
value 2 → second cash flow

* The investment made is entered as the last value

4) IRR (yield) of Uneven Cash Flows:

The rate, at which the total present value of all cash inflows equals the initial outlay, is
the internal rate of return (IRR). The IRR is calculated by hit and trial method; we may
start with any assumed discount rate and find out the total present value of cash outflows
which is equal to the cost of the initial investment where the total investment is being
made in the beginning.

Formula: =IRR (values, [guess])

5. NPV problem:

Presume you invest Rs.8000 today with a financial company & the company pays
you Rs1000 in first year, Rs1500 in 2 nd year, Rs2000 in 3rd year, Rs2500 in 4th year &
Rs3000 in the 5th year at 5% rate. is this a good investment

Sl .no Year Cash flow
1 1 1000
2 2 1500
3 3 2000
4 4 2500
5 5 3000
6 RATE 5%

NPV OF = NPV (RATE, Range Of Cells)

= NPV (B7, A1:A5)
= $8447.94

As NPV of cash flows =8447 > investment (8000)

It is a good investment

6. Evaluating project investment decisions using IRR

Two project investment options are available & one needs to select the best.
Project-I: i.e. first option demands an investment of Rs60000 and will get the return of
rs12000 at end of 1st year , rs 15000 at the end of 2 nd year, rs18000 at the end of 3 rd year,
Rs21000 at the end of 4th year and Rs 26000 at the end of 5th year. Whereas in the second
option on investment of Rs100000 one will get Rs25000,Rs30000,Rs32000,Rs450000 at
the end of 1st, 2nd,3rd ,4th, & 5th year respectively evaluate which project in better.

Project- I project-II

1 Investment -60000 1 Investment -1000000
2 1 12000
2 1 18000
3 2 15000
4 3 18000 3 2 25000
5 4 21000 4 3 32000
6 5 26000 5 4 45000

Rate= IRR (B1:B6) rate= IRR[F1:F6]

Rate= 14%
IRR (range if cash flows,[guess])

(Optional 10% i.e. 0.1 automatic)

As project -I IRR> project- II

14% > 13 %

Accept project - I

Date Functions:

1) Today:
The today ( ) function returns the current date. Place the cursor on the cell where the date
needs to be displayed and choose ‘function’ from the ‘insert’ menu. Choose ‘date and
time’ from the function category and ‘today’ from the function name, then click on ‘ok’.
The current date as that of system settings would be displayed.

2) Now:
The now ( ) function returns the current date and time. Place the cursor on the cell where
the date and time needs to be displayed and choose ‘function’ from the ‘insert’ menu.
Choose ‘date and time’ from the function category and ‘now’ from the function name,
then click on ‘ok’. The current date and time as that of system settings would be


A macro is a sequence of commands that can be assigned to a single key, toolbar button,
or menu item and then can be repeated at will. Excel lets the user to record a macro
simply by switching on the macro recorder, performing the actions user want to record
and then turning of the recorder off. A recorded macro can be opened using visual basic
editor and can be edited by adding, deleting or alternating the instructions it contains.

Recording a New Macro:

To record a new macro:
 Choose tools → macro → record new macro to display the record macro dialogue
 Enter the macro name in the macro name box. Then assign macro a short cut key
and description about the macro can also be given. There is also an option
available where to store the macro.

 Click ok to close the record macro dialog box and start recording the macro.
Excel will display the stop recording tool bar, and the status bar will display
 Perform the actions which are to be recorded.
 Click the stop recording button on the stop recording toolbar to stop recording.

Running a Macro:
 The recorded macro can be run by using the short cut key or by making the
appropriate cell active, choosing; tools → macro → macros. This will display the
macro dialog box
 Select the name of the recorded macro and click the run button. Excel will
perform the actions recorded in the macro.


If you want to maintain a lot of information about any topic and be able to access it at a
snap of your finger, Microsoft Access 2000 database management system through which
you can have multiple tables all linked to each other through a common field, each table
containing a specific type of information.

Access also gives you the option of working with one access table by itself or with
different kinds of databases, fields and records. A systematic organization of data is
called a database.

Objects of Microsoft Access Database:

 Tables- A fundamental building block of an access database.

 Query - A filter through which data is evaluated. A question given to the Database
 Forms - Used to simplify data entry work or to display information in a specific
 Reports- It summarizes data in a format suitable for publishing
 Data access page- It is a HTML page created in access that allows users to view,
add or edit data stored in an access database
 Macros – Used to automate repetitive tasks.
 Modules – To develop a fully fledged software application, this automates a wide
variety of complex tasks.

Parts of an Access Window:

Title bar, Menu bar, standard tool bar and main switchboard

Creating a Database:
 Define the purpose of your database.
 Determine the tables that you do or may need in future in the database.
 Determine the fields that you need in each table.
 Identify unique field values that allow access to relate and store information
contained in different tables.
 Determine the relationships between tables.

When you open the MS Access

 Click on the blank access database radio button.
 Click ok button to continue.
 You would now be asked to give a name for your access database.
 Click in the save in box and choose the folder where you want to save your file in.
 Give the name of the database in the box.
 Click on create button to create a new database.
 Click on the table tab to create a new table.

 Double click on create table by using wizard to create a table using the table

Look at the image on the right. Click-

in the area or space under Field Name
and type-in Last Name (to replace ID).
Tap Enter or click-in the area to the
right under Data Type. The cursor
now moves to the right under Data
Type. Click the down arrow under
Data Type on right (see arrow on
right). Your design screen should look
like the one on the right.

Now we’ll talk about Data Types.

Data Type

Text: You may type in any alphabetical/numerical data that you desire - up to a
maximum of 255 characters. As indicated, this is a text field, so you can't do
mathematical calculations. Examples of Text data are: names, addresses, stock
numbers, room numbers, zip codes, etc.

Memo : This field is for lots of text. You can have up to 32,000 characters.

Number: This field is for numbers where you want to add, subtract, multiply, divide,
average, and do numerical calculations. This field can be a very large size, so
when we get to Field Properties, we'll talk about "sizing" this field so it doesn't
take up to much "space" in storage.

Date/Time: Dates and Times. You may format these later, as you may desire.

Currency: Dollars ($). You may format these later, as you may desire.

AutoNumber: This field is an "automatic" counter that assigns a number each time you put data into a
new field.

Yes/No: This is a "True/False" or "Yes/No" type of field.

OLE Object: This means "Object Link Embedding" which indicates you can insert a graphic,
picture, sound, etc. Pretty neat to put a photograph in a personnel record or a picture of an
inventory item in the stock record (advanced stuff).

Since this is a simple, introductory Access tutorial, we won’t work with Hyperlinks,
Attachments, or Lookup Wizards.

We'll leave Last Name as a Text Data Type. To the right under Description you may

make any remarks you feel are appropriate to someone who may want to know how/why
you designed the field as you did.

Now notice in the lower part of the screen, under Field Properties, that a box appeared
when you selected the Text Data Type. This box is "tailored" to the Text Data Type
that you selected above. Your Field Properties should look like the one below when
you finish doing the steps indicated below.

Field Properties

Click-in each area (to the right of the words) as you read about it below

Field Size: Is currently set to 255 characters. That's pretty large for a name. So, click- in this
area and change the number to 25 (you can make this larger or smaller later if you have

Format: Now click-in the Format Area. Next tap the F1 function key to activate Help.

Since you are in the Format area, Help will be "tailored to" this area. When the Help Window
appears, click Format Property.

Now click Text and Memo Data Types. Notice that there are several choices to make
your characters upper or lower case. This gives you an idea of some formats. We'll use
one later. Now click-on the “X” in the upper right corner of the Microsoft Access Help
– Format Property Window to close it.
Input Mask We'll come back to this feature later.

Caption: Look at the Light Blue Help area to the right. It explains about Caption.

Default Value: We'll come back to this feature later.

Validation Rule: We'll come back to this feature later.

Validation Text: We'll come back to this feature later.

Required: Look at the Light Blue Help area to the right.

Allow Zero Length: Look at the Light Blue Help area to the right.

Indexed: Look at the Light Blue Help area to the right.

Unicode Compression: Look at the Light Blue Help area to the right.

IME Mode: Look at the Light Blue Help area to the right.

IME Sentence Mode: Look at the Light Blue Help area to the right.

Smart Tags: Look at the Light Blue Help area to the right.


Creating and Working with Tables in MS-Access:

Table using Design View:

 Open the database and click on tables.
 Select Create Table in Design View.
 Enter the Parameters in the Field Name, select the corresponding Data Type and
give the parameters description.
 Click on Save and give the corresponding table name to it and click ‘OK’.
 After clicking ‘OK’ the database asks whether we create Primary Key for the
 Click on ‘Yes’ and the Primary key is created.

Screenshot of Table using Design View


Creating Table by Using Wizard:

 Select Create Table by using Wizard.
 A table wizard appears where in sample tables can be used to create a particular
 Select the Required Sample Tables and the needed Sample Fields for the new
table. And click on ‘Next’.
 Set a Primary key in the next dialogue box and give a name to the table. Click on
 Define the data field which holds unique for each record and click on ‘Next’.
 Define the relationship and click ‘Next’.
 Choose the radio button ‘Enter data directly into the table’. And click on finish.
 The table is created and is ready for entry of data

Screenshot of Table by using Wizard


Creating Table by Entering Data:

 Select Create table by entering data.
 A screen opens where Field1 to Field10 are displayed.
 Place the cursor on the first row and first Column Cell.
 Click on Format in the Menu bar and Select Rename Column.
 Rename the Column as per the requirement and save the table.
 Continue for the required number of Column data.

Screenshot of Table by entering Data



Create an employee table from design view with the following field’s employee id,
employee name, employee designation, employee pay, and employees join date

Create a Table from Design view

1. Double-Click on "Create table in Design view".


2. Define each of the fields in your table.

o Under the Field Name column, enter the categories of your table.
o Under Data Type column, enter the student details want for you categories.
o The attribute of a variable or field that determines what kind of data it can hold..

o Under the Description column, enter the text that describes what you field is.
(Save as the table and set primary key).

For our tutorial enter the following items:

3. Click on the Datasheet View and simply select “student table" away by entering the
data into each field.



Relationships between Tables:

 Select Tools and then click on Relationships.
 Select Relationships now and click on Show Table.
 A Show Table dialogue box is shown with all the created tables.
 Select more than one table to determine relationships. The tables selected can be
more than 2.
 Now drag the field name of one table to the exact field name of the other table
and drop it. This can be carried on for the rest of the tables. This creates a
relationship between the two tables.

Screenshot of Relationships


Creating and Working with Queries in Access:

Create Query in Design View:

 Select Queries in database.
 Select Create Query in Design View.
 A Show Table box is displayed where we need to select a particular table already
 Select a particular table and click on ADD.
 The table is selected and displayed as shown in the screenshot.
 Select the parameters from the drop down box and sort accordingly.
 Check the show check box.
 Click on Save and save the query with a name when the Save As dialogue box is
 The Query is saved and displayed in the Query screen.

Screenshot of Query using Design view


Create Query by using Wizard:

 Select Create Query by using Wizard.

 A Simple Query dialogue box opens.
 Select the particular table from the drop down list and select the fields required
for the query and click on next.
 Click ‘Next’ again.
 Give the name for the Query and click on ‘Finish’.
 The Query is displayed.

Screenshot of Query using Wizard


Creating and Working with Forms in Access:

Create Form by Using Wizard:

 Select Create Form by using wizard in Form window.
 A Form Wizard dialogue box is displayed where we select the table from drop
down box for which we create form.
 Select the fields required and click on ‘Next’.
 Select the layout for the form to be created and click on ‘Next’.
 Select the Style for the form and click on ‘Next’.
 Now name the Form with a name and click on ‘Finish’.
 The form is created and is automatically opened.

Screenshot of Form using Wizard


Creating And Working With Reports in Access:

Create Report by Using Wizard:

 Select create Report by using Wizard in the Wizard window.
 A Report Wizard window opens where we select the Table for which the report
has to be generated.
 Fields are selected which should be included in the Report and click ‘Next’.
 Click ‘Next’.
 Next we can sort the Report details as per our requirement and then click on
 Select the Layout of the Report and click on ‘Next’.
 Select the Style for the Report and click on ‘Next’.
 Give a name for the Report and click on ‘Finish’.
 A report is automatically created and the selected table and its fields are displayed
in the Report.

Screenshot of Report using Wizard


Create an employee table from “form” using the wizard and employee id and employee
pay in ascending order with the help of table


ID Employee id Employee name Employee designation Employee pay Employee join date
1 155056 shravani kumari electronic 45000 2/5/1999
2 155058 Sandeep manager 80000 6/29/1995
3 155057 Umagouri computer 45000 5/6/1999
4 155054 Pavan kumar civil 55000 5/7/1998
5 155063 Pummy finance 70000 12/2/2005
6 155062 Dummy hr 43000 12/23/2007


1. Click on the Forms button under Objects on the left side of screen
2. Double click on Create Form Using Wizard
3. On the next screen select the fields you want to view on your form.
4. Click Next
5. Select the layout you wish
6. Click Next
7. Select the style you desire.
8. Click Next
9. Give you form a name, and select Open the Form and enter information
10. Select Finish
11. You should see your form. To adjust the design of your form, simply hit the
design button (same as with the tables), and adjust your form accordingly




Create an employee table from report using the wizard and employee id and employee
pay in ascending order with the help of table


EMP S.NO Emp-Id Emp Name Emp Designation Emp Pay Emp Join Date
1 155056 shravani kumari Electronic 45000 2/5/1999
2 155058 sandeep Manager 80000 6/29/1995

3 155057 umagouri Computer 45000 5/6/1999

4 155054 Pavan kumar Civil 55000 5/7/1998
5 155063 Pummy Finance 70000 12/2/2005

6 155062 Dummy Hr 43000 12/23/2007


1 Switch to the Database Window. You can do this by pressing F11 on the
2 Click on the Reports button under Objects on the left side of screen
3 Double click on Create Report Using Wizard
4 On the next screen select the fields you want to view on your form.
5 Click Next
6 Select if you would like to group your files.
7 Click Next
8 Select the layout and the paper orientation you desire
9 Click Next
10 Select the style you desire.
11 Click Next
12 Give you report a name, and select Preview the Report
13 Select Finish


Importing Excel Data to Access
1. To format data in an Excel spreadsheet, you need to make sure the data is in list
format. This means that each column has a label in the first row and contains
similar facts, and there are no blank rows or columns within the list. Then, close
the Excel workbook that contains the data you want to use in Access.
2. In Access, open the database (if you already have one) or create a new database
where you want to copy the Excel data.

3. On the Access File menu, point to Get External Data, and then click Import.

4. In the Import dialogue box, click Microsoft Excel in the Files of type box. Then
locate the file you want to import and double-click the file.

5. After you select the spreadsheet to import, you'll be presented with a new screen
asking you to select the Worksheet or Named Range that you wish to import. In
the example here, there is only one worksheet. Select the worksheet and click

6. Specify whether column headings are present. Often, Excel users utilize the first
row of their spread sheet to provide column names for their data. In our example
file, we did this to identify Author ID, etc. In the window shown below, ensure
that the First Row Contains Column Headings box is checked. This will tell
Access to treat the first row as names, rather than actual data to be stored in the
list. Click the Next button to continue.

7. Choose a destination type. If you're working with a brand-new database, you'll
want to check the In a New Table radio box. If you are importing data into an
existing database, you could specify the destination table here. Click the Next
button to continue.

8. Create any desired indices. Database indices are an internal mechanism that can
be used to increase the speed at which Access can find information in your
database. You can apply an index to one or more of your database columns at this
step. Simply click the Indexed pull-down menu and select the appropriate option.

9. Select a primary key. You can either let Access generate a primary key for you, or
you can define one of the fields in your worksheet as primary key.

10. The last step is to name your table and click Finish. A dialogue box will appear to
inform you that your spreadsheet has been imported successfully.

11. Return to the database window; you will find the new table a part of your
database now.

13.Export an Access 2003 Report Into Excel Spreadsheet

In the corporate environment, Excel is king. So when you have an Access database report
that you would really prefer to analyze in Excel spreadsheet form, there’s an easy way to
convert it.

To convert it, start by opening up your Access Report in Print Preview mode.

Make sure you have the Print Preview Toolbar showing. You just need to right click an
empty area on your toolbar and select “Customize” and check the toolbar. 

From the Print Preview Taskbar click the drop down menu and select “Analyze It with
Microsoft Office Excel”.

Your Report will now be in Excel for you to change and analyze the data.


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