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Department of Justice


Subject: Anh van HP1

Section 1: Write an email/ a letter (120-150 words) to your English pen
friend – John to tell him about some changes in your local areas during the Covid
19 pandemic.
Section 2: Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite movie (200-
250 words)

Full name : Nguyen Xuan Hiep

Student ID : 450615
Class : N08

HA NOI, 2021
Section 1:
Dear John,
It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. How have you been? The
pandemic has really changed our life. People in my city don’t see others as they
used to do. Student have to attend online class. We only go out when it is
necessary, other activities are canceled, we can’t travel to other place or even go
to the cinema. The movie Spider-Man: No Way Home of the MCU - is being
shown and people in my city (especially young people) can only stay at home
and experience the feeling of watching the movie through the reviews of people
online. Life is boring recently. Everyday is the same as the previous one: waking
up, online classes, assignments... The economy goes down, many restaurants,
amusement parks have closed due to lack of funds to maintain during the
pandemic. Fortunately, things seem to get better day by day thanks to the effort
of everyone. I hope we can get back to normal life soon. I’m looking to visit you
and your family, please give my regards to them! If you are free, I”ll invite you
to go to the cinema.
Hope to hear from you.

Section 2:
When it comes to my favorite movie, off the top of my head, I would say
it’s The Avengers: Endgame.
It’s an superhero fictional movie starring Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett
Johansson and many more. It was actually a final movie which conclude the
whole journey full of joy and sorrow. I remember watching it for the first time in
2019, and since then I still rewatch it many times. This movie far exceeded my
expectations. The plot was about a group of superhero trying to protect not only
the Earth but also other planets from the brink of destruction from the evil
antagonist Thanos and his army. It is designed to be the most blockbuster of all
the blockbusters, a movie with a dozen subplots colliding, and familiar faces
from over 20 other movies. It’s really like nothing that Hollywood has produced
before, existing not just to acknowledge or exploit the fans of this series, but to
reward their love, patience, and undying adoration. It was a happy ending, but
there were so many heart-breaking scenes particularly the death of some of my
favorite characters-Tony Stark (by Robert Jr. role play). It also has stunning
cinematography and catchy soundtrack. About why I like it and want to re-
watch it, I guess the main reason is the witty screenwriting. Avengers: Endgame
is the longest movie of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) by a wide margin
at three hours and two minutes, which means there are more than a fair share of
unforgettable moments. It kept me on the edge of my seat the entire three hours
watching it, the shortest three hours of my life! Much of that service radiates
with a sincere, even soulful, embodiment of the crackling wit and playful self-
awareness that has helped these movies keep fans engaged for so long. Another
factors making it a roaring success are the contribution of well-known
celebrities with excellent acting skills and fantastic action scenes thanks to
amazing visual effects. In brief, Avengers Endgame is one of the most
impressive Superhero fictional film that satisfies me in terms of both content and
I recommend that everyone should watch this movie at least once. That is
all I want to share about this movie, thanks for listening.

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