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Examen d’anglais des affaires

Nom : Aberbour

Prénom : Céline

Groupe : G1

1. Read the article and choose the correct answer (a, b, c, ord

1. a) has been in business for a long time

2. c) was first produced 15 years ago.
3. b) production is cheaper than in the UK
4. c) put more money in R&D.
5. c) have not expect this decision.
6. a) has a factory in Malaysia now.
7. a) Research and Development.
8. . c) £22 million
9. b) He is sorry that people will lose their jobs
10. b) it is the most important part

2.Find the appropriate word corresponding to each definition related to personal

finance. An example has been given to you.

Definition Word

Money paid monthly by an employer Salary

Money lent to purchase property / house. A loan
Money paid to finance government spending. Taxes
Money added to someone’s usual pay for good financial result Remihance
Money received for working extra hours overtime
Money paid for the use of a house or flat rent
Money spent on every day needs such as food. Daily expense

3. Give four word partnerships to get what people want from work

- Trust – respect – responsibility – pride in the work – salary

4. Explain briefly and precisely the following expressions.(

a) He has to meet a deadline : to have something finished by a set day or time

b) She often has salary increments : her salary is often increased

c) They often talk shop :they talk about their job in inappropriate places (informal)
d) John is my opposite number : john work in the same position as me but in a different

5. Ask questions to which the underlined words are the answers

a) Why will the manager find a new agent ?

b) How was the rate of the income per capita last spring ?

c) Who does she intend to see ?

d) What must we do ?

Writing :

The job is one of the future hopes that every individual aspires to and that every
individual must also start planning for from his childhood, as it is not hidden from anyone the
importance of planning for the future, for which the job is the most important component.
There are those who intend to become a doctor like his father, or an engineer like his brother,
or a teacher Like his teacher, who loved him in the classroom, and there is no doubt that his
choice of a job that suits him is related to his skills and experiences on which he was brought
up .what is the job I want to apply for ?.

My dream job to be a businesswoman. This is because I think that businesswoman

could have a huge income as well as a trader. By having the ability to speak languages, I
could get customers from around the world.Well, I wanna become a businesswoman because I
wanna have a huge income. I wanna make my parents proud of me. Yeah, anyway who
doesn’t want to earn a huge income ? I also wanna improve my economic conditions. I want
my parents to live in a big and comfort house. I think I also have the ability to think about
business. I got a good score in business studies.By meeting people from countries is very
interesting. We can learn different things from different people. On the other hand,
Businesswoman sounds very cool. My father asked me to, and I sometimes help my father’s
work at office. Its quite interesting and challenging to deal with money and publics.

One of the most important things that enables the individual in his job is the extent of
his readiness for it. If he is well prepared through trusting in God, studying and collecting
information about the upcoming company, the balance of his movement and the strength of
his personality, his knowledge of the nature of the upcoming work on him, his chances are
strong in his job, and if his willingness is bad. Indifferent to what is presented to him, this was
the reason for his failure in his job, as well as his failure to be able to do so, so the applicant
seeks to come forcefully to his place of work in order to enjoy much good in it, and to be a
strong factor in building his community.

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