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It is a fact that all learners are created equally but learn differently. Each has a
unique learning style where teachers have to address individually. When we say
“learning styles” it means every learner learns in a different manner. Technically, an
individual’s learning style refers to learners’ preference in absorbing, processing,
comprehending and retaining information. There is no such thing as one size fits all in
the learning arena.

Basically, there are learners who can process and get the information easily by
following verbal instructions, while others have to physically manipulate things
themselves in order to learn. Individual learning styles depend on cognitive, emotional
and environmental factors, and learner’s prior experience. This simply shows that every
learner is unique. Hence it is important for us teachers to understand the differences in
learners learning modes and styles to make teaching- learning process effective and
meaningful to them.

Eventually, it is best to learn that as teacher, we must deeply understand our

learners. We must master their interest, their intelligence/s, their behavior and their
styles of absorbing information so we can choose the right avenues where they can
learn better.

In the context of teaching and learning, as teachers, we play very crucial roles as
if we hold the lives of our learners in our own hands. Definitely, we do. How we deliver
our goods to them greatly matters. Employing the best strategies increase our growing
passion to teach and continue to rekindle the interest of our learners to learn.
Consequently, our learners evolve and manifest the metamorphosis of learning from
frustration to independent. 

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