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Republica bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la educación superior

Instituto universitario de profesiones gerenciales
Cátedra: ingles I


Pérez Ramírez Javier
CI 16.676.969

Caracas, 08/08/09
For every human being is terrible to loose a person we love and more of it when
it’s about few month living. That happend me almost three years ago because
my goddaughter died because a pneumonia, after she was a week at the
hospital, passing through many worst situations bad for her and of course, for
the rest of family.

For me those were very hard and difficult days, because I was with her all those
moments, living painfully at any crying, every pain and the sadness of her
parents; until it came the most terrible moment, the moment when she leave
us, when she was in my arms, it was the worst moment of all my life. I felt a part
of me was going out with her. But now, I’m sure she’s in a good place near to
god and it makes me to be stronger in front that situation of life. I think we can’t
fight against god’s decisions, we can’t do any thing but now I take more
foreseens respecting to health of all my love beings and if it would happen
again with another relative I would accept it with resignation and bravery, having
in mind that one day we will find then again

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