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Tue Jan 18 19:22:20 2022

Unknown platform.

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s
Manufacturer motorola model moto g(8)
Screen diagonal is 5.79250042939 inches.
Early init took 0.27s
Early init took 0.27s
Attempting to copy your saves from stock location...
Android search paths:
RenPy_Saves/ /data/user/0/
Loader init took 0.27s
Loader init took 0.27s
Loading error handling took 0.32s
Loading error handling took 0.32s
Loading script took 14.47s
Loading script took 14.47s
Saving to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.85s
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.85s
Loading persistent took 0.02s
Loading persistent took 0.02s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
- Init at 00updater.rpyc:23 took 0.74341 s.
Set script version to: (7, 4, 11)
- Init at 00images.rpyc:52 took 0.50878 s.
Running init code took 2.50s
Running init code took 2.50s
Loading analysis data took 1.40s
Loading analysis data took 1.40s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.80s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.80s
Index archives took 0.00s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.01s
Making clean stores took 0.01s
Initial gc. took 1.75s
Initial gc. took 1.75s
DPI scale factor: 1.000000
Creating interface object took 0.17s
Creating interface object took 0.17s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 1.94s
Init translation took 1.94s
Build styles took 0.05s
Build styles took 0.05s
Load screen analysis took 0.91s
Load screen analysis took 0.91s
Analyze screens took 0.04s
Analyze screens took 0.04s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Prepare screens took 4.52s
Prepare screens took 4.52s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.03s
Running _start took 0.03s
App not focused at interface start, shutting down early.

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