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Electric Cars

(Intro) Electric car is a vehicle that is

powered entirely or partially by electricity
from a battery that requires recharging.
(Hook) In 2019, the number of light electric
vehicles globally was only 9 % higher than in
2018. This was a clear deviation from the
growth rates of the previous six years, which
were between 46% and 69%. (Topic) In this
topic, we will discuss the recharges points as
one of the disadvantages of using electric
cars. (Conclusion) In summary, electric cars
these days are not the best choice for long
(Body) An electric vehicle recharge point is
an infrastructure element that supplies
electric power to rechargeable vehicles.
These include fully electric vehicles, district
electric vehicles, and rechargeable hybrid
vehicles. Electric refueling stations are still in
the development stages. Not a lot of places
you go to on a daily basis will have electric
refueling stations for your vehicle, meaning
that if you are on a long trip or decide to
visit family in a rural or suburban area and
run out of charge, it may be harder to find a
charging station. You may be stuck where
you are. However, until charging stations are
more widespread, be sure to have a
charging station maps where you live and
where you frequently go so that you will be
able to charge your new EV when you need
to. (summary) In conclusion, electric cars
may have many advantages, but they also
have an important disadvantages too. Since
the refueling stations are still in the
development stages, electric cars are not
the first choice these days. electric cars
these days are not the best choice for long
trips. As a result, electric cars need more
time to develop.

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