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Topic 10
The EU and Its Comparison with The ASEAN

CLASS: N01 (4529)


Ha Noi, 2021
Group: 02 Grade: 4529_N01
1. Team work plan
- Content:
+ Group meeting to agree on ideas
+ Make an outline and send it to the teacher
+ Edit and finalize
+ Divide the portions for each person
+ Extension of specific deadlines for each part
+ Check reviews for each other
+ Complete the form of the word version
+ Team leader checks for the last time
- Power point: 2 members find images, video, ..and the others design
- Division of presentations : all members usualy practice
- Group meeting and review before the test session.
2. Evaluation of work:

Student Implementati Completion Level Group meeting

S on progress
T Full Name ID
(on time)
T Number
Not Full Vibrant Contribute
Yes No Medium Good Participation positivity
good ideas

1 Nguyễn 452937
Thùy     
2 Nguyễn 452940
Thị Thu     

3 Vũ Thảo 452947  
Linh   

4 Phạm Thị 452950  

Hiền   
Result of article score: ............................ Ha Noi, July 8, 2021
Teacher marks first: ……………………. LEADER
Teacher marks the second:.…………… Linh
Teacher for the presentation: …………. Vũ Thảo Linh
Final conclusion: ……………………

Teacher's final rating: …………

Teacher for the presentation: ………….

Tables of Content


I. Overview of The EU……………………………………………………………….…...1

1. The origin of the EU………………………………….…………………………....1

2. Organizational structure of the EU………………………………………..……….1

3. The EU's influence on the world economy ……………..……..………………2

II .The comparison between the EU and the ASEAN…………………………………….3

1. What is the Asean?…………………………………………………..…………….3

2. The comparison……………………………………………………………………3


The world is developing more and more, the need for human-to-human
connection is increasing. The purpose is to work together towards a rich and
comprehensive development environment in all aspects. Stemming from that need,
alliance organizations between countries around the world were born. One of them is the
European Union and the Asean. Regarding this topic, group 2 will explore the knowledge
about these two organizations and compare the differences and similarities between them
through the essay below.
I.Overview of the EU
1. The Origin of the EU
The European Union, established in January 1, 1993 in Maastricht, the Netherlands
originated from the European Steel Coal Community (ECCS) and the European
Economic Community (EEC). The EU was established in 1951 and 1958 by six members
of the member of Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the
Netherlands. Foreign Minister Robert Schuman was the first one in Estc to the Schuman
statement in May 1950. This is the predecessor of the EU.
*Historical Milestones: 
+ 1951: The Paris Treaty led to the establishment of the European Steel Coal Community
+ 1957 : The ROMA Treaty was put into the establishment of the Euratom Community
(EURATOM) and established the European Economic Community (EEC).
+ Since 1967, the executing agency of the communities is consolidated and called the
European Council.
+ December 1991: the Maastricht Treaty or The European Union Congress discussed at
Maastricht, the Netherlands.
+ October 2, 1997 in Amsterdam: The Amsterdam Treaty (also known as the
Malarndrich Treaty) signed.
+ On June 19, 1990, the Schengen Treaty was agreed upon. 
+ December 11, 2000: The Nice Treaty focused on the institutional reform of the new
members and strengthening the role of the European Parliament, establishing a quick
response force (RRF).

*The goal of the European Union:

+ Links, cooperation, help each other together, developed goods, services, people, the
capital is freedom of circulation. 
+ To establish a link organization not only in economic and laws in the field of foreign
+ Development of scientific and technological revolution and the integration of the
regional links in the world. 
=>To achieve this goal, the EU needs to build a system of management, management
and monitoring, tightly to create the highest management effectiveness. That is the
tightness in the organizational structure of the European Union.
2. Organizational structure of the EU
The EU has what are referred to as “the three pillar”
*Pillar I:
+) The ECSC ( European Coal and Steel Community)
First proposed to end the war between France and Germany, the ECSC was the
first organization that unified members in Europe, making its formation the first step
towards the European Union.The ECSC created a common market in Europe for coal and
steel trading and encouraged peace in Europe at the same time. It also laid the foundation
for the formation of the EAEC and the EEC.
+) The EC (European Community)
The EEC was by far the most important of the three European communities and
led to the creation of the common market – the main ideology behind the European
Union.The EEC eliminated trade barriers among member states, ensuring peace through
economic cooperation across Europe. It also created economic integration through a
customs union.Complete free trade and movement of goods, services, and people within
the EEC was achieved in 1993, and the EEC was renamed as the European Community
under the Maastricht Treaty.
+) The EURATOM (European Atomic Energy Community Treaty)
The European Atomic Energy Community (also known as "Euratom") was created
in 1958 to establish a common market among member nations for trade in nuclear
materials and equipment.5 Among Euratom's goals was to coordinate research and
promote peaceful uses for atomic energy.The organization did not include military uses
of nuclear materials as part of its oversight. Instead, it focused on trade issues and
establishing health and safety regulations for atomic energy.
The European Community (EC) was developed after World War II in the hopes
that a more unified Europe would find it harder to go to war with one another. When the
European Community was created in 1957 there were six countries on the roster:
Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
The original European Community was comprised of three organizations and
governed by a series of treaties. These treaty organizations worked together to ensure fair
and even policies were enacted and enforced across participating countries.

*Pillar II: Justice and Home Affairs policy (JHA) is composed of the Ministers of
Justice and/or Home Affairs of the Member States of the European Union.

*Pillar III: Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

In the Council of the European Union, the ministers from the EU Member States
take a joint decision on the policy to be implemented within the EU. The Council is
supported by the Committee of Permanent Representatives, which prepares decisions and
guards the implementation and adherence of the decisions monitored by the Council.The
Council has six formal meetings a year. The EU presidency is free to organise several
informal meetings as well.
=> Thus, we can see that the system of agencies is arranged and organized in a tight
and suitable way with effective enforcement policies, the EU has created many
outstanding achievements for the world economy.
3. The EU's influence on the world economy
- The EU accounts for only 2.2% of the Earth's continent and 7.1% of the world's
population, but accounts for: (2004) 30.9% of world GDP, 26% of cars in the world,
37.7% of world exports, 19.9% of world energy consumption
- The EU countries had the second largest share of global imports and exports of goods in
2016.Their exports amounted to 15.6 % of the world's total, though in 2014 these were

surpassed for the first time in the EU's existence by those of China (16.1 % in 2014,
rising to 17.0 % in 2016). However, they remained ahead of the US (11.8 %).1
- In terms of the total value of all goods and services produced, EU gross domestic
product (GDP) in 2019, when the UK was still part of the EU, was €16.4 trillion.
- EU surpasses both the United States and Japan to rank first in the world in many
economic development indicators.

-> But besides the achievements that the organization has, there are also many
challenges posed to the EU on issues of unemployment, refugees, terrorism,.…

II.The comparison between the EU and the ASEAN

1. What is ASEAN?
ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is a regional organization
that brings together disparate neighbors to address economic, security, and political
issues,…ASEAN is a regional grouping that promotes economic, political, and security
cooperation among its ten members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

ASEAN countries have a total population of 650 million people and a combined
gross domestic product (GDP) of $2.8 trillion. The group has played a central role in
Asian economic integration, spearheading negotiations among Asia-Pacific nations to
form one of the world’s largest free trade blocs and signing six free trade agreements
with other regional economies.

ASEAN is headed by a chair that rotates annually among member states and is
assisted by a secretariat based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Important decisions are usually
reached through consultation and consensus guided by the principles of noninterference
in internal affairs and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

2.The comparison EU with ASEAN

a. The similarity:
The first similarity is that both are regional organisations with legal personalities.
The EU has 28 members and will have 27 in March 2019. Asean has 10 members, with
Timor Leste knocking on the door.
The second similarity is that both were founded to promote peace. The EU was
founded, after two disastrous world wars, to prevent the recurrence of war in Europe and
to institutionalise peace through economic integration. Asean was founded to create a
peaceful environment in South-east Asia so that the Asean countries could focus their
energies on their economic development.
The third similarity is that both seek to integrate the economies of their member
states into a single market and production platform. But about the movement of labour,
there is a major difference between Asean and the EU. In the case of the EU, there is
freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labour. In the case of Asean, the
movement of labour is not free. The Asean Charter obliges the member states only to
facilitate the movement of business persons, professionals, talents and labour.
The fourth similarity is that both organisations share a commitment to human
rights. The EU has a Charter of Fundamental Rights and Asean has a Declaration of
Human Rights.The Asean Charter contains several provisions in its Preamble, Purposes
and Principles on human rights. Asean has two commissions on human rights: the Asean
Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights and the Commission on the Rights of
Women and Children.However, the EU has a European Court of Justice. Asean does not
have a court.
The fifth similarity is that both Asean and the EU have concluded many free trade
agreements or comprehensive economic partnership agreements with other countries.
For example, the EU and Singapore have concluded a free trade agreement which is
pending ratification. Asean has concluded such agreements with China, Japan, South
Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand but not with the EU.
The sixth similarity is that both Asean and the EU hold regular political and
economic dialogues with important external partners. The EU holds annual summits
with, among others, the United States, China, Japan and Russia.Asean has created three
forums to engage its external partners, namely, the Asean Regional Forum, Asean Plus
Three and the East Asia Summit. In addition, Asean holds bilateral dialogues with its 10
dialogue partners. Finally, Asean holds an annual summit with the US, China, India,
Japan and South Korea.

b. The difference:

Type of the A supranational organisation An inter-governmental organisation
From 3 communities: coal-steel;
energy; European Economy -> From the very beginning, it was an
European Community (EC) -> economic-cultural association.
Starting point European Union (EU)
From the original 5 countries
From the original 6 countries, it expanded to 10 member countries
expanded to the current 27 member

Higher Lower
- 1951-1957 was born and built 1992, formed the ASEAN Free
economic communities Trade Area (AFTA). It is a form of
Link level - 1968 construction of customs association lower than the common
unions market.
- 1999: unified market monetary
- 2002: The peak is the Eurozone

Integration Federal rule Confederation rule

principle - The original link from economics - The initial link is a security and
-> to politics political link -> to culture,
economy, society

- Strict laws, clear sanctions. - According to the consensus
principle, law and political
institutions are very loose

Area Regional link in Europe Regional link in Southeast Asia

Court & Has a European Court of Justice Have no a court & Parliament
Parliament and A Parliament

A common Has a common currency called the Have no a common currency and
currency euro. plans to have one

=> The European Union is the largest regional political-economic organization in

the world with effective activities and great influence on the global economy, accounting
for a quarter of the world GDP. This influence will continue into the future.

“Individually, each of us is just a drop of water. Together, we are the
ocean.Individually, each of us is just a drop of water. Together, we are the
ocean.”2 The association of organizations brings benefits to member countries,
help to expand and develop in all aspects from economy, culture, politics,... We
believe that in the future, there is not only the European Union, but also more and
more powerful and effective organizations to contribute to the creation of a modern
civilized world.


 Ryunosuke Satoro
1. Assay: “ The EU an Actor Sui Generis? A Comparison of EU and ASEAN
Actorness “ – link
2. Assay: “ FDI and Economic Growth: Causality for the EU and ASEAN “ – link
3. Assay “ The EU and ASEAN : real integration and lesson in financial
cooperation “ – Michael G. Plummer – link
4. Assay: “ Creeping supranationalism: the EU and ASEAN experiences
“ by REUBEN WONG – link
5. Assay: “ Comparative analysis of the process of economic integration of EU
and ASEAN “ - Dr. Dinh Ba Hung Anh , Dr. Nguyen Hoang Tien – link
6. Assay: “ THE EU AND ASEAN: Learning from the Failed EU-Mercosur FTA
Negotiations “ - Alfredo C. Robles, Jr. – link

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